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<TITLE>XSL Requirements Summary</TITLE>

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<H1><A NAME="AEN1">XSL Requirements Summary</A></H1>

<center><strong>W3C Working Draft <i>11-May-1998</i></strong></center>

<dt>This version:
<dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/WD-XSLReq-19980511">
<dt>Latest version:
<dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-XSLReq">
<dt>Previous (Member only) version:
<dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/Style/XSL/Group/XSLReq-19980324">

<dd>Norman Walsh &lt;<a href="mailto:nwalsh@arbortext.com">nwalsh@arbortext.com</a>&gt;

<div class="status">

<h2>Status of this document</h2>

<P>This work is part of the <A
HREF='http://www.w3.org/Style/Activity'>W3C Style Activity</A>. For
information about XSL, see <A HREF='http://www.w3.org/Style/XSL/'>

<P>This is a W3C Working Draft for review by W3C members and other
interested parties.  It is a draft document and may be updated,
replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is
inappropriate to use W3C Working Drafts as reference material or to
cite them as other than "work in progress". A list of current W3C
working drafts can be found at <A HREF='http://www.w3.org/TR'>


<H3>Table of Contents</h3>

<DT><A HREF="#AEN56">General Formatting Issues</A></DT>

<DT><A HREF="#AEN204">Columns, Floats, Keeps, etc.</A></DT>

<DT><A HREF="#AEN239">Fonts</A></DT>

<DT><A HREF="#AEN270">Color</A></DT>

<DT><A HREF="#AEN305">Math</A></DT>

<DT><A HREF="#AEN316">Internationalization</A></DT>

<DT><A HREF="#AEN741">Scripting</A></DT>

<DT><A HREF="#AEN780">Interactivity</A></DT>

<DT><A HREF="#AEN799">Accessibility</A></DT>

<DT><A HREF="#AEN810">Extensibility</A></DT>

<DT><A HREF="#AEN821">Packaging</A></DT>

<DT><A HREF="#AEN840">Meta-information</A></DT>

<P>This document gives a list of requirements we consider to be in scope
for XSL in general with no reference to timing or target version. This document
makes no statement about what specific requirements will be addressed in any
particular Working Draft or version of XSL.</P>

<P>In accordance with good language design practice, the full set of requirements
are presented so that, at every step in the design process, design choices
are made taking the full set of requirements into account, rather than just
a subset of those requirements currently being met. It is the XSL WG's expectation
that initial drafts/versions of XSL will address only a subset of these requirements.</P>

<P>When reviewing these requirements, keep in mind that XSL is required
to perform equally well in batch and interactive environments. These environments
run from purely batch formatting at one end of the spectrum, through interactive
browser environments, up to structured editors where XSL is used to guide
the online presentation of an XML instance while it is being modified.</P>

<P>It must be noted that this list represents a list of requirements which
it must be possible to express in XSL. It is not our intent to suggest that
every XSL processor must support <I CLASS="EMPHASIS">every</I> feature described
here (although processors should handle requirements they cannot satisfy in
some more-or-less graceful way).</P>

<P>Within each section, requirements are listed alphabetically, not in
any priority order.</P>

<H1><A NAME="AEN56">General Formatting Issues</A></H1>
<DT class="req">Absolute/relative positioning, Layering, and
<P>Ability to specify absolute/relative positioning of areas on the presentation
medium and/or with respect to each other, incuding specification of Z-order
for overlapping areas and handling of transparency.</P>

<DT class="req">Alignment of scripts and baseline shifts</DT>
<P>Support for automatic alignment of text from multiple scripts with different
alignment rules. Ability to handle sub- and super-scripts.</P>

<DT class="req">Animation</DT>
<P>Support for identifying and including encapsulated, animated objects.</P>

<DT class="req">Callouts</DT>
<P>Linking hotspots to items in the flow of text. Another aspect would
be manipulating presentation of text within a CGM graphic.</P>

<DT class="req">Copyfitting</DT>
<P>Ability to specify parameters that can be adjusted to make text fit
in a specified area.</P>

<DT class="req">Cropping and Scaling of Images</DT>
<P>Support for specification of cropping and scaling of images (and related
issues such as bleeds).</P>

<DT class="req">Cross-references</DT>
<P>Support for/handling of the issues related to cross–references.
For example, page numbers and auto-numbering, document wide variables (release,
version, etc.), explicit textual cross–references, etc.</P>

<DT class="req">Dictionary-style headers</DT>
<P>Support for headers or footers whose content changes depending on the
placement of page breaks (in print media). For example, in an English dictionary,
the page header generally contains the first and last words defined on that

<DT class="req">Drop/raised cap</DT>
<P>Support for drop and raised caps.</P>

<DT class="req">Formatting changes at non-tag boundaries</DT>
<P>Ability to change formatting at arbitrary places in the source document.</P>

<DT class="req">Hanging punctuation</DT>
<P>Support for punctuation that hangs outside the right or left text margin.
In English writing, hanging punctuation would place commas and periods at
the ends of lines in a paragraph just past the right-most text margin, for

<DT class="req">Headers/footers</DT>
<P>Basic running headers and footers (changing on chapter boundaries, page
numbers, etc.)</P>

<DT class="req">Hyphenation</DT>
<P>Ability to specify hyphenation information.</P>

<DT class="req">Hyperlink addressing</DT>
<P>Ability to specify presentation characteristics of link ends defined
by XLink elements.</P>

<DT class="req">Indents (start/end and right/left)</DT>
<P>Specification of starting and ending indents on the display medium.
In English writing, the left margin is the start margin and the right margin
is the end margin.</P>

<DT class="req">Indexes</DT>
<P>Issues related to indexing: sorting, collating, coalescing. See also
cross references. (Easy things should be easy.)</P>

<DT class="req">Inline (horizontal) keeps</DT>
<P>Ability to specify that certain inline markup cannot be broken across
lines. Issues: interaction with justification and non-breakable spaces.</P>

<DT class="req">Justification/Word and Letter Spacing</DT>
<P>Justification/spacing policy controls as per DSSSL.</P>

<DT class="req">Kerning (pair, track, ...)</DT>
<P>Support for some/all of the following: ability to enable/disable font
kerning metrics, specify font kerning overrides, specify track kerning, automated
pair kerning, manual kerning, etc.</P>

<DT class="req">Leading</DT>
<P>Automatic leading and manual control. Relates to ability to address
elements below the tag boundary (lead <I CLASS="EMPHASIS">this line</I> more
or less tightly).</P>

<DT class="req">Lists</DT>
<P>Support for easy construction of a wide variety of types of lists. (Easy
things should be easy)</P>

<DT class="req">Marginalia</DT>
<P>Side-notes, margin illustrations, etc.</P>

<DT class="req">Margins</DT>
<P>Ability to specify margins. Harmonization of DSSSL/CSS models.</P>

<DT class="req">Non-rectangular Areas</DT>
<P>Ability to format text in/around non-rectangular areas.</P>

<DT class="req">Page dynamics</DT>
<P>Support for specification of designs across different aspect ratios,
form and media factors using a single stylesheet.</P>

<DT class="req">Para breaks</DT>
<P>Explicit control over paragraph breaking. (e.g., Suspend and resume
a paragraph around an embedded object?)</P>

<DT class="req">Persistent headers/footers w/scrolling body</DT>
<P>Ability to specify headers and/or footers that should be fixed at the
borders of a scrolling text area. This would provide the functionality most
commonly achieved with frames in HTML browsers today.</P>

<DT class="req">Predictability</DT>
<P>Page fidelity is neither a requirement nor a goal. Presented with the
same document and the same stylesheet, a given renderer should always produce
the same results. Different renderers should produce similar results.</P>

<DT class="req">Rule corners/boxes/borders</DT>
<P>Ability to specify square, rounded, and other end-of-rule treatments
on rules. Ability to specify the treatment of box corners and border edges.</P>

<DT class="req">Run-arounds</DT>
<P>Flowing text around rectangular areas.</P>

<DT class="req">Sorting/Collating/Data processing</DT>
<P>Support for sorting and collating data (for example in index entries,
but more generally wherever it is required for proper presentation). Support
for other sorts of data-processing functions may be required as well.</P>

<DT class="req">Support for Structured Data</DT>
<P>XSL will be called upon to process data which is more highly structured,
and differently structured, than traditional text documents (for example,
calendars, schedules, stock prices, etc.). XSL must provide sufficient functionality
to adequately style such documents.</P>

<DT class="req">Tables</DT>
<P>Support for the table models of CSS and DSSSL. Ability to easily format
popular source table models such as HTML and CALS.</P>

<DT class="req">Tables of Contents</DT>
<P>Support for construction of ToCs and other document views. (Easy things
should be easy).</P>

<DT class="req">Text and images (bitmap/vector)</DT>
<P>Handle scaling issues.</P>

<DT class="req">Tiling</DT>
<P>Background repeat of graphic background.</P>

<H1><A NAME="AEN204">Columns, Floats, Keeps, etc.</A></H1>
<DT class="req">Column balancing</DT>
<P>Ability to specify that columns should be balanced on paged media.</P>

<DT class="req">Floats</DT>
<P>Support for vertical floats, including the ability to control position
(top, middle, bottom) and to specify the constraints on how far a float may
move from the point of origin.</P>

<DT class="req">Footnotes (single/multi column)</DT>
<P>Support for footnotes in multicolumn text is non-trivial. Ability to
specify footnote area, footnote placement, and treatment of very long footnotes.</P>

<DT class="req">Multiple columns (equal width)</DT>
<P>Support for multiple columns of equal width (with equal width gutters).</P>

<DT class="req">Multiple columns (mixed width)</DT>
<P>Support for multiple columns of unequal width (or gutters of unequal

<DT class="req">Side-by-side columns</DT>
<P>Ability to specify multiple columns where the flow is side-by-side rather
than top to bottom. (To align original text and translated text, for example).</P>

<DT class="req">Vertical keeps</DT>
<P>Ability to specify vertical keeps (regions or distances within which
a page and/or column break may not occur).</P>

<DT class="req">Widow/orphan control</DT>
<P>Ability to specify handling of widows and orphans.</P>

<H1><A NAME="AEN239">Fonts</A></H1>
<DT class="req">Ability to capture a character outline</DT>
<P>Capturing a character outline would allow text to flow around the actual
shape of a glyph.</P>

<DT class="req">Character selection and substitutions (glyph
selections, ligatures, small style, etc.)</DT>
<P>Ability to specify and/or select individual glyphs or ligatures, fonts
and font substitutions, and font styles.</P>

<DT class="req">Dynamic font downloading (web fonts, performance
of dynamic fonts)</DT>
<P>Support for high-speed font access (construction of fonts on-the-fly,
fast substitutions, etc.).</P>

<DT class="req">Font selection identification and related
full font substitution services</DT>
<P>Support for a comprehensive set of font selection and substitution parameters.</P>

<DT class="req">Interrogate font metrics/Calculate longest line</DT>
<P>Ability to determine character and/or string lengths. Support for text
formatting that is contingent on line length (for example, make the first
line of a paragraph small caps).</P>

<DT class="req">Text along a curve (move to a formatter issue)</DT>
<P>Ability to format text along the path of a bezier (or other type of)

<DT class="req">Units of measurement</DT>
<P>Specification of both absolute and relative units of measurement (pts,
picas, inches; ems, ens, exes, etc.)</P>

<H1><A NAME="AEN270">Color</A></H1>
<DT class="req">Colors Specification</DT>
<P>Allow color to be created/specified in any ICC standardized
color space.</P>
<P>Carry the originating color space's ICC profile with the content.</P>
<P>Do not attempt to interject color transforms other than source
device to CIE and CIE to target device. Any attempts at color correction/tuning
should be done in an authoring (image modification) application in the source
color space or by conversion to the authoring (image modification) application's
color space. This is because people rarely do simple entire-image transforms,
these transforms can be lossy (or introduce rounding errors), and simple transforms
can run into gamut limitations.</P>
<P>Do not require all image editing to go through CIE or sRGB
if it is not necessary. Again, due to a gamut and transform limitations and
rounding issues.</P>
<P>CIE/RGB to CMYK or to Hexachrome, etc. involves non-linear
conversions and personal preferences.</P>
<P>At present, in CSS it is not possible to define a color space.
There is only one, defined to be sRGB.</P>
<P>When mechanically translating from/to a CSS stylesheet, appropriate
translations must be performed.</P>
<P>No colors in an XSL stylesheet may occur in an undefined colorspace.</P>

<DT class="req">Fills/Shading/Vignettes</DT>
<P>Ability to specify fills and shading (specification of color and gradients
in flood, linear, circular, etc. fills).</P>

<DT class="req">Masks</DT>
<P>Support for masks (e.g., fill all of a specified area except for the
area defined by a second parameter or image)..</P>

<DT class="req">Opacity/Transparency</DT>
<P>Support for layers with varying degrees of transparency.</P>

<H1><A NAME="AEN305">Math</A></H1>
<DT class="req">DSSSL 12.6.26</DT>
<P>Support for math is expected to come initially from the math operators
defined in section 12.6.26 of the DSSSL Standard.</P>

<DT class="req">MathML</DT>
<P>Support for MathML is anticipated.</P>

<H1><A NAME="AEN316">Internationalization</A></H1>
<P>Internationalization involves issues of character/glyph sets, line-breaking/hyphenation/justification,
and layout issues that go well beyond the basic western typography considerations
of most applications.</P>

<P>In most languages there is a significant range between the level of
formatting/typography needed for business documents and basic markets vs.
 the level required for advertising and commercial publishing. Web usage produces
an interesting blend, as it doesn't require the full typographic capability
needed for print advertising, yet requires much of the design and layout capability.</P>

<P>Date and numbering systems seem to vary by country and by language.
Digit and value representations are described in unicode. Date handling is

<P>Major language groups are listed with no particular order:
<DT class="req">Western European and related languages</DT>
<P>This language group includes most North &#38; South American, African
business, Latin, and western European languages.</P>

<P>Basic western line-breaking and justification strategy.</P>

<P>The basic controls for justification include the ability to set:
<P>Enable/disable justification using variable word space</P>
<P>Enable/disable letterspacing</P>
<P>Enable/disable kerning</P>
<P>Baseline shift and superior/inferior presets</P>
<P>Paragraph-level leading (line-spacing) control</P>
<P>High-end western justification strategy</P>

<P>The high-end controls for justification extends the basic set to include
the ability to set:
<P>Min/opt/max word space</P>
<P>Enable/disable + min/opt/max letterspace</P>
<P>Enable/disable kerning</P>

<P>Select kerning technique and technique-specific controls</P>
<P>Constraints on last line of paragraph:
<P>Do not hyphenate last line in column</P>
<P>Do not hyphenate last word before continuation (jump)</P>
<P>Do not hyphenate last word in paragraph</P>
<P>Min acceptable last line length</P>
<P>Force justify last line if within given distance of full.</P>
<P>Hung punctuation and/or optical margin alignment controls.</P>
<P>Roman (upright) / italic and italic/roman boundary spacing.</P>
<P>Dropped/raised caps (initial string and/or final string)</P>
<P>Baseline shift and superior/inferior presets</P>
<P>Ligature, composite accent, and auto-fraction substitutions</P>
<P>String-level leading control</P>

<P>Control of leading in terms of percent-of-size</P>
<P>Control of leading in terms of extra-lead</P>
<P>Control of leading in terms of baseline-to-baseline-distance</P>
<P>Control on above-baseline leading on first line of column/area</P>
<P>Control on below-baseline leading on last line of column/area</P>
<P>Language-specific ligature substitution</P>
<P>Alternate justification strategies</P>

<P>These line-breaking and justification strategies have controls in addition
to or other than those listed above.
<P>Head fit</P>

<P>May override above controls with a wider adjustment range. In addition
may allow character squeeze/stretch (setwidth adjustment or anamorphic scale)</P>
<P>Vertical headlining</P>

<P>Vertically set labels and headlines (Top-to-bottom character progression,
left-to-right line progression)</P>
<P>Balanced line</P>

<P>This strategy is used for headlines and for labels in shapes (such as
flowchart symbols).</P>
<P>Weighted/preferred break strategies</P>

<P>Used for topic headings in Yellow Pages and similar documents.</P>
<P>Special strategies for TOC</P>

<P>Some TOCs have highly-tuned and unique line breaking and balancing rules
the do not fit into any of the above models.</P>
<P>Hyphenation issues</P>

<P>Ability to enable and disable hyphenation</P>
<P>Ability to support multiple languages  (rule or dictionary
package). Other controls related to each hyphenation package:
<P>Min chars before first hyphen</P>
<P>Min chars after last hyphen</P>
<P>Min word to hyphenate.</P>
<P>Ability to support multiple override dictionaries (by language).
Search order (precedence) among override dictionaries,  by language.</P>
<P>Ability to control precedence of hyphenation
<P>Hyphenate on hard hyphen</P>
<P>Hyphenate on user-entered soft-hyphen</P>
<P>Hyphenate on dictionary/rule package hyphen, for each dictionary/rule
package, honor:
<P>Only preferred hyphens</P>
<P>Secondary hyphens</P>
<P>Any hyphens</P>
<P>Honor dictionary/rule hyphens in words with hard hyphen</P>
<P>Honor dictionary/rule hyphens in word with soft hyphen</P>
<P>Honor hard hyphens in word with soft hyphen</P>
<P>Disable rule hyphen if word is found in dictionary.</P>
<P>Northern European languages (German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian,
      Danish, etc.) respell words when breaks/hyphens are inserted.</P>
<P>Language dependent ligature splitting when necessary for hyphenation.</P>
<P>Date and time formats</P>

<P>Month names vary by country</P>
<P>DD/MM/YY (Europe), MM/DD/YY (US)</P>
<P>12-hour vs. 24-hour clock</P>
<P>Daylight savings time usage varies</P>
<P>Numbering Systems (No known special issues here)</P>

<DT class="req">Japanese</DT>
<P>JIS-4051 (1996) line-breaking and justification strategy This
justification strategy has different controls from those of western text,
though the western controls may be used for proportional western within predominantly
Japanese documents.</P>

<P>Justification properties:
<P>Use full-width vs. half-width Kana</P>
<P>Use full-width, half-width, or proportional western</P>
<P>Enable/disable Tsume (proportional Kanji &#38; Kana)</P>
<P>Use conditional half-width punctuation to provide justification</P>
<P>Settings for min/opt/max J-J Spacing</P>

<P>This is the value used for the 1/2 and 1/4 spaces inserted under the
JIS-4051 rules for specified pairs of Japanese character classes.  (0/0/0
disables this feature, min=opt=max allows the space but does not adjust it
for justification, min&#60;opt&#60;max allows this spacing to contribute to
<P>Settings for min/opt/max J-/W-boundary Spacing</P>

<P>This is the value used for the spaces inserted under the JIS-4051 rules
for boundaries where there is a Japanese-to-western or western-to-Japanese
language transition..</P>
<P>Settings for min/opt/max Japanese Letterspacing</P>
<P>All western-language controls from above are provided for
western text in Japanese documents, however the settings/values may be different
than they would be in western-language documents.</P>
<P>Baseline/centerline adjustment when mixing western and Japanese
text on same line.</P>
<P>Composition features that are unique to Asian languages</P>

<P>Character/glyph substitutions for different versions of JIS-____</P>
<P>Vertical text (Top-to-Bottom character progression, with
     Right-to-Left line progression)
<P>Baseline/centerline adjustment when mixing western and Japanese
text on same line.</P>
<P>Glyph and baseline rotation for western text in Japanese vertical
<P>Glyph substitution of vertical form glyph (parens and punct
have H &#38; V forms).</P>
<P>Rubi (glyph annotation)
<P>Controls on Rubi: [TBD]</P>
<P>Warichu (multi-line comment, inline)
<P>Controls on Warichu: [TBD]</P>
<P>Furiwaki (inline list)
<P>Controls on Furiwaki: [TBD]</P>
<P>Kumisuji (cross-line text)
<P>Controls on Kumisuji: [TBD]</P>
<P>Kendot (emphasizing marks)
<P>Controls on Kendot: [TBD]</P>
<P>Justified tab fields</P>
<P>Borders and background highlights</P>

<P>(Since italic and bold are not commonly used in Japanese and other Asian
languages, due to the complexity of the characters; color, borders, and backgrounds
are used more frequently than in other languages)</P>
<P>Date and time formats</P>

<P>All issues of western dates</P>
<P>Imperial dates (measured from the day an emporer is enthroned)</P>
<P>Start of year is not Jan 1.</P>
<P>Numbering Systems - Non-western numbering and western numbering</P>
<P>Japanese measuring systems for type and layout</P>
<P>Toyo named spot color systems</P>

<DT class="req">Chinese, Korean, &#38; Vietnamese (iconic form)</DT>
<P>The requirements of these languages are subsets of the requirements
of Japanese, though they have different character sets.</P>

<P>Korean adds some unique character-compositiing requirements.</P>
<P>One Asian language supports a paired-vertical-column format.
The reading order is:</P>

<TD WIDTH="96" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP">&#60;-- start</TD></TR>
<TD WIDTH="96" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP">end --&#62;</TD>
<P>Date and time formats - Imperial dates differ by country</P>
<P>Numbering Systems - Non-western numbering and western numbering</P>

<DT class="req">Arabic</DT>
<P>This is a script language that is unique in a number of ways:</P>

<P>Mixed writing direction</P>

<P>The letter progression is mostly right-to-left with intermingled left-to-right
numbers. Line progression is top-to-bottom.</P>
<P>Calligraphic/script language</P>

<P>This script (connected letter) language is one that extends calligraphy
to an art form. Arabic-language newspapers (even those outside the middle
east) may have a calligrapher on staff to produce the headlines.</P>

<P>Prefix, infix, suffix, and stand-alone glyph variants</P>

<P>Most letters have at least 4 forms, based on their placement within
the word. Other contextual substitutions (first/last of story, first/last
of paragraph, or first/last of sentence forms) are also prevalent.</P>
<P>No hyphenation</P>

<P>This is one of the few languages that doesn't use hyphenation or break
words in the middle.</P>
<P>Justification methods</P>

<P>Justification is accomplished through the stretching of letters (in
lower-quality forms, through the insertion of stretcher bars [kashidas]).</P>
<P>Compound accents with accent relocation</P>

<P>This language has multi-level accents and vowel marks. When marks are
combined on a single letter, there are complex precedence rules that govern
the placement and changes in placement of these marks.</P>
<P>Date and time formats</P>
<P>Numbering Systems - Numbers set left-to-right.</P>
<P>Page order</P>

<P>Right-to-left reading languages often reverse the page order in a book
>From that of left-to-right reading languages.</P>

<DT class="req">Hebrew</DT>
<P>Though stylistically simpler than Arabic, Hebrew carries many similar
characteristics (Mixed writing directions, glyph variants, etc.). If you satisfy
the requirements for western Europe and Arabic, you have satisfied most of
those of Hebrew.</P>

<P>Date and time formats</P>
<P>Numbering Systems
<P>Special treatment of 15 &#38; 16</P>
<P>Arabic/European numbers set left-to-right.</P>
<P>Page order</P>

<P>Right-to-left reading languages often reverse the page order in a book
>From that of left-to-right reading languages.</P>

<DT class="req">Eastern Europe and Russian republics</DT>
<P>Except for character sets, there are no known requirements for these
languages that are not covered by those of western Europe. We need to confirm

<DT class="req">India and Indic rim</DT>
<P>Many of these are script-based languages, many of the requirements
of Arabic will apply
<P>Prefix, infix, suffix, and stand-alone glyph variants</P>
<P>No hyphenation (?)</P>
<P>Justification is accomplished through the stretching of  letters.</P>
<P>Accent relocation and/or resequencing</P>

<P>Accent leaders</P>

<P>Accents are relocated before and/or after the word and connected to
the associated letter/syllable with an ornate 'L' or reverse-'L' leader line.</P>
<P>Vowel relocation and/or resequencing</P>
<P>Differing baseline/centerline, and top-align strategies when
mixing languages or writing directions.</P>
<P>Date and time formats</P>
<P>Numbering Systems</P>

<P>There are a number of unique numbering systems in this area.</P>

<DT class="req">Africa</DT>

<DT class="req">Southeast Asia and South Pacific</DT>
<P>Includes non-iconic form of Vietnamese</P>
<P>Thai has many typographic characteristics from Indic-rim.</P>
<P>One Asian language supports a paired-vertical-column format.</P>
<P>Differing baseline/centerline, and top-align strategies when
mixing languages or writing directions.</P>
<P>Date and time formats</P>
<P>Numbering Systems</P>

<DT class="req">Infrequently used, dead, and archaic languages</DT>
<P>There are a number of issues regarding infrequently used, dead, and
archaic languages that we might want to support for academic studies and literature:</P>

<P>Character sets</P>

<P>Unicode does not include support for all these languages.</P>
<P>Unique layout, line breaking and justification strategies:
<P>Alternating left-to-right and right-to-left lines</P>
<P>Snaking lines (alternating and inverting)</P>
<P>There is one bottom-to-top reading language?</P>

<H1><A NAME="AEN741">Scripting</A></H1>
<DT class="req">“Query Expressions”</DT>
<P>Ancestors, children, siblings, attributes, content, disjunctions, negation,
enumerations, computed select based upon arbitrary query expressions.</P>

<DT class="req">Arithmetic Expressions</DT>
<P>Arithmetic, simple boolean comparisons, boolean logic, substrings, string

<DT class="req">Data Types</DT>
<P>Scalar types, units of measure, Flow Objects, XML Objects</P>

<DT class="req">Side effects</DT>
<P>No global side effects.</P>

<DT class="req">Standard Procedures</DT>
<P>The expression language should have a set of procedures that are builtin
to the XSL language. These are still to be identified.</P>

<DT class="req">Types of Scripting</DT>
<P>Content-side scripting. This is scripting that generates content
(on the server, for example) to be sent to the client for rendering. Viewed
as out-of-scope.</P>
<P>Process-side scripting (scripting in the construction of the
<P>Renderer-side scripting (scripting in the rendered result).
Viewed as out-of-scope.</P>
<P>“Browser”-side scripting (other scripting in the
browser). Viewed as out-of-scope.</P>

<DT class="req">User Defined Functions</DT>
<P>For reuse. Parameterized, but not recursive.</P>

<H1><A NAME="AEN780">Interactivity</A></H1>
<DT class="req">Events</DT>
<P>Support for defining the interactive response to certain behavioral
and user-interface events such as mouse-clicks and loading and unloading of
a document.</P>

<DT class="req">Forms</DT>
<P>Support for defining “input elements” of a document (e.g.
HTML forms).</P>

<DT class="req">Interactive Response</DT>
<P>Support for defining the interactive response of all visible objects.
Support for renderer-meaningful mechanisms and language for defining the action
that occurs upon interaction.</P>

<DT class="req">Look and Feel</DT>
<P>Support for defining the look and feel of the input objects (i.e., mechanisms
to bind the abstract input elements to concrete presentational widgets).</P>

<H1><A NAME="AEN799">Accessibility</A></H1>
<DT class="req">Aural stylesheets</DT>
<P>Support for audio (aural) stylesheets.</P>

<DT class="req">XSL must support accessibility mechanisms</DT>
<P>Additional accessibility support will be defined.</P>

<H1><A NAME="AEN810">Extensibility</A></H1>
<DT class="req">Extensibility at the object level</DT>
<P>Possibly provide the ability to specify additional Flow Objects or XML

<DT class="req">Extensibility at the property/characteristic
<P>Possibly provide the ability to specify additional characteristics on

<H1><A NAME="AEN821">Packaging</A></H1>
<DT class="req">Associating Stylesheets and Documents</DT>
<P>Ability to specify the stylesheet(s) that apply to a particular document
(or class of documents)</P>

<DT class="req">Cascading (publisher/consumer)</DT>
<P>Specify how author/reader stylesheets can cascade.</P>

<DT class="req">Modularity of Stylesheets</DT>
<P>Allow stylesheets to be composed (possibly dynamically) from multiple
individual stylesheet fragments.</P>

<DT class="req">Selective override</DT>
<P>Specify the selection of criteria for determining what stylesheet (or
what part of a stylesheet) overrides another. Handling of specificity issues.</P>

<H1><A NAME="AEN840">Meta-information</A></H1>
<DT class="req">Crop marks, registration marks</DT>
<P>Ability to specify formatting of areas outside the typical display area.</P>

<DT class="req">Grain direction/Stock specification</DT>
<P>Ability to specify stock and grain direction for print media.</P>

<DT class="req">Imposition</DT>
<P>Ability to specify the order and nature of imposition (the process of
constructing signatures from pages) with the focus on the types of imposition
supported by standard laser printers.</P>

<DT class="req">Job control</DT>
<P>Ability to specify job control for specific devices.</P>

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