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<h1>Defining N-ary Relations on the Semantic Web</h1>

  <h2>W3C Working Group Note 12 April 2006</h2>
    <dt>This version:</dt>
    <dd><a href=""></a></dd>
    <dt>Latest version:</dt>
    <dd><a href=""></a></dd>
    <dt>Previous version:</dt>
    <dd><a href=""></a></dd>
    <dd><a href="">Natasha Noy</a>, Stanford 
    <dd><a href="">Alan Rector</a>, 
      University of Manchester</dd>
    <dd><a href="">Pat Hayes</a>, IHMC</dd>
    <dd><a href="">Chris Welty</a>, 
      IBM Research</dd>
    <dt>&nbsp; </dt>
    <dd>Also see <a href="#acknowledgements">Acknowledgements</a>.</dd>

<p class="copyright"><a href="">Copyright</a> &#169; 2006 <a href=""><acronym title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym></a><sup>&#174;</sup> (<a href=""><acronym title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</acronym></a>, <a href=""><acronym title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics">ERCIM</acronym></a>, <a href="">Keio</a>), All Rights Reserved. W3C <a href="">liability</a>, <a href="">trademark</a> and <a href="">document use</a> rules apply.</p>

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<h2 class="notoc"><a id="abstract" name="abstract">Abstract</a></h2>

<p>In Semantic Web languages, such as RDF and OWL, a property is a <em>binary</em> 
  relation: it is used to link two individuals or an individual and a value. However, 
  in some cases, the natural and convenient way to represent certain concepts 
  is to use relations to link an individual to more than just one individual or 
  value. These relations are called <em>n-ary relations</em>. For example, we 
  may want to represent properties of a relation, such as our certainty about 
  it, severity or strength of a relation, relevance of a relation, and so on. 
  Another example is representing relations among multiple individuals, such as 
  a buyer, a seller, and an object that was bought when describing a purchase 
  of a book. This document presents ontology patterns for representing n-ary relations 
  in RDF and OWL and discusses what users must consider when choosing these patterns.</p>

<h2 id="Status">Status of this Document</h2>

<p><em>This section describes the status of  this document at the time of its
publication. Other documents may  supersede this document. A list of current
W3C publications and the  latest revision of this technical report can be
found in the <a href="">W3C technical reports index</a>

<p>This document is a
<a href="">Working 
Group Note</a>, produced by the
<a href="">Semantic Web
Best Practices and Deployment Working Group</a>, part of the
<a href="">W3C Semantic Web Activity</a>.
This document is one of a set of documents providing
an introduction and overview of ontology design patterns produced by the 
SWBPD Working Group's
<a href="">Ontology Engineering
and Patterns Task Force</a>.

As of the publication of this Working Group Note the SWBPD
Working Group has completed work on this document.  Changes
from the previous Working Draft are summarized in an
<a href="#Changes">appendix</a>.
Comments on this document may be sent to
<a href=""></a>,
a mailing list with a 
<a href=""
>public archive</a>.  Further discussion on this material
may also be sent to the
<a href="">Semantic Web Interest Group</a>
mailing list,
<a href=""></a>,
also with a <a href=""
 >public archive</a>.

<p>Publication as a Working Group Note does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.</p>

<p>This document was produced by a group operating under the <a href="">5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy</a>. This document is informative only. W3C maintains a <a rel="disclosure" href="">public list of any patent disclosures</a> made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains <a href="">Essential Claim(s)</a> must disclose the information in accordance with <a href="">section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy</a>.</p>

<h2 id="toc">Table of Contents</h2>

 <li><a href="#general">General issues</a></li>
 <li><a href="#examples">Use case examples</a></li>
 <li><a href="#representation">Representation patterns</a>
   <li><a href="#vocabulary">Vocabulary for n-ary relations in RDF and OWL</a></li>
   <li><a href="#pattern1">Pattern 1: Introducing a new class for a relation</a>
     <li><a href="#useCase1">Use Case 1: additional attributes describing a relation</a></li>
     <li><a href="#useCase2">Use Case 2: different aspects of the same relation</a></li> 
     <li><a href="#useCase3">Use Case 3: N-ary relation with no distinguished participant</a></li>
     <li><a href="#choosingPattern1or2">Considerations when introducing a new class for a relation</a></li>
   <li><a href="#pattern2">Pattern 2: Using lists for arguments in a relation</a></li>
 <li><a href="#RDFReification">N-ary relations and reification in RDF</a></li>
 <li><a href="#background">Additional Background</a>
   <li><a href="#Note">Note on vocabulary: Relations and instances of relations, Properties and Property instances</a></li>
   <li><a href="#anonvnamed">Anonymous vs named instances in these patterns</a></li>
   <li><a href="#sec-notes">Notes</a></li>
 <li><a href="#References">References</a></li>
 <li><a href="#Changes">Changes</a></li>
 <li><a href="#acknowledgements">Acknowledgements</a></li>


<h2 id="general">General issues</h2>

<p>In Semantic Web languages, such as RDF and OWL, a property is a
<em>binary</em> relation: instances of properties link two individuals. Often
we refer to the second individual as the "value" or to both both individuals
as "arguments" [See <a href="#Note">note on vocabulary]</a>.</p>

<p>Issue 1: If property instances can link only two individuals, how do we deal 
  with cases where we need to <em>describe</em> the instances of relations, such 
  as its certainty, strength, etc?</p>

<p>Issue 2: If instances of properties can link only two individuals, how do we 
  represent relations among more than two individuals? ("n-ary relations")</p>

<p>Issue 3: If instances of properties can link only two individuals, how do we 
  represent relations in which one of the participants is an ordered list of individuals 
  rather than a single individual?</p>

<p>The solutions to the first two problems are closely linked; the third problem 
  is fundamentally different, although it can be adapted to meet issue one in 
  special cases. Note that we don't use RDF reification in these patterns; the 
  reasons for this decision are discussed in <a href="#RDFReification">the final 
<h4 id="docDataDesc">Data descriptions used in this document</h4>
<p>The data format used in this document is <a href="">Turtle</a> 
  [<a href="#turtle">Turtle</a>], used to show each triple explicitly. Turtle allows 
  URIs to be abbreviated with prefixes:</p>

<div class="exampleOuter exampleInner data"> 
  <pre class="data">
@prefix dc:   &lt;; .
@prefix :     &lt;; .
:book1  dc:title  "Defining N-ary Relations on the Semantic Web" .

<h2 id="examples">Use case examples</h2>

<p>Several common use cases fall under the category of n-ary relations. Here
are some examples:</p>
  <li><em><a name="example1"></a>Christine has breast tumor with high probability</em>. 
    There is a binary relation between the person <code>Christine</code> and diagnosis 
    <code>Breast_Tumor_Christine</code> and there is a qualitative probability 
    value describing this relation (<code>high</code>).</li>
  <li><em><a name="example2"></a></em><em>Steve has temperature, which is high, 
    but falling</em>. The individual <code>Steve</code> has two values for two 
    different aspects of a <code>has_temperature</code> relation: its <code>magnitude</code> 
    is <code>high</code> and its <code>trend</code> is <code>falling</code>.</li>
  <li><em><a name="example3"></a></em><em>John buys a "Lenny the Lion" book from for $15 as a birthday gift. </em>There is a relation, in 
    which individual <code>John</code>, entity <code></code> 
    and the book <code>Lenny_the_Lion</code> participate. This relation has other 
    components as well such as the purpose (<code>birthday_gift</code>) and the 
    amount (<code>$15</code>).</li>
  <li><em><a name="example4"></a>United Airlines flight 3177 visits the following 
    airports: LAX, DFW, and JFK.</em> There is a relation between the individual 
    flight and the three cities that it visits, <code>LAX</code>, <code>DFW</code>, 
    <code>JFK</code>. Note that the order of the airports is important and indicates 
    the order in which the flight visits these airports.</li>

<p>Another way to think about the use cases is how they might occur in the
evolution of an ontology.</p>
  <li>We discover that a relation that we thought was binary, really needs a
    further argument - a common origin of use case 1.</li>
  <li>We discover that two binary properties always go together and should be 
    represented as one n-ary relation - a common origin for use case 2</li>
  <li>From the beginning, we realize that the relation is really amongst several 
    things - a common origin for use case 3</li>
  <li>The nature of the relation is such that one or more of the arguments is
    fundamentally a sequence rather than a single individual - use case


<h2 id="representation">Representation patterns</h2>

<p>As we describer earlier, in Semantic Web Languages, properties are binary relations. 
  Each instance of a property links an individual to another individual or a value 
  as shown below.</p>

<p><img src="binaryRelation.jpg" alt="Property P relating resources A and B" width="242" height="59"></p>

<p>We would like to have another individual or simple value <code>C</code> to
be part of this relation instance:</p>

<p><img src="addingThirdElement.jpg" 
alt="Property P relating resources A, B, and C"></p>

<p><code>'P'</code> now refers to an instance of a relation among <code>'A'</code>, 
  <code>'B'</code>, and <code>'C'</code>. (There might be other individuals '<code>D</code>', 
  '<code>E</code>', and '<code>F</code>'. However, for simplicity, we will illustrate 
  most of our use cases assuming a single additional individual. We can handle 
  more individuals in exactly the same way.)</p>

<p>One common solution to this problem (<a href="#pattern1">pattern 1</a>) is 
  to represent the relation as a class rather than a property. Individual instances 
  of such classes correspond to instances of the relation. Additional properties 
  provide binary links to each argument of the relation. We can model examples 
  <a href="#example1">1</a>, <a href="#example2">2</a>, and <a href="#example3">3</a> 
  above using this pattern. For instance, in the <a href="#example1">example 1</a> 
  the instance of a new class <code>Diagnosis_Relation</code> would represent 
  the fact that Christine has been diagnosed with a breast tumor with high probability. 
  Similarly, in the <a href="#example3">example 3</a> the instance of a class 
  <code>Purchase </code> would represent the fact that John bought the book &quot;Lenny 
  the Lion&quot; from for $15.</p>
<p>The second solution (<a href="#pattern2">pattern 2</a>) is to represent several 
  individuals participating in the relation as a collection or an ordered list. 
  We use this solution when the order of the arguments of the n-ary relation is 
  important in the model, as in the <a href="#example4">example 4</a> above.</p>
<h3><a name="vocabulary"></a>Vocabulary for n-ary relations in RDF and OWL</h3>
<p>The task force plans to produce a suggested vocabulary for describing that 
  a class represents an n-ary relation and for defining mappings between n-ary 
  relations in RDF and OWL and other languages. A note on this vocabulary is 

<h3><a name="pattern1"></a>Pattern 1: Introducing a new class for a relation</h3>

<p>We present a pattern where we create a new class and <em>n</em> new properties 
  to represent an <em>n</em>-ary relation. An instance of the relation linking 
  the <em>n</em> individuals is then an instance of this class. We consider three 
  use cases for this pattern, illustrated by <a href="#example1">examples 1-3</a> 
  above. </p>
<p>Ontologically the classes created in this way are often called "reified relations". 
  Reified relations play important roles in many ontologies<a
href="#refToRdfValue"><sup>3</sup></a> (e.g. Ontoclean/DOLCE, Sowa, GALEN).<span
style="color: #E50000"><strong> </strong></span>However, the RDF and Topic Map 
  communities have each used the word "reify" to mean other things (see the <a href="#RDFReification">note</a> 
  below). Therefore, to avoid confusion, we do not use the term "reification" 
  in this document.</p>

<h4><a name="useCase1"></a>Use Case 1: additional attributes describing a relation</h4>

<p>In the first use case, we need to represent an additional attribute describing 
  a relation instance (<a href="#example1">example 1</a>, <em>Christine has breast 
  tumor with high probability</em>). We create an individual that represents the 
  relation instance itself, with links from the subject of the relation to this 
  instance and with links from this instance to all participants that represent 
  additional information about this instance:</p>


<p><img src="n-aryRelation_pattern1.jpg" width="265" height="191" alt="pattern 1"></p>

<p>For the example 1 above (<em>Christine has breast tumor with high probability</em>), 
  the individual <code>Christine</code> has a property<code> has_diagnosis</code> 
  that has another object (<code>_:Diagnosis_Relation_1</code>, an 
  instance of the class <code>Diagnosis_Relation</code>) as its value: </p>

<p><img src="diagnosis_example.jpg" alt="Diagnosis example"></p>

<p>The individual <code>_:Diagnosis_Relation_1</code> here represents a single 
  object encapsulating both the diagnosis (<code>Breast_Tumor_Christine</code>, 
  a specific instance of <code>Disease</code>) and the probability of the diagnosis 
href="#refToOtherNotes"><sup>3</sup></a>. It contains all the information held 
  in the original 3 arguments: who is being diagnosed, what the diagnosis is, 
  and what the probability is. We use <a href="">blank 
  nodes in RDF</a> to represent instances of a relation. </p>
<pre>:Christine<br>      a       :Person ;<br>      :has_diagnosis _:Diagnosis_Relation_1 .

:_Diagnosis_relation_1<br>      a       :Diagnosis_Relation ;<br>      :diagnosis_probability :HIGH;<br>      :diagnosis_value :Breast_Tumor_Christine .</pre>
<p>Each of the 3 arguments in the original n-ary relation&#x2014;who is being 
  diagnosed, what the diagnosis is, and what the probability is&#x2014;gives rise 
  to a true binary relationship. In this case, there are three: <code>has_diagnosis</code>, 
  <code>diagnosis_value</code> and <code>diagnosis_probability</code>.<a

<p>The class definitions for the individuals in this pattern look as follows:</p>

<p><img src="diagnosis_relation_classes.jpg"
alt="Classes in the Diagnosis example"></p>

<p>The additional labels on the links indicate the OWL restrictions on the properties. 
  We define both <code>diagnosis_value</code> and <code>diagnosis_probability</code> 
  as functional properties, thus requiring that each instance of <code>Diagnosis_Relation</code> 
  has exactly one value for <code>Disease</code> and one value for <code>Probability</code>.</p>

<p>In RDFS, which does not have the OWL restrictions or functional properties, 
  the links represent <code>rdfs:range</code> constraints on the properties. For 
  example, the class <code>Diagnosis_Relation</code> is the range of the property 

<p>Here is a definition of the class <code>Diagnosis_Relation</code><a
href="#refToOtherNotes"></a> in OWL, assuming that both
properties&#x2014;<code>diagnosis_value</code> and
<code>diagnosis_probability</code>&#x2014;are defined as functional (we
provide full code for the example in OWL and RDFS below):</p>
<pre>:Diagnosis_Relation<br>      a       owl:Class ;<br>      rdfs:subClassOf<br>              [ a       owl:Restriction ;<br>                owl:someValuesFrom :Disease ;<br>                owl:onProperty :diagnosis_value<br>              ] ;<br>      rdfs:subClassOf<br>              [ a       owl:Restriction ;<br>                owl:allValuesFrom :Probability_values ;<br>                owl:onProperty :diagnosis_probability<br>              ] .</pre>

<p>In the definition of the <code>Person</code> class (of which the individual 
  <code>Christine</code> is an instance), we specify a property <code>has_diagnosis</code> 
  with the range restriction going to the <code>Diagnosis_Relation</code> class 
  (of which <code>Diagnosis_Relation_1</code> is an instance):</p>
<pre>:Person<br>      a       owl:Class ;<br>      rdfs:subClassOf<br>              [ a       owl:Restriction ;<br>                owl:allValuesFrom :Diagnosis_Relation ;<br>                owl:onProperty :has_diagnosis<br>              ] .</pre>
<p>Note that in discussing this pattern, we are not making any suggestion on the 
  best way to represent probability pf an event. We simply use it as an example 
  here. </p>
<h4 id="useCase1RDFS">RDFS code for this example</h4>

<p>[<a href="diagnosis.rdf">RDFS</a>]</p>

<h4 id="useCase1OWL">OWL code for this example</h4>
[<a href="diagnosis.n3">N3</a>] [<a href="diagnosis.owl">RDF/XML</a>]
<h4><a name="useCase2"></a>Use Case 2: different aspects of the same relation</h4>
<p>We have a different use case in the example 2 above (<em>Steve has temperature, 
  which is high, but falling</em>): In the example with the diagnosis, many will 
  view the relationship we were representing as in a fact still a <em>binary</em> 
  relation between the individual <code>Christine</code> and the diagnosis <code>Breast_Tumor_Christine</code> 
  that has a probability associated with it. The relation in this example is between 
  the individual <code>Steve</code> and the object representing different aspects 
  of the temperature he has. In most intended interpretations, this instance of 
  a relation cannot be viewed as an instance of a binary relation with additional 
  attributes attached to it. Rather, it is a relation instance relating the individual 
  <code>Steve</code> and the complex object representing different facts about 
  his temperature. Such cases often come about in the course of evolution of an 
  ontology when we realize that two relations need to be collapsed. For example, 
  initially, we might have had two properties&#x2014;<code>has_temperature_level</code> 
  and <code>has_temperature_trend</code>&#x2014;both relating to people. We might 
  then have realized that these properties really are inextricably intertwined 
  because we need to talk about "temperatures that are elevated but falling."</p>
<p><img src="temperature_example.jpg" alt="Temperature example for pattern 1"></p>

<p>The RDFS and OWL patterns that implement this intuition are however the same 
  as in the previous example. A class <code>Person</code> (of which the individual 
  <code>Steve</code> is an instance) has a property <code>has_temperature</code> 
  which has as a range the relation class <code>Temperature_Observation.</code> Instances 
  of the class <code>Temperature_Observation</code> (such as <code>_:Temperature_Observation_1</code> 
  in the figure) in turn have properties for <code>temperature_value</code> and 

<h4 id="useCase2RDFS">RDFS code for this example</h4>

<p>[<a href="temperature.rdf">RDFS</a>]</p>

<h4 id="useCase2OWL">OWL code for this example</h4>

<p>[<a href="temperature.n3">N3</a>] [<a
<h4 id="useCase3">Use Case 3: N-ary relation with no distinguished participant</h4>

<p>In some cases, the n-ary relationship links individuals that play different 
  roles in a structure without any single individual standing out as the subject 
  or the "owner" of the relation, such as <code>Purchase</code> in the example 
  3 above (<em>John buys a "Lenny the Lion" book from for $15 
  as a birthday gift</em>). Here, the relation explicitly has more than one participant, 
  and, in many contexts, none of them can be considered a primary one. In this 
  case, we create an individual to represent the relation instance with links 
  to all participants:</p>

<p><img src="n-aryRelations_pattern2.jpg" alt="Use case 3"></p>

<p>In our specific example, the representation will look as follows:</p>

<p><img src="purchase_example.jpg" alt="Purchase example"></p>
href="#purchaseName"><sup>5</sup></a> is an individual instance of the <code>Purchase</code> 
  class representing an instance of a relation:<a

<pre>:Purchase_1<br>      a       :Purchase ;<br>      :has_buyer :John ;<br>      :has_object :Lenny_The_Lion ;<br>      :has_purpose :Birthday_Gift ;
      :has_amount 15 ;<br>      :has_seller .</pre>
<p>The following diagram shows the corresponding classes and properties. For
the sake of the example, we specify that each purchase has exactly one
<code>buyer</code> (a <code>Person</code>), exactly one <code>seller</code>
(a <code>Company</code>), exactly one <code>amount</code> and at least one
<code>object</code> (an <code>Object</code>).</p>

<p><img src="purchase_example_classes.jpg"
alt="Classes for the Purchase example"></p>

<p>The diagram refers to OWL restrictions. In RDFS the arrows can be treated
as <code>rdfs:range</code> links.</p>

<p>The class <code>Purchase</code> is defined as follows in OWL (see the RDFS
file below for the definition in RDFS):</p>
<pre>:Purchase<br>      a       owl:Class ;<br>      rdfs:subClassOf<br>              [ a       owl:Restriction ;<br>                owl:allValuesFrom :Purpose ;<br>                owl:onProperty :has_purpose<br>              ] ;<br>      rdfs:subClassOf<br>              [ a       owl:Restriction ;<br>                owl:cardinality 1 ;<br>                owl:onProperty :has_buyer<br>              ] ;<br>      rdfs:subClassOf<br>              [ a       owl:Restriction ;<br>                owl:onProperty :has_buyer ;<br>                owl:someValuesFrom :Person<br>              ] ;<br>      rdfs:subClassOf<br>              [ a       owl:Restriction ;<br>                owl:cardinality 1 ;<br>                owl:onProperty :has_seller<br>              ] ;<br>      rdfs:subClassOf<br>              [ a       owl:Restriction ;<br>                owl:onProperty :has_seller ;<br>                owl:someValuesFrom :Company<br>              ] ;
      rdfs:subClassOf<br>              [ a       owl:Restriction ;<br>                owl:onProperty :has_object ;<br>                owl:someValuesFrom :Object<br>              ] .</pre>
<p>Note that representation of OWL restrictions themselves follows this pattern: 
  an OWL restriction is essentially a ternary relation between a class, a property, 
  and a restriction value. In this case, an instance of the <code>Restriction</code> 
  class is similar to the instance of <code>Purchase</code>.</p>
<h4 id="useCase3RDFS">RDFS code for this example</h4>

<p>[<a href="purchase.rdf">RDFS</a>]</p>

<h4 id="useCase3OWL">OWL code for this example</h4>
[<a href="purchase.n3">N3</a>] [<a href="purchase.owl">RDF/XML</a>]

<h4><a name="choosingPattern1or2"></a>Considerations when introducing a new
class for a relation</h4>
  <li>In our example, we did not give <em>meaningful names</em> to instances of 
    properties or to the classes used to represent instances of n-ary relations, 
    but merely label them <code>_:Temperature_Observation_1</code>, <code>Purchase_1</code>, 
    etc. In most cases, these individuals do not stand on their own but merely 
    function as auxiliaries to group together other objects. Hence a distinguishing 
    name serves no purpose. Note that a similar approach is taken when <a href="">reifying 
    statements in RDF</a>.</li>
  <li>Creating a class to represent an n-ary relation limits the use of many OWL 
    constructs and creates a <em>maintenance problem. </em>The problem arises 
    when we want to have local range or cardinality restrictions on some role 
    in the n-ary relation that depend on the class of some other role. For example, 
    we might want to say that we buy only instances of a class <code>Book</code> 
    from companies in the category <code>Bookseller</code> (cf. <a href="#useCase3">use 
    case 3</a>). Expressing this constraint requires a special subclass of the 
    n-ary relation class that represents the combination of restrictions. For 
    instance, we will have to create a class <code>Book_Purchase</code> with the 
    corresponding range restrictions for the property <code>seller</code> (<code>allValuesFrom 
    Bookseller</code>) and <code>object</code> (<code>allValuesFrom Book</code>). 
    We end up having to build an explicit lattice of classes to represent all 
    the possible combinations. &nbsp;&nbsp;</li>
  <li>OWL allows definition of <em><a
    href="">inverse properties</a></em>. 
    Defining inverse properties with n-ary relations, using any of the patterns 
    above, requires more work than with binary relations. In order to specify 
    inverse properties for n-ary relations, we must specify an inverse for each 
    of the properties participating in the n-ary relation (with the proper constraints). 
    Consider the example of <code>John</code> buying the <code>Lenny_The_Lion</code> 
    book. We may want to have an instance of an inverse relation pointing from 
    the <code>Lenny_The_Lion</code> book to the person who bought it. If we had 
    a simple binary relation <code>John</code> <code>buys</code> <code>Lenny_The_Lion</code>, 
    defining an inverse is simple: we simply define a property <code>is_bought_by</code> 
    as an inverse of <code>buys</code>:<br>
    <pre>:is_bought_by<br>      a       owl:ObjectProperty ;<br>      owl:inverseOf :buys .</pre>
    With the purchase relation represented as an instance, however, we need to 
    add inverse relations between participants in the relation and the instance 
    relation itself:<br>
    <img src="purchase_example_inverses.jpg" alt = "Purchase example with inverse properties" width="581" height="246"> 
    For example, the definitions of the inverse relations for <code>buyer</code> 
    and <code>object</code> of a purchase, look as follows:<br>
    <pre>:is_buyer_for<br>      a       owl:ObjectProperty ;<br>      owl:inverseOf :has_buyer .
:is_object_for<br>      a       owl:ObjectProperty ;<br>      owl:inverseOf :has_object .</pre>
    In the definition of the class <code>Person</code>, we include an <code>allValuesFrom</code> 
    restriction on the property <code>is_buyer_for</code>, to restrict the values 
    for this property to instances of the class <code>Purchase</code>:<br>
    <pre>:Person<br>      a       owl:Class ;<br>      rdfs:subClassOf<br>              [ a       owl:Restriction ;<br>                owl:onProperty :is_buyer_for ;<br>                owl:allValuesFrom :Purchase<br>              ] .</pre>
    Note that the value of the inverse property <code>is_buyer_for</code> for 
    the individual <code>John</code>, for example, is the individual <code>Purchase_1</code> 
    rather than the <code>object</code> or <code>recipient</code> of the purchase.</li>


<h3><a name="pattern2"></a>Pattern 2: Using lists for arguments in a relation</h3>

<p>Some n-ary relations do not naturally fall into either of the use cases above, 
  but are more similar to a list or sequence of arguments. The example 4 above 
  (<em>United Airlines flight 3177 visits the following airports: LAX, DFW, and 
  JFK</em>) falls into this category. In this example, the relation holds between 
  the flight and the airports it visits, in the order of the arrival of the aircraft 
  at each airport in turn. This relation might hold between many different numbers 
  of arguments, and there is no natural way to break it up into a set of distinct 
  properties relating the flight to each airport. At the same time, the order 
  of the arguments is highly meaningful.</p>

<p>In cases where all but one participant in a relation do not have a specific 
  role and essentially form an ordered list, it is natural to connect these arguments 
  into a sequence according to some relation, and to relate the one participant 
  to this sequence (or the first element of the sequence). We represent the example 
  below using an ordering relation (<code>nextSegment</code>) between instances 
  of the <code>FlightSegment</code> class. Each flight segment has a property 
  for the destination of that segment. Note that we add a special subclass of 
  flight segment, <code>FinalFlightSegment</code>, with a maximum cardinality 
  of 0 on the <code>nextSegment</code> property, to indicate the end of the sequence.</p>

<p><img src="flight_example.jpg" alt="Example instance graph for flight segments"></p>

<p>RDF supplies a vocabulary for lists &#x2014; the <a
  vocabulary</a>, which can also be used in cases where a group of arguments to 
  the relation have no special role. We do not use the RDF collection vocabulary 
  in this example, because it is less practical to use a generic ordering relation 
  when we are representing something more specific. In this example, we represent 
  a temporal order among constituents.</p>

<p>We can represent the ontology for this example in OWL. Note that using the 
  <code>rdf:List</code> vocabulary in OWL would have put the ontology in OWL Full 
  (see the <a href="">corresponding 
  section</a> of the <a href="#ref-owl-guide">OWL Guide</a> for the comparison 
  of OWL Full and OWL DL). The following ontology is in OWL Lite:</p>

<p><img src="flight_classes.jpg" width="528" height="178" alt="Example class graph for flight segments"></p>
	a owl:Class .

   a owl:ObjectProperty , owl:FunctionalProperty ;
   rdfs:domain :Flight ;
   rdfs:range :FlightSegment .<br>
    a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing ;<br>    rdfs:subClassOf<br>         [ a owl:Restriction ;<br>             owl:cardinality &quot;1&quot;;<br>             owl:onProperty :destination<br>         ] ;<br>   rdfs:subClassOf<br>         [ a owl:Restriction ;
             owl:allValuesFrom :Airport ;<br>             owl:onProperty :destination<br>          ] .<br>
  :next_segment<br>      a owl:ObjectProperty , owl:FunctionalProperty ;<br>      rdfs:domain :FlightSegment ;<br>      rdfs:range :FlightSegment .<br>

   a owl:Class ;<br>   rdfs:comment &quot;The last flight segment has no next_segment&quot;;<br>   rdfs:subClassOf :FlightSegment ;<br>   rdfs:subClassOf<br>        [ a owl:Restriction ;  
            owl:maxCardinality &quot;0&quot;;<br>            owl:onProperty :next_segment<br>         ] .<br>
  :Airport<br>      a owl:Class .<br>
      a owl:ObjectProperty , owl:FunctionalProperty ;<br>      rdfs:domain :FlightSegment .</pre>
<h4 id="pattern2RDFS">RDFS code for this example</h4>

<p>[<a href="flight.rdf">RDFS</a>]</p>

<h4 id="pattern2OWL">OWL code for this example</h4>
[<a href="flight.n3">N3</a>] [<a href="flight.owl">RDF/XML</a>]


<h2><a name="RDFReification"></a>N-ary relations and reification in RDF</h2>

<p>It may be natural to think of <a
href="">RDF reification</a> 
  when representing n-ary relations. We do not want to use the RDF reification 
  vocabulary to represent n-ary relations in general for the following reasons. 
  The RDF reification vocabulary is designed to talk about <em>statements</em>&#x2014;individuals 
  that are instances of <code>rdf:Statement</code>. A statement is a object, predicate, 
  subject triple and reification in RDF is used to put additional information 
  about this triple. This information may include the source of the information 
  in the triple, for example. In n-ary relations, however, additional arguments 
  in the relation do not usually characterize the statement but rather provide 
  additional information about the relation instance itself. Thus, it is more 
  natural to talk about instances of a diagnosis relation or a purchase rather 
  than about a statement. In the use cases that we discussed in the note, the 
  intent is to talk about instances of a relation, not about statements about 
  such instances.</p>

<h2><a name="background">Additional Background</a></h2>

<h3><a name="Note" id="Note">Note on vocabulary: Relations and instances of
relations, Properties and Property instances</a></h3>

<p>We usually think of semantic web languages as consisting of triples of the
form "Individual1-Property-Individual2" (Traditionally, these have been
termed "object-attribute-value" triples, but we do not use this language here
because it conflicts with RDF usage.) </p>

<p>However, formally, we interpret properties as representing relations, i.e.
sets of ordered pairs of individuals. Each instance of a relation is just one
of those ordered pairs. The "Property" in each triple is fundamentally
different from the individuals in the triple. It merely indicates to which
relation the ordered pair consisting of the two individuals belongs. We
normally name individuals; we do not normally name the ordered pairs. </p>

<h3 id="anonvnamed">Anonymous vs named instances in these patterns</h3>

<p>Often in cases such as <a href="#useCase1">use case 1</a>, we wish to regard 
  two instances of the relation that have the same argument as equivalent. We 
  can capture this intuition by using RDF <a href="">blank 
  nodes</a> (e.g., <code>_:Diagnosis_relation</code>) to represent relation instances. 
  In <a href="#useCase2">use case 2</a>, we wish to consider the possibility that 
  there might be two distinct purchases with identical arguments. In that case, 
  the node should be named, e.g. <code>Purchase_1. </code></p>


<h3 id="sec-notes">Notes</h3>
  <li><a name="reifiedRelations"></a>"Reified relations" play an important role 
    or have a special status in a number of ontologies, e.g. see Sowa, J. Knowledge 
    Representation. Morgan Kaufmann, 1999; Welty, C. and Guarino, N. Supporting 
    ontological analysis of taxonomic relationships. Data and Knowledge Engineering, 
    39 (1). 51-74.</li>
  <li><a name="refToOtherNotes"></a>For simplicity, we represent each disease 
    as an individual. This decision may not always be appropriate, and we refer 
    the reader to a different note (<em>to be written</em>). Similarly, for simplicity, 
    in OWL we represent probability values as a class that is an enumeration of 
    three individuals (<code>HIGH</code>, <code>MEDIUM</code>, and <code>LOW</code>): 
    <pre>:Probability_values<br>      a       owl:Class ;<br>      owl:equivalentClass<br>              [ a       owl:Class ;<br>                owl:oneOf (:HIGH :MEDIUM :LOW)<br>              ] . </pre>
    <p>There are other ways to represent partitions of values. Please refer to 
      a note on Representing Specified Values in OWL [<a href="#ref-specified-values">Specified 
      Values</a>]. In RDF Schema version, we represent them simply as strings, 
      also for simplicity reasons.</p>
  <li><a name="refToRdfValue"></a> RDF has a property <code><a
    that is appropriate in examples such as the Diagnosis example here. While 
    <code>rdf:value</code> has no meaning on its own, the RDF specification encourages 
    its use as a vocabulary element to identify the "main" component of a structured 
    value of a property. Therefore, in our example, we made <code>diagnosis_value</code> 
    a subproperty of <code>rdf:value</code> property instead of making it a direct 
    instance of <code>rdf:Property </code> to indicate that <code>diagnosis_value</code> 
    is indeed the "main" component of a diagnosis.</li>
  <li><a name="purchaseName"></a>Note that we used a named individual for an instance 
    of the class <code>Purchase</code> (<code>Purchase_1</code>) rather than an 
    anonymous blank node here. In this example, there might be two distinct purchases 
    with exactly the same arguments. </li>
  <li><a name="refToUnits"></a>For simplicity, we will ignore the fact that the 
    amount is expressed in $ and will use a simple number as the value for the 
    property. For a discussion on how to represent units and quantities in OWL, 
    please refer to a different note (<em>to be written</em>)</li>

<h2><a id="References" name="References">References</a></h2>
  <dt><a name="ref-specified-values" id="ref-specified-values">[Specified
      Specified Values in OWL: "value partitions" and "value
      sets"</a></cite>, Alan Rector, Editor, W3C Working Draft, 3 August
      2004, .</dd>
  <dt><a name="ref-OWL-Overview" id="ref-OWL-Overview">[OWL Overview]</a></dt>
      href="">OWL Web
      Ontology Language Overview</a></cite>, Deborah L. McGuinness and Frank
      van Harmelen, Editors, W3C Recommendation, 10 February 2004, . <a
      href="">Latest version</a> available
      at .</dd>
  <dt><a name="ref-owl-guide" id="ref-owl-guide">[OWL Guide]</a></dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">OWL
      Web Ontology Language Guide</a></cite>, Michael K. Smith, Chris Welty,
      and Deborah L. McGuinness, Editors, W3C Recommendation, 10 February
      2004, . <a
      href="">Latest version</a> available at .</dd>
  <dt><a name="ref-owl-abstract-syntax" id="ref-owl-abstract-syntax">[OWL
  Semantics and Abstract Syntax]</a></dt>
      href="">OWL Web
      Ontology Language Semantics and Abstract Syntax</a></cite>, Peter F.
      Patel-Schneider, Patrick Hayes, and Ian Horrocks, Editors, W3C
      Recommendation, 10 February 2004, . <a
      href="">Latest version</a> available
      at .</dd>
  <dt><a id="ref-rdf-primer" name="ref-rdf-primer">[RDF Primer]</a></dt>
      Primer</a></cite>, Frank Manola and Eric Miller, Editors, W3C
      Recommendation, 10 February 2004, . <a
      href="">Latest version</a> available at .</dd>
  <dt><a name="ref-RDF-Semantics" id="ref-RDF-Semantics">[RDF
    <dd><cite><a href="">RDF
      Semantics</a></cite>, Pat Hayes, Editor, W3C Recommendation, 10
      February 2004, . <a
      href="">Latest version</a> available at .</dd>
  <dt><a name="ref-rdf-vocabulary" id="ref-rdf-vocabulary">[RDF
      Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF Schema</a></cite>, Dan
      Brickley and R. V. Guha, Editors, W3C Recommendation, 10 February 2004, . <a
      href="">Latest version</a> available at .</dd>
  <dt><a name="turtle" id="turtle">[Turtle]</a></dt>
      href="">Turtle - Terse
      RDF Triple Language</a>, Dave Beckett.


<h2><a id="Changes" name="Changes">Changes</a></h2>
  <li>Merged patterns 1 and 2 into one pattern with different use cases. The same 
    use cases remain, but they are described as different use cases for the same 
  <li>Removed consideration bullet talking about logical equivalence of patterns 
    1 and 2 (since they are a single pattern now).</li>
  <li>Added more discussion to General issues and Use cases</li>
  <li>Added <a href="#pattern2">pattern 2</a> (using rdf:Lists)</li>
  <li>Added the flight example</li>
  <li>Changed the wording under "Representation Pattern"</li>
  <li>Use blank nodes for relation instances in <a href="#pattern1">pattern 1</a> 
    and <a href="#pattern2">pattern 2 </a></li>
  <li>Added a section on <a href="#RDFReification">N-ary relations and reification 
    in RDF</a></li>
  <li>Added a section on <a href="#background">Additional background</a></li>
  <li>Added references</li>
  <li>Changed some of references to "relation" to "relation instance" or "instance 
    of relation"</li>
  <li>Removed examples in abstract syntax</li>
  <li>Added <a href="#acknowledgements">Acknowledgements</a></li>
<h2><a name="acknowledgements"></a>Acknowledgements</h2>
<p>The editors would like to thank the following Working Group members for their 
  contributions to this document: Pat Hayes, Jeremy Carroll, Chris Welty, Michael 
  Uschold, Bernard Vatant. Frank Manola, Ivan Herman, Jamie Lawrence have also 
  contributed to the document.</p>
<p>This document is a product of the Ontology Engineering and Patterns Task Force 
  of the Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group. </p>
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