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<h1 class="title">Jobs and Fellowships</h1>

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<p style="float: right" class="lPadding tPadding"><a class="imageLink"
href="/People/"><img width="300" height="105" src="/2008/10/team-photo-small"
alt="W3C Team" /> </a> </p>

<p class="tPadding">From time to time, W3C looks for motivated people to join
<a href="../../People/">the W3C Team</a>. The Team provides technical
leadership about Web technologies, organizes and manages W3C activities to
reach goals within practical constraints (such as resources available), and
communicates with the Members and the public about the Web and W3C
technologies. W3C is unique among standards bodies for its full-time staff of
Web experts.</p>

<h2 id="jobs">Jobs</h2>

<ul class="show_items">
<li><a href="#WebTech">Web Technologies Specialist </a></li>
<li><a href="#Sysad">Systems Administrator</a></li>
<li><a href="#WAIspecialist">Web Accessibility Specialist</a></li>
<li><a href="#WAIengineer">Web Accessibility Engineer</a></li>

<hr />

<h3 id="WebTech">Web Technologies Specialist </h3>

<p>WEB TECHNOLOGIES SPECIALIST, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL)-World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), to join the team responsible for the Ubiquitous Web Applications activity technologies that enhance the functionality of the Web. </p>


<ul class="show_items">
<li>Will provide guidance to technical working groups on the design and evolution of the Web infrastructure;</li>
<li> assist working groups in publishing specifications, following the W3C Process, producing universal standards for the Web, and coordinating with other groups within or external to W3C;</li>
<li> and build support among user and vendor communities for Web technologies by illustrating the benefits to those communities in the Ubiquitous Web Applications Activity and the Voice Browser Activity.</li>


<ul class="show_items">
<li>A background in computer science and software engineering</li>
<li> experience with dialogue systems, speech recognition, mobile Web and mobile application development technologies and APIs, and location information and technologies</li>
<li> Web technology and project management experience</li>
<li> a solid understanding of the Web industry and its market, practices, and product development cycles</li>
<li>familiarity with up-to-date Web technology, speech-related technologies, smartphone APIs, augmented reality browsers, and HTML5.</li>
<li>Experience with augmented reality or other areas related to W3C's activities in the Ubiquitous Web domain is a plus, as is experience with multimodal interaction and use of Web technologies for embedded applications.</li>
<li> Strong communications skills (including English as the working language of the W3C) and knowledge of other cultures and languages necessary.</li>
<li>Ability to travel internationally on a monthly basis is required.</li>

<p>To apply, please, refer to the <a
href="http://sh.webhire.com/servlet/av/jd?ai=631&amp;ji=2591796&amp;sn=I">MIT-00008317 job posting</a> on the MIT/CSAIL Job Site.</p>

<hr />

<h3 id="Sysad">Systems Administrator </h3>

<p>The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is looking for a new staff member to assist with W3C's Systems Team work. This is an opportunity for a unique individual to be part of the team responsible for the design of next generation World Wide Web Technologies and to lead a variety of industry and user groups toward the development of technologies that enhance the functionality of the Web.</p>

<p>This is a full time, on-site position. You will be located at the W3C MIT host site, in Boston, USA and will enjoy working within a multicultural Team.</p>

<ul class="show_items">
  <li><strong>Systems Administration:</strong> <p>With the rest of the
  W3C Systems Team create and support infrastructure services. Activities to include but not limited to:</p>
  <ul class="show_items">

    <li>Monitor and assess service performance, optimizing configuration and/or
    recommending additional hardware to increase capacity as needed</li>
    <li>Improve reliance and maintainability of W3C's server
    infrastructure at MIT, ERCIM and Keio</li>
    <li>Perform hardware maintenance and install new servers at W3C's
    MIT site</li>
    <li>Diagnose and repair server or service issues as they
    <li>Evaluate new or replacement service solutions</li>
    <li>Liaison with MIT CSAIL Infrastructure Group on networking and
    services they provide</li>

    <li>Enhance service functionality</li>

  <li><strong>User support:</strong> act
    as the primary contact for W3C staff and collaborator support.</li>
  <li><strong>Systems development:</strong> develop and maintain
    applications that helps the Consortium to fulfill
    <a href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/">its mission</a>. At a minimum some regular Unix scripting will required but if
    the candidate is inclined towards software development there are
    plenty of opportunities to participate in development


<p>As the recognized leader for the technical development of the World Wide
Web, we are seeking an individual with interest in Web technology, Open-Source 
software and enthusiasm for the mission and spirit of W3C. Candidates should have:</p>
<ul class="show_items">
  <li>Bachelors Degree or higher</li>
  <li>Background in computer science and software engineering, with a minimum
  of three years related working experience.</li>

  <li>Experience with high availability infrastructure a plus</li>
  <li>Familiarity with
  Web technologies like (X)HTML, XSL, CSS, RDF...</li>
  <li>Experience with several programming languages (PHP, Java,
   Perl, Shell script...)</li>
  <li>Linux experience (Debian preferred)</li>
  <li>Experience supporting users on varying platforms</li>
  <li>Experience with LDAP, Dell management tools + DRAC, Xen, Exim, Apache and MySQL</li>  
  <li>Good written and spoken competency in English,
    knowledge of other languages and cultures a plus</li>

  <li>Good communication skills, both written and oral</li>

<hr />

<h3 id="WAIspecialist">Web Accessibility Specialist</h3>
<p><a href="http://www.w3.org/WAI/">W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)</a> is seeking a Web Accessibility Specialist who will work full time through the European host for W3C, the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM), to develop technical guidance on web accessibility. The Web Accessibility Specialist will work in the context of the EC-funded <a href="http://www.w3.org/WAI/ACT/">WAI-ACT Project</a> with other project partners, accessibility experts, and the public to help develop a framework for increased international cooperation; resources for implementing WCAG 2.0 in advanced technologies including web applications and mobile devices; and related technical guidance on accessibility support in web technologies.</p>
<p>A minimum of five years' web development experience and working in team settings. Must possess in-depth knowledge of accessibility requirements across different types of disabilities; existing accessibility support in web technologies including interoperability with assistive technologies; and WAI guidelines and specifications including WCAG, ATAG, UAAG, and WAI-ARIA. Familiarity with W3C technologies including MWBP, HTML 4, HTML5, and with the W3C Process required. Excellent oral and written communication skills needed; background in usability and user-centered design (UCD) are advantageous. Must be available to travel.</p>
<p>Screening of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume to <a href="mailto:shadi@w3.org">Shadi Abou-Zahra</a></p>

<h3 id="WAIengineer">Web Accessibility Engineer</h3>

<p>W3C <a href="http://www.w3.org/WAI/">Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)</a>
is seeking a Web Accessibility Engineer who will work full time with MIT
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) to manage the
progress of accessibility solutions in HTML5. Will work with accessibility
experts to develop change proposals, monitor progress, reach out to different
stakeholders, respond to clarification requests, and promote implementations;
provide staff support to accessibility working groups and task forces; assist
in reviewing accessibility support in W3C technologies that have intersecting
features with HTML5 while they are under development; and develop and document
accessibility requirements for HTML-Next in coordination with WAI groups.</p>


<p>A minimum of three years' project management experience and working in team
settings. Must possess in-depth knowledge of accessibility requirements across
different types of disabilities; existing accessibility support in Web
technologies including interoperability with assistive technologies; and WAI
guidelines and specifications including WCAG, ATAG, UAAG, and WAI-ARIA.
Familiarity with W3C technologies including HTML 4 and HTML5 and with W3C
Process required. Excellent oral and written communication skills needed.</p>

<p>Must be available to travel.</p>

<p>To apply, please, refer to the <a
job posting</a> on the MIT/CSAIL Job Site.</p>
<h2 id="fellows"><a href="Fellows">Fellows <img
src="/2008/site/images/header-link" alt="Header link" width="13" height="13"
class="header-link" /> </a> </h2>

<p>W3C Fellows are employees of <a href="/Consortium/Member/List">Member
organizations</a> who join the W3C Team for specific projects and usually a
predetermined duration. W3C encourages Member organizations to participate. W3C
is currently seeking qualified individuals for the following Fellowships:</p>
<ul class="show_items">
  <li><a href="/2007/01/comm-fellow1">Business and Technology Communications
    Specialist</a> </li>
  <li><a href="/2007/01/SysteamFellowsPosition">Software Engineer</a> </li>

<p class="tPadding">Fellowship opportunities are not limited to those announced
here; please contact W3C if you are interested in other activities.</p>

<h3 id="current">Current W3C Fellows</h3>
  <li>Hiroki Yamada (Internet Academy)</li>
  <li>Shinji Ishii (NTT)</li>
  <li><a href="Fellows#past">Past fellows…</a> </li>

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