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  <TITLE> W3C WD: SMUX Protocol Specification</TITLE>
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  <A HREF='http://www.w3.org/'><IMG border='0' align='left' alt='W3C' src='http://www.w3.org/Icons/WWW/w3c_home'></A>WD-mux-19980710
<H1 ALIGN=center>
  SMUX Protocol Specification
<H3 align=center>
  W3C Working Draft 10-July-1998
    This version:
    <A HREF="http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/WD-mux-19980710">http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/WD-mux-19980710</A>
    Latest public version:
    <A HREF="http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-mux">http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-mux</A>
    Jim Gettys, Compaq Computer Corporation, Visiting Scientist,
    <A href="http://www.w3.org/WINDOWS/">W3C</A>,
    &lt;<A HREF="mailto:jg@w3.org">jg@w3.org</A>&gt;
    Henrik Frystyk Nielsen, <A href="http://www.w3.org/WINDOWS/">W3C</A>,
    &lt;<A HREF="mailto:frystyk@w3.org">frystyk@w3.org</A>&gt;
<p><small><A href='http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/ipr-notice.html#Copyright'>Copyright</A>
 &nbsp;&copy;&nbsp; 1998 <A href='http://www.w3.org'>W3C</A> (<A href='http://www.lcs.mit.edu'>MIT</A>,
 <A href='http://www.inria.fr/'>INRIA</A>, <A href='http://www.keio.ac.jp/'>Keio</A> ),
 All Rights Reserved. W3C <A href='http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/ipr-notice.html#Legal Disclaimer'>liability,</A>
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  Status of This Document
This is a W3C Working Draft for review by W3C members and other interested
parties. It is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or made obsolete
by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use W3C Working Drafts
as reference material or to cite them as other than "work in progress." A
list of current
<A href="http://www.w3.org/TR">W3C
working drafts</A> is also available.
This document describes an experimental design for a multiplexing transport,
intended for, but not restricted to use with the Web. SMUX has been implemented
as part of the HTTP/NG project. Use of this protocol is EXPERIMENTALat this
time and the protocol may change. In particular, transition strategies to
use of SMUX have not been definitively worked out. You have been warned!
This document is part of a suite of documents describing the HTTP-NG design
and prototype implementation:
    <A href="http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/WD-HTTP-NG-goals">HTTP-NG
    Short- and Longterm Goals</A>, WD
    <A href="http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-HTTP-NG-architecture">HTTP-NG
    Architectural Model</A>, WD
    <A href="http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-HTTP-NG-wire">HTTP-NG
    Wire Protocol</A>, WD
    <A href="http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-HTTP-NG-interfaces">The
    Classic Web Interfaces in HTTP-NG</A>, WD
    <A href="http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-mux">The MUX
    Protocol</A>, WD
    <A href="http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-HTTP-NG-testbed">Description
    of the HTTP-NG Testbed</A>, Note
<B>Note</B>: Since working drafts are subject to frequent change, you are
advised to reference the above URL, rather than the URLs for working drafts
themselves. This work is part of the W3C HTTP/NG Activity (for current status,
<A href="http://www.w3.org/Protocols/HTTP-NG/Activity">http://www.w3.org/Protocols/HTTP-NG/Activity</A>).
Please send comments on this specification to
&lt;<A HREF="mailto:www-http-ng-comments@w3.org">www-http-ng-comments@w3.org</A>&gt;.
This document defines the experimental multiplexing protocol referred to
as "SMUX". SMUX is a session management protocol separating the underlying
transport from the upper level application protocols. It provides a lightweight
communication channel to the application layer by multiplexing data streams
on top of a reliable stream oriented transport. By supporting coexistence
of multiple application level protocols (e.g. HTTP and HTTP/NG), SMUX should
ease transitions to future Web protocols, and communications of client applets
using private protocols with servers over the same TCP connection as the
HTTP conversation.
  <A name="Contents"></A>Contents
    <A href="#Introduction">Introduction</A>
    <A href="#Operation">Operation and Deadlock Avoidance</A>
    <A href="#Mux_Header">SMUX Header</A>
    <A href="#Alignment">Alignment</A>
    <A href="#Session_ID_Allocation">Session ID Allocation</A>
    <A href="#Establishment">Session Establishment</A>
    <A href="#StackID">Protocol ID's</A>
    <A href="#Graceful">Graceful Release</A>
    <A href="#Disgraceful">Disgraceful Release</A>
    <A href="#Message">Message Boundaries</A>
    <A href="#Flow">Flow Control</A>
    <A href="#Control">Control Messages</A>
    <A href="#Closed">Remaining Issues for Discussion</A>
    <A href="#Closed">Closed Issues from Discussion and Email</A>
    <A href="#Glossary">Glossary</A>
    <A href="#References">References</A>
  <A name="Introduction" href="#Contents"></A>Introduction
  Changes from Previous Version
Tried to clarify teminology.
Moved comparison between SMUX and SCP(TMP) to end of the document, and extracted
a goals section from it.
  Key Words
"SHOULD NOT",&nbsp; "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document
are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 <A href="#RFC2119">[7]</A>.
The Internet is suffering from the effects of the
<A href="http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc1945/rfc1945.txt">HTTP/1.0
protocol</A>, which was designed without understanding of the underlying
TCP <A href="#RFC793">[1]</A> transport protocol. HTTP/1.0 opens a TCP connection
for each URI <A href="#RFCURI">[28]</A> retrieved (at a cost of both packets
and round trip times (RTTs)), and then closes the TCP connection. For small
HTTP requests, these TCP connections have poor performance due to TCP slow
start <A href="#RFC2001">[9]</A> <A href="#Congestion">[10]</A> as well as
the round trips required to open and close each TCP connection.
There are (at least) three reasons why multiple simultaneous TCP connections
have come into widespread use on the Internet despite the apparent
    A client using multiple TCP connections gains a significant advantage in
    perceived performance by the end-user, as it allows for early retrieval of
    metadata (e.g. size) of embedded objects in a page. This allows a client
    to format a page sooner without suffering annoying reformatting of the page.
    Clients which open multiple TCP connections in parallel to the same server,
    however could cause self congestion on heavily congested links, since packets
    generated by TCP opens and closes are not themselves congestion controlled.
    The additional TCP opens cause performance problems in the network, but a
    client that opens multiple TCP connections simultaneously to the same server
    may also receive an "unfair" bandwidth advantage in the network relative
    to clients that use a single TCP connection. This problem is not solvable
    at the application level; only the network itself can enforce such "fairness".
    To keep low bandwidth/high latency links busy (e.g. dialup lines), more than
    one TCP connection has been necessary since slow start may cause the line
    to be partially idle.
The "Keep-Alive" extension to HTTP/1.0 is a form of persistent TCP connections
but does not work through HTTP/1.0 proxies and does not take pipelining of
requests into account. Instead a revised version of persistent TCP connections
was introduced in HTTP/1.1 as the default mode of operation.
HTTP/1.1 <A href="#RFC2068">[6]</A> persistent connections and pipelining
<A href="#HTTP11Performance">[11]</A> will reduce network traffic and the
amount of TCP overhead caused by opening and closing TCP connections. However,
the serialized behavior of HTTP/1.1 pipelining does not adequately support
simultaneous rendering of inlined objects - part of most Web pages today;
nor does it provide suitable fairness between protocol flows, or allow for
graceful abortion of HTTP transactions without closing the TCP connection
(quite common in HTTP operation).
Persistent connections and pipelining, however, do not fully address the
rendering nor the fairness problems described above.&nbsp; A "hack" solution
is possible using HTTP range requests; however, this approach does not, for
example, allow a server to send just the metadata contained in embedded object
before sending the object itself, nor does it solve the TCP connection abort
Current TCP implementations do not share congestion information across multiple
simultaneous TCP&nbsp;connections between two peers, which increases the
overhead of opening new TCP connections. We expect that Transactional TCP
<A href="#RFC1644">[5]</A> and sharing of congestion information in TCP control
blocks <A href="#RFC2140">[8]</A> will improve TCP performance by using less
RTTs and better congestion behavior, making it more suitable for HTTP
The solution to these problems requires two actions; either by itself will
not entirely discourage opening multiple TCP connections to the same server
from a client.
    Internet service providers should enable the Random Early Detection (RED)
    <A href="#RED">[12]</A> or other active congestion control algorithms in
    their routers to ensure bandwidth fairness to clients when the network is
    congested. RED also addresses queue length problems observed in routers today.
    Development and deployment of a multiplexing protocol for use with HTTP (and
    eventually other protocols), so that multiple objects from a web server can
    be fetched approximately simultaneously over a single TCP connection, so
    that the metadata to objects can be sent to clients without other metadata
    waiting for the rest of the first object requested.
This document describes such an experimental multiplexing protocol. It is
designed to multiplex a TCP&nbsp;connection underneath HTTP so that HTTP
itself does not have to change, and allow coexistence of multiple protocols
(e.g. HTTP and HTTP/NG), which will ease transitions to future Web protocols,
and communications of client applets using private protocols with servers
over the same TCP connection as the HTTP conversation.
Ideas from this design come from Simon Spero's SCP [15] [16] description
and from experience from the
<A href="http://www.research.digital.com/CRL/abstracts/90.8.html">X Window
System's protocol design</A> <A href="#X">[13]</A>.
We believe SMUX meets the following goals::
    Unconfirmed service without negotiation or round trips to the server
    simple design
    high performance
    deadlock-free (we believe), by a credit based flow control scheme.
    allow multiple protocols to be multiplexed over same TCP connection
    allow connections to be established in either direction (enabling callbacks
    to the session initiator).
    ability to build a full function socket interface above this protocol.
    low overhead
    preserves alignment in the data stream, so that it is easy to use with protocols
    that marshal their data in a binary form.
  SMUX&nbsp;Protocol Operation
  Deadlock Scenario
Multiplexing multiple sessions over a single transport TCP&nbsp;connection
introduces a potential deadlock that SMUX is designed to avoid.
Here is an example of potential deadlock:
    Presume that each session is being handled by an independent thread and that
    memory available to the SMUX implementation&nbsp; is limited (for example,
    on a thin client on a meter reader).
    For the purposes of this example, presume the thin client has 50K bytes of
    buffer available to its SMUX implementation, and cannot get more.
    The sender of data decides to send, as part of a session request (SYN message),
    100K bytes of initial data.&nbsp; There are no other senders, so all of the
    data gets transmitted.&nbsp; But the thread to deal with the message is blocked,
    and cannot make progress.
    Unless SMUX can buffer all 100K (or 1 meg, or pick your favorite numbers),
    any other session's data would be blocked behind this initial transmission
    until and unless SMUX can read and buffer the data someplace (and since it
    has no buffer available, the deadlock occurs). Many similar (but possibly
    harder to explain) deadlocks are possible.
This example points out that deadlock is possible: SMUX must be able to buffer
data independently of the consumers of the data.&nbsp; It must also have
some way to throttle sessions where the consumer of the data is not responsive
in the multiplexing layer (in this example, prevent the transmission of more
than 50 Kbytes of data).&nbsp; Note that this deadlock is independent of
the size of any multiplexing fragment, but strictly dependent on availability
of buffer space in SMUX for a particular session.
  Deadlock Avoidance
In SMUX, the receiver makes a promise (sends a credit) to the transmitter
that a certain amount of buffer space is available (or at least that it will
consume the bytes, if not buffer them, e.g. a real time audio protocol where
the data is disposed of), and the transmitter promises not to send more data
than the receiver has promised (no more than the credit).&nbsp; If these
promises are met, then SMUX will not deadlock.
A SMUX implementation MUST maintain and adhere to the credit system or it
can deadlock.&nbsp; Implementations on systems with large amounts of memory
(e.g. VM systems) may be quite different than ones on thin clients with limited,
non-virtual memory.&nbsp; It is reasonable on a VM system to hand out credits
freely (analogous to the virtual socket buffering found in TCP implementations);
but your implementation must be careful to test its credit mechanisms so
that they will inter operate with limited memory systems.&nbsp; Credit control
messages MAY be sent on sessions that are not active.
Sessions have an initial credit size (<I>initial_default_credit</I>) of 16
KB on each session; there is a SMUX control message to set this initial credit
to something larger than the default.
  Operation and Implementation Considerations
A transmitter MUST NOT transmit more data in a fragment than the available
credit on the session (or it could deadlock).
An SMUX implementation MUST fragment streams when transmitting them into
<I>fragments</I>. The <I>max_fragment_size</I>, a&nbsp; variable which is
maintained on (currently) a per transport TCP connection basis,&nbsp; determines
the largest possible fragment a sender should ever send to a receiver.&nbsp;
This determines the maximum latency introduced by a SMUX layer above and
beyond the inherent TCP latencies (socket buffering on both sender and receiver
and the delay-bandwidth product amount of data that could be in flight at
any given instant).&nbsp; A client on a low bandwidth link, or with limited
memory buffering might decide to set the <I>max_fragment_size</I> down to
control latency and buffer space required.&nbsp; If <I>max_fragment_size</I>
is set to zero, the transmitter is left to determine the fragment size and
MAY take into account application protocol knowledge (e.g. a SMUX implementation
for HTTP might send fragments of the metadata of embedded objects, or the
next phase of a progressive image format, which it only knows).&nbsp; An
implementation SHOULD honor the <I>max_fragment_size </I>as it transmits
data, if it has been set by the receiver.
An SMUX implementation that does not have explicit knowledge or experience
of good fragment sizes might use these guidelines as a starting point:
    The path_MTU of the TCP connection, minus the size of the TCP and IP headers
    (remember that IPV6 may have longer headers!) and 8 bytes for an XMUX header,
    if this information is available <A href="#RFC1191">[3]</A>.
    The MSS of the TCP connection, if the path_MTU is not available
    In either case, you probably want to subtract 8 bytes to make sure a SMUX
    header can be added without forcing another TCP segment.
This would result in fragmentation roughly similar to TCP segmentation over
multiple TCP&nbsp;connections.
An implementation should round robin between sessions with data to send in
some fashion to avoid starving sessions, or allowing a single thread to
monopolize the TCP connection.&nbsp; Exact details of such behavior is left
to the implementation.&nbsp; To achieve highest bandwidth and lowest overhead
SMUX behavior, credits should be handed out in reasonably large chunks. TCP
implementations typically send an ack message on every other packet, and
it is very hard to arrange to piggyback acks on data segments in
implementations.&nbsp; Therefore, for SMUX to have reasonably low overhead
credits should be handed out in some significant multiple (4 or more times
larger) than the ~3000 bytes represented by two packets on an ethernet.&nbsp;
The outstanding credit balance across active sessions will also have to be
larger than the bandwidth/delay product of the TCP connection if SMUX is
not to become a limit on TCP transport performance.
Both of these arguments indicate that outstanding credits in many implementations
should be 10K bytes or more.&nbsp; Implementations SHOULD piggyback credit
messages on data packets where possible, to avoid unneeded packets on the
wire.&nbsp; A careful implementation in which both ends of the TCP connection
are regularly sending some payload should be able to avoid sending extra
packets on the network.
<I>If necessary, we could add in a future version fragmentation control messages
to do some bandwidth allocation, but for now, we are not bothering.</I>
  <A name="Mux_Header" href="#Contents"></A>SMUX Header
SMUX headers are <I>always</I> in big endian byte order. <BR>
<I>If people want, we could expand out the union below on a control message
type basis (e.g. the way the C bindings to X events were written out...).
For this draft, I'm not doing so.</I>
<PRE>&nbsp;#define MUX_CONTROL&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 0x00800000
&nbsp;#define MUX_SYN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 0x00400000
&nbsp;#define MUX_FIN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 0x00200000
&nbsp;#define MUX_RST&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 0x00100000
&nbsp;#define MUX_PUSH&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 0x00080000
&nbsp;#define MUX_SESSION&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 0xFF000000
&nbsp;#define MUX_LONG_LENGTH&nbsp;&nbsp; 0xFF040000
&nbsp;#define MUX_LENGTH&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 0x0003FFFF
&nbsp;typedef unsigned int flagbit;
&nbsp;struct w3mux_hdr {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; union {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; struct {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; unsigned int session_id : 8;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; flagbit control : 1;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; flagbit syn : 1;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; flagbit fin : 1;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; flagbit rst : 1;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; flagbit push : 1;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; flagbit long_length : 1;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; unsigned int fragment_size : 18;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int long_fragment_size : 32; /* only present if long_length is set */
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; } data_hdr;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; struct {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; unsigned int session_id : 8;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; flagbit control : 1;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; unsigned int control_code : 4;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; flagbit long_length : 1;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; unsigned int fragment_size : 18;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int long_fragment_size : 32; /* only present if long_length is set */
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; } control_message;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; } contents;
The <I>fragment_size</I> is always the size in bytes of the fragment, excluding
the SMUX header and any padding.
  <A name="Alignment"></A>Alignment
SMUX headers are always (at least) 32 bit aligned. To find the next SMUX
header, take the <I>fragment_size</I>, and round up to the next 32 bit boundary.
Transmitters MAY insert <I><TT>NoOp </TT></I>control messages to force 64
bit alignment of the protocol stream.
  <A name="Long_Fragments"></A>Long Fragments
A SMUX header with the <I>long_length</I> bit set must use the 32 bits following
the SMUX header (the l<I>ong_fragment_size</I> field) for the value of the
<I>fragment_size</I> field, for whatever purpose the <I>fragment_size</I>
field is being used for.
  <A name="Atoms"></A>Atoms
Atoms are integers that are used as short-hand names for strings, which are
defined using the <I>InternAtom </I>control message.&nbsp; Atoms are only
used as protocol ID's in this version of SMUX, though they might be used
for other purposes in future versions.&nbsp; Since the atom might be redefined
at any time, it is not safe to use an atom unless you have defined it (i.e.
you cannot use atoms defined by the other end of a mux connection). Atoms
are therefore not unique values, and only make sense in the context of a
particular direction of a particular mux connection.&nbsp; This restriction
is to avoid having to define some protocol for deallocating atoms, with any
round trip overhead that would likely imply.
Strings are defined to be UTF-8 encoded UNICODE strings.&nbsp; (Note that
an ascii string is valid UTF-8).&nbsp; The definition of structure of these
strings is outside of the scope of this document, though we expect they will
often be URI's, naming a protocol or stack of protocols.&nbsp; Atoms always
have values between 0x20000 and 0x200ff (a maximum of 256 atoms can be defined).
Strings used for protocol id's MUST be URIs <A href="#RFCURI">[28]</A>.
  <A name="StackID" href="#Contents"></A>Protocol
The protocol used by a session is identified by a Protocol ID, which can
either be an IANA port number, or an atom.
    To allow higher layers to stack protocols (e.g. HTTP on top of deflate
    compression, on top of TCP).
    To identify the protocol or protocol stack in use so that application firewall
    relays can perform sanity checking and policy enforcement on the multiplexed
    protocols .
In the simplest case, a protocol ID is just a value in the range of 0-0x1FFFF,
and specifies the TCP port number (0x0000-0xffff) or UDP port number
(0x10000-0x1ffff) of the protocol per the IANA port number registry [17].&nbsp;
Firewall proxies can presume that the bytes should conform to that
protocol.&nbsp; Protocol ID's above 0xfffff are atoms. The scheme name of
the URI indicates the protocol family being used.
  <A name="Session_ID_Allocation"></A>Session ID Allocation
Each session is allocated a session identifier. Session Identifiers below
0 and 1 are reserved for future use. Session IDs allocated by initiator of
the transport TCP connection are even; those allocated by the receiver of
the transport connection odd. Proxies that do not understand messages of
reserved Session ID's should forward them unchanged.&nbsp; A session identifier
MUST only be deallocated and potentially reused by new sessions when a session
is fully closed in both directions.
  <A name="Establishment" href="#Contents"></A>Session
To establish a new session, the initiating end sends a SYN message, allocating
a free session number out of its address space. A session is established
by setting the SYN bit in the first message sent on that session. The session
is specified by the <I>session_id</I> field. The <I>fragment_size </I>field
is interpreted as the
<A href="#StackID">protocol
ID</A> of the session, as discussed above.
The receiver MUST either open the reverse path of that session (send a SYN
message), or it MUST send a FIN message to indicate that the reverse path
is not going to be used further, or send a RST message to indicate an
error.&nbsp; This enables the initiator of a session to know when it is safe
to reuse that session ID.
  <A name="Graceful" href="#Contents"></A>Graceful
A session is ended by sending a fragment with the FIN bit set. Each end of
a MUX connection may be closed independently.
MUX uses a half-close mechanism like TCP[1] to close data flowing in each
direction in a session. After sending a FIN fragment, the sender MUST NOT
send any more payload in that direction.
  <A name="Disgraceful" href="#Contents"></A>Disgraceful
A session may be terminated by sending a message with the RST bit set. All
pending data for that session should be discarded. "No such protocol" errors
detected by the receiver of a new session are signaled to the originator
on session creation by sending a message with the RST bit set. (Same as in
The payload of the fragment containing the RST bit contains the null terminated
string containing the URI of an error message (note that content negotiation
makes this message potentially multi-lingual), followed by a null terminated
UTF-8 string containing the reason for the reset (in case the URI is not
  <A name="Message" href="#Contents"></A>Message
A message boundary is marked by sending a message with the PUSH bit set.
The boundary is set between the last octet in this message, including that
octet, and the first byte of a subsequent message.&nbsp; This differs slightly
from TCP, as PUSH can be reliably used as a record mark.
  <A name="Flow" href="#Contents"></A>Flow
Flow control is determined by a simple credit scheme described above by
using&nbsp; the <I><TT>AddCredits</TT></I> control message defined below.
Fragments transmitted must never exceed the outstanding credit for that session.
The initial outstanding credit for a session is 16Kbytes.
  <A name="Endpoints"></A>End Points
One of the major design goals of SMUX is to allow callbacks to objects in
the process that initiated the transport TCP&nbsp;connection without requiring
additional TCP connections (with the overhead in both machine resources and
time that this would cause, or the problems with TCP connection establishment
through firewalls).
The <I>DefineEndpoint</I> control message allows one to advertize that a
particular (set of) URI's are reachable over the transport TCP connection.
  <A name="Control" href="#Contents"></A>Control
The control bit of the SMUX header is always set in a control message. Control
messages can be sent on any session, even sessions that are not (yet) open.
The <I>control_code</I> reuses the SYN, FIN, RST, and PUSH bits of the SMUX
header. The <I>control_code</I> of the control message determines the control
message type. Any unused data in a control message must be ignored.
<I>The revised version of SMUX means that a session creation costs 4 bytes
(a control message with SYN set, and with the protocol ID in the message).&nbsp;
Therefore the first fragment of payload has a total overhead of 8 bytes.&nbsp;
(This is presuming using an IANA based protocol, rather than a named
protocol).&nbsp; This is the same as the previous version, though it means
two messages rather than one.</I>
The individual control message types are listed below.
<TABLE cellpadding="2">
    <TD>The <I>session_id</I> is used as the Atom to be defined (offset by 0x2000),
      so a value of 0 is defining ID 0x2000). The <I>fragment_size</I> field is
      the length of the UTF-8 encoded string. The fragment itself contains the
      string to be interned.<I>&nbsp; This allows the interning of 256 strings.&nbsp;
      (is this enough?).</I></TD>
    <TD>The <I>session_id</I> is ignored.&nbsp; The <I>fragment_size</I> is
      interpreted as the protocol ID, naming an endpoint actually available on
      this transport TCP connection.&nbsp; This enables a single transport
      TCP&nbsp;connection to be used for callbacks, or to advertise that a protocol
      endpoint can be reached to the process on the other end of the transport
      TCP connection. Whether this relative URI naming can be used depends upon
      the scheme of the URI [20], which defines its structure.&nbsp; <BR>
      For example, a firewall proxy might advertize just "http:" for the proxy,
      claiming it can be used to contact any HTTP protocol object anywhere, or
      "http://foo.com/bar/" to indicate that any object below that point in the
      URI space on the server foo.com may be reached by this TCP connection. A
      client might advertize that "http://myhost.com/" is available via this transport
      TCP connection.</TD>
    <TD>This sets a limit on fragment sizes below the outstanding credit limit.
      The <I>session_id</I> must be zero. The <I>fragment_size</I> field is used
      as <I>max_fragment_size</I> (the largest fragment that be sent on any session
      on this transport TCP connection.). A <I>max_fragment_size</I> of zero means
      there is no limit on the fragment size allowed for this session.&nbsp;</TD>
    <TD>The <I>session_id</I> specifies the session. The <I>fragment_size</I>
      specifies the flow control credit granted (to be added to the current outstanding
      credit balance). A value of zero indicates no limit on how much data may
      be sent on this session.</TD>
    <TD>The <I>session_id</I> must be zero. The <I>fragment_size</I> field is
      used as to set the initial default credit limit for any incoming MUX connections
      over this transport TCP connection. (i.e. it is short hand for sending a
      series of AddCredit messages for each session ID).</TD>
    <TD>This control message is defined to perform no function.&nbsp; Any data
      in the payload should be ignored.</TD>
    <TD>Undefined. Reserved for future use. Must be ignored if not understood,
      and forwarded by any proxies.&nbsp; The <I>fragment_size</I> is always used
      for the length of the control message, and any data for the control message
      will be in the payload of the control message (to allow proxies to be able
      to forward future control messages).</TD>
  <A name="Remaining" href="#Contents"></A>Remaining
  Issues for Discussion
    When can MUX be used???
    What are the appropriate strategies for determining if the simple multiplexing
    protocol can be used? Name server hack? UPGRADE in HTTP? Remember that previous
    UPGRADE to use MUX worked?
  Comparison with SCP (TMP)
Note that TIP (Transaction Internet Protocol) <A href="#TIP">[21]</A> defines
a version of SCP called TMP .
    Unconfirmed service without negotiation.
    SCP allows data to be sent with the session establishment; the recipient
    does not confirm successful mux connection establishment, but may reject
    unsuccessful attempts. This simplifies the design of the protocol, and removes
    the latency required for a confirmed operation.
    simple design
    performance where critical
There are five issues that make SCP (TMP) inadequate for our use:
    SCP can deadlock, unless unlimited amounts of memory is available.
    it has no provision for multiplexing multiple protocols over the same transport
    TCP connection, essential for graceful transition without dependency on the
    currently incomplete NG design, and to allow other uses which could use the
    same multiplexed connection (e.g. applet communication with serverlets).
    SCP's 8 byte overhead is not reasonable most of the time. SMUX uses four
    bytes in the default case. The design below permits an 8 byte header if you
    care to preserve 64 bit alignment at the cost of bytes. In practice, there
    seems few data formats or architectures that actually require more than 32
    bit alignment.
    Without some form of flow control, infinite buffering in clients (receivers)
    would be required.
    Alignment is preserved in the data stream. This allows compact, high speed
    (un)marshalling code in implementations of binary protocols, without extra
    data copies, which in such protocols can be significant overhead.
    SCP SYN in Version 2 requires a second message, which costs a round trip.
So far, SMUX is similar to SCP. There are some important differences:
    deadlock-free (we believe), by a credit based flow control scheme.
    allow multiple protocols to be multiplexed over same TCP connection (not
    available in SCP).
    lower overhead than SCP, while preserving data alignment (very important
    for binary protocol marshaling code)
    ability to build a full function socket interface above this protocol.
    SMUX avoids the SYN round trip of SCP V2 by session ID's being allocated
    in independent address spaces.&nbsp; This also avoids many of the state
    transitions of SCP, simplifying the protocol greatly.
Other comment on SCP:
SCP has 2<SUP>24</SUP> sessions, which seems highly excessive, and reserves
1024 of them for future use.<A name="Operation1"></A>
  <A name="Closed" href="#Contents"></A>Closed
  Issues from Discussion and Mail
Some of the comments below allude to previous versions of the specification,
and may not make sense in the context of the current version.
  Flow control: priority vs. credit schemes
Henrik and I have convinced ourselves there are fundamental differences between
a priority scheme and the credit scheme in this draft.&nbsp; They interact
quite differently with TCP, and priority schemes have no way to limit the
total amount of data being transmitted, though priority schemes are better
matched to what the Web wants.&nbsp; We've decided, at least for now, to
defer any priority schemes to higher level protocols.
  Stacking Protocols and Transports (Stacks)
ILU [22] style protocol stacks are a GOOD THING. There have been too many
worries about the birthday problem for people to be comfortable with Bill
Janssen's hashing schemes (see
<A href="http://www.w3.org/Protocols/MUX/Naming.html">Henrik
Frystyk Nielsen</A> and
<A href="http://www.w3.org/Protocols/MUX/ThoughtsOnHashing.txt">Robert
Thau's mail</A> on this topic).&nbsp;&nbsp; We tried putting this directly
in MUX in a previous version, and experience shows that it didn't really
help an implementer (in particular, Bill Janssen while implementing ILU).&nbsp;
This version has just the name of the protocol, and it is left to others
to implement any stacking (e.g. ILU).
We believe the name of the protocol is necessary, if SMUX is ever to be used
with firewalls.&nbsp; Application level firewall relays need the protocol
information to sanity check the protocol being relayed. Application level
relays are considered much more secure than just punching holes in the firewall
for particular protocol families, which small organizations often find
sufficient, as the relay can sanity check the protocol stream and enable
better policy decisions (for example, to forbid certain datatypes in HTTP
to transit a firewall).&nbsp; Large organizations and large targets typically
only run application level proxies.
  Byte Usage
Wasting bytes in general, and in particular at TCP connection establishment,
for a multiplexing transport must be avoided. There are several reasons for
    if the initial segment is too long, a network round trip will be lost to
    TCP slow start, so bytes near the beginning of a conversation MAY BE much
    more precious than bytes later in the conversation, once slow start overhead
    has been paid. If the first segment is too long, you fall off a cliff.
    Directly affects user perceived response; no cleverness of later packing
    and batching of request can get the time back; each goes directly to perceived
    latency when a user talks to the server for the first time.
So there is more than the usual tension between generality vs. performance.
Performance analysis
Human perception is about 30 milliseconds; if much more than this, the user
perceives delay. At 14.4 K baud, one byte uncompressed costs .55 milliseco
nds (ignoring modem latencies). On an airplane via telephone today, you get
a munificent 4800 baud, which is 3X slower. Cellular modems transmitting
data (CDPD), as I understand it, will give us around 20Kbaud, when deployed.
So basic multiplexing @ 4 byte overhead costs ~ 2 milliseconds on common
modems. This means basic overhead is small vs. human perception, for most
low speed situations, a good position to be in.
On cMux onnection open, with above protocol we send 4 bytes in the setup
message, and then must open a session, requiring at least 8 bytes more. 12
bytes == 7 milliseconds at 14.4K. Not 64 bit aligned, and 4 bytes costs of
order 2 milliseconds. Ugh... Maybe a setup message isn't a good idea; other
uses (e.g. security) can be dealt with by a control message.
  Multiple protocols over one SMUX
We want to SMUX multiple protocols simultaneously over the same transport
TCP connection, so we need to know what protocol is in use with each session,
so the demultipexor can hand the data to the right person. (e.g. SUNRPC and
DCERCP simultaneously).
There are two obvious ways I can see to do this:
    a)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Send a control message when a session is first used,
    indicating the protocol.
    Disadvantage: costs probably 8 bytes to do so (4 SMUX overhead, and 4 byte
    message), and destroys potential 64 bit alignment.
    b)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If syn is set indicating new session, then steal
    mux_length field to indicate protocol in use on that session.
    (overhead; 4 bytes for the SMUX header used just to establish the session.)
Opinions? Mine is that b) is better than a. Answer: b) is the adopted strategy.
For a given stream, priority will affect which session is handled when
multiplexing data; sending the priority on every block is unneeded, and would
waste bytes. There is one case in which priority might be useful: at an
intermediate proxy relaying sessions (and maybe remultiplexing them).
If so, it should be sent only when sessions are established or changed. Changes
can be handled by a control message. Opinions?
A priority field can be hacked into the length field with the protocol field
using b) above.
So the question is: is it important to send priority at all in this SMUX
protocol? Or should priority control, if needed, be a control message?&nbsp;
; (control message).
Answer: Not in this protocol. Opens Pandora's box with remultiplexors, which
could have denial of service attacks.
  Setup message
Is any setup message needed? I don't think it is,. and initial bytes are
precious (see performance discussion above), and it complicates trivial use.
If we move the byte order flag to the SMUX header, and use control messages
if other information needs to be sent, we can dispense with it, and the layer
is simpler. This is my current position, and unless someone objects with
reasons, I'll nuke it in the next version of this document.
Answer: Not needed. Nuked.
  Byte order flags
While higher layer protocols using host dependent byte order can be a performan
ce win (when sending larger objects such as arrays of data), the overhead
at this layer isn't much, and may not be worth bothering with. Worst case
(naive code) would be four memory reads and 3 shift overhead/payload. Smart
code is one load and appropriate shifts etc.
Opinions? I'm still leaning toward swapping bytes here, but there are other
examples of byte load and shift (particularly slow on Alpha, but not much
of an issue on other systems).
Answer: Not sufficient performance gain at SMUX level to be worth doing.
Defined as LE byte order for SMUX headers.
  Error handling
There are several error conditions, probably best reported via control messages
from server:
    No such protocol. Some sort of serial number should be reported, I suppose;
    this serial number can be implicit as in X
    bad message.
    Some combinations of flag bits are not legal.
    Priority if it exists?
Any others? Any twists to worry about?
Answer: Only error that can occur is no such protocol, given no priority
in the base protocol. May still be some unresolved issues here around "Christma
s Tree" message (all bits turned on).
  Length Field
Any reason to believe that the 32 bit length field for a single payload is
inadequate? I don't think so, and I live on an Alpha.
Answer: 32 bit extended length field for a single fragment is sufficient.
Does there need to be a bit saying the payload is compressed to avoid explosion
of protocol types?
Answer: Yes; introduction of control message to allow specification of transport
stacks achieves this.
I think that we should be able to multiplex any TCP, UDP, or IP protocol.
Internet protocol numbers are 8 bit fields.
So we need 16 bits for TCP, one bit to distinguish TCP and UDP, and one bit
more we can use for IP protocol numbers and address space we can allocate
privately. This argues for an 18 bit length field to allow for this reuse.
* 18 bit length field * * 8 bit session field * * 4 control bits * * 1 long
length bit *
The last bit is used to define control messages, which reuse the syn, fin,
rst, and push bits as a control_code to define the control message. There
are escapes, both by undefined control codes, and by the reservation of two
sessions for further use if there needs to be further extensions. The spec
above reflects this.
Back to alignment. If we demand 4 byte alignment, for all requests that do
not end up naturally aligned, we waste bytes. Two bytes are wasted on average.
At 14.4Kbaud the overhead for protocols that do not pad up would on mean
be 6 bytes or ~3ms, rather than 4 bytes or ~ 2 ms (presuming even distributions
of length). Note that this DOES NOT effect initial request latency (time
to get first URL), and is therefore less critical than elsewhere.
I have one related worry; it can sometimes be painful to get padding bytes
at the end of a buffer; I've heard of people losing by having data right
up to the end of a page, so implementations are living slightly dangerous
ly if they presume they can send the padding bytes by sending the 1, 2 or
3 bytes after the buffer (rather than an independent write to the OS for
padding bytes).
Alternatively, the buffer alignment requirement can be satisfied by
implementations remembering how many pad bytes have to be sent, and adjusting
the beginning address of the subsequent write by that many bytes before the
buffer where the SMUX header has been put. Am I being unnecessarily paranoid?
Opinion: I believe alignment of fragments in general is a GOOD THING, and
will simplify both the SMUX transport and protocols at higher levels if they
can make this presumption in their implementations. So I believe this overhead
is worth the cost; if you want to do better and save these bytes, then start
building an application specific compression scheme. If not, please make
your case.
  Control bits
Are the four bits defined in Simon's flags field what we need? Are there
any others?
Answer: no. More bits than we need. Current protocol doesn't use as many.
I've ended back at the original bits specified, rather than the smaller set
suggested by Bill Janssen. This enables full emulation of all the details
of a socket interface, which would not otherwise be possible. See details
around TCP and socket handling, discussed in books like "TCP/IP Illustrated,"
by W. Richard Stevens.
Am I all wet?
Opinion: I believe that we should do this.
  Control Messages
Question: do we want/need a short control message? Right now, the out for
extensibility are control messages sent in the reserved (and as yet unspecified
) control session. This requires a minimum of 8 bytes on the wire. We could
steal the last available bit, and allow for a 4 byte short control message,
that would have 18 bits of payload.
Opinion: Flow control needs it; protocol/transport stacks need it. Document
above now defines some control messages.
  Simplicity of default Behavior
The above specification allows for someone who just wants to SMUX a single
protocol to entirely ignore protocol ID's.
  <A name="Glossary" href="#Contents"></A>Glossary
<B>To be supplied</B>
  <A name="References" href="#Contents"></A>References
	J. Postel, <I>"Transmission Control
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	J. Postel, <I>"TCP and IP bake
	off"</I>,&nbsp;<A name="RFC1025"></A><A href="http://info.internet.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc/files/rfc1025.txt">RFC
	1025</A>, September 1987
	J. Mogul, S. Deering, <I>"Path MTU
	Discovery"</I>,&nbsp;<A name="RFC1191"></A><A href="http://info.internet.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc/files/rfc1191.txt">RFC
	1191</A>, DECWRL, Stanford University, November 1990
	<A name="_Ref392921583"></A>T. Berners-Lee, <I>"Universal Resource Identifiers
	in WWW. A Unifying Syntax for the Expression of Names and Addresses of Objects
	on the Network as used in the World-Wide
	Web"</I>,&nbsp;<A name="RFC1630"></A><A href="http://info.internet.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc/files/rfc1630.txt">RFC
	1630</A>, CERN, June 1994.
	R. Braden, <I>"T/TCP -- TCP Extensions for Transactions: Functional
	Specification"<A name="RFC1644"></A>,
	</I><A href="http://info.internet.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc/files/rfc1644.txt">RFC
	1644</A>, USC/ISI, July 1994
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	<A name="_Ref393090534"></A>R. Fielding, <I>"Relative Uniform Resource
	Locators"</I>,<A name="RFC1808"></A>
	<A href="http://info.internet.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc/files/rfc1808.txt">RFC
	1808</A>, UC Irvine, June 1995.
	<A name="_Ref392568171"></A>T. Berners-Lee, R. Fielding, H. Frystyk,
	<I>"Hypertext Transfer Protocol --
	HTTP/1.0"</I>,&nbsp;<A name="RFC1945"></A><A href="http://info.internet.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc/files/rfc1945.txt">RFC
	1945</A>, W3C/MIT, UC Irvine, W3C/MIT, May 1996
	R. Fielding, J. Gettys, J. C. Mogul, H. Frystyk, T. Berners-Lee, <I>"Hypertext
	Transfer Protocol --
	HTTP/1.1"</I>,&nbsp;<A name="RFC2068"></A><A href="http://info.internet.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc/files/rfc2068.txt">RFC
	2068</A>, U.C. Irvine, DEC W3C/MIT, DEC, W3C/MIT, W3C/MIT, January 1997
	S. Bradner, <I>"Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement
	Levels"</I>,&nbsp;<A name="RFC2119"></A><A href="http://info.internet.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc/files/rfc2119.txt">RFC
	2119</A>, Harvard University, March 1997
	J. Touch, <I>"TCP Control Block
	Interdependence"</I>,&nbsp;<A name="RFC2140"></A><A href="http://info.internet.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc/files/rfc2140.txt">RFC
	2140</A>, April 1997
	W. Stevens, <I>"TCP Slow Start, Congestion Avoidance, Fast Retransmit, and
	Fast Recovery
	Algorithms"</I>,&nbsp;<A name="RFC2001"></A><A href="http://info.internet.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc/files/rfc2001.txt">RFC
	2001</A>, January 1997
	V. Jacobson,
	"<A name="Congestion"></A><A href="ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/papers/congavoid.ps.Z">Congestion
	Avoidance and Contro</A>l", Proceedings of SIGCOMM '88
	H. Frystyk Nielsen, J. Gettys, A. Baird-Smith, E. Prud'hommeaux, H. W. Lie,
	and C.
	Lilley,&nbsp;<A name="HTTP11Performance"></A>"<A href="http://www.w3.org/Protocols/HTTP/Performance/Pipeline.html">Network
	Performance Effects of HTTP/1.1, CSS1, and PNG</A>", Proceedings of SIGCOMM
	S. Floyd and V.
	Jacobson,&nbsp;<A name="RED"></A>"<A href="ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/papers/early.pdf">Random
	Early Detection Gateways for Congestion Avoidance</A>", IEEE/ACM Trans. on
	Networking, vol. 1, no. 4, Aug. 1993.
	R.W.Scheifler, J. Gettys, "<A name="X"></A>The X Window System" ACM Transactions
	on Graphics # 63, Special Issue on User Interface Software, 5(2):79-109 (1986).
	V. Paxson,
	"<A name="IEEEv8n4"></A><A href="ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/papers/WAN-TCP-growth-trends.ps.Z">Growth
	Trends in Wide-Area TCP Connections</A>" IEEE Network, Vol. 8 No. 4, pp.
	8-17, July 1994
	S. Spero, <I>"Session Control Protocol, Version 1.0"</I>
	S. Spero<I>,
	"<A href="http://info.internet.isi.edu/in-drafts/files/draft-evans-v2-scp-00.txt">Session
	Control Protocol, Version 2.0</A>"</I>
	Keywords and Port numbers are maintained by IANA in the port-numbers registry.
	Keywords and Protocol numbers are maintained by IANA in the protocol-numbers
	W. Richard Stevens, "<A name="TCPIllustratedV1"></A>TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume
	1", Addison-Wesley, 1994
	Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., Masinter, L.,&nbsp; "Uniform Resource Identifiers
	(URI): Generic Syntax and Semantics," Work in Progress of the IETF, November,
	J. Lyon, K. Evans, J. Klein,
	"<A name="TIP"></A><A href="http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-lyon-itp-nodes-08.txt">Transaction
	Internet Protocol Version 2.0</A>," Work in Progress of the Transaction Internet
	Protocol Working Group, November, 1997.
	B. Janssen, M. Spreitzer,
	"<A name="ILU"></A><A href="http://www.w3.org/Protocols/MUX/[61]ftp://ftp.parc.xerox.com/pub/ilu/ilu.html">Inter-Language
	Unification</A>"; in particular see the manual section on
	<A href="http://www.w3.org/Protocols/MUX/[62]ftp://ftp.parc.xerox.com/pub/ilu/2.0/20a8-manual-html/manual_9.html#SEC174">Protocols
	and Transports</A>.
  @(#) $Id: WD-mux-19980710.html,v 1.2 1998/07/10 17:02:54 frystyk Exp $