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      <h1>Scribe 101</h1>
    <p class="baseline">This <strong>Guidebook</strong> is the collected wisdom of the W3C Group Chairs and other collaborators.</p>
  <div class="toc">
    <h4>Also On This Page &#x2192; </h4>
      <li><a href='#use'>Use of IRC</a>&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;</li>
      <li><a href='#beginning'>At the beginning of the call</a>&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;</li>
      <li><a href='#during'>During the call</a>&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;</li>
      <li><a href='#after'>After the call</a>&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;</li>
  <div class="toolbox box" style="margin-bottom: 1em"> 
      <li><a href="/Project/IRC/">Internet Relay Chat (IRC)</a></li>
      <li><a href="/2002/03/RRSAgent">RRSAgent</a></li>
      <li><a href="/2001/12/zakim-irc-bot.html">Zakim</a></li>
      <li><a href='/2005/06/tracker/irc'>Trackbot</a></li>
      <li><a href=''>Generate Meeting Minutes</a></li>

<p>Some of you who may not be familiar with the way that minutes are
recorded for W3C meetings might benefit from a bit of a primer/FAQ for

<h2 id='use'>Use of IRC</h2>

<p>Use of IRC is preferred for scribing since the clean-up and
preparation of the final minutes can be fairly automated using the
various IRC bots, etc. Please let the chairs know if you will be
unable to scribe from IRC before the meeting in which you are likely
to be selected (e.g. you are atop the scribes list).</p>

<h2 id='beginning'>At the beginning of the call</h2>

<p>Ensure that the call is setup by issuing the following command:</p>

<ul class='command'>
  <li>trackbot-ng, start telcon</li>

<p>Trackbot-ng will invite the other bots for you and setup the access
controls. You then need to identify yourself to Zakim as the

<ul class='command'>
  <li>scribe: joe</li>

<ul class='command'>
  <li>scribeNick: joe</li>

<p>You should also identify the chair:</p>

<ul class='command'>
  <li>chair: edouard</li>

<p>It is also good practice to add a link to the agenda:</p>

<ul class='command'>
  <li>agenda: &lt;link to the agenda&gt;</li>

<h2 id='during'>During the call</h2>
<h3>Identify the agenda topic being discussed</h3>

        <ul class='command'>
  <li>TOPIC: review of action items</li>

<h3>What should be recorded?</h3>

<p>W3C minutes should record the sense of all of the discussion held.
This may be different than what some are accustomed to (e.g. some
other organizations simply record action items and resolutions).
Thus, when a topic is being discussed, the scribe should capture the
sense (no need to try to get every word)</p>
<ul class='command'>
  <li>joe: doesn't like the proposal because it is too vague</li>
<p>Note that the person's name is recorded as <code>&lt;name&gt;:</code></p>

<p>If the scribe is unsure of whom is speaking, then they should
record in the minutes:</p>

<ul class='command'>
  <li>??:  doesn't like the proposal because it is too vague</li>

<p>Someone will hopefully fix this in IRC using a sed command:</p>

<ul class='command'>

<p>otherwise, when reviewing the minutes, the speaker should recognize
that it was they who made the point and they should ask the chairs to amend the
minutes to reflect that fact. If they do not, then at least the point is
recorded (even though no one will ever know who made the point).</p>

<p>Note that if someone makes a specific proposal, then every effort
should be made by the scribe to capture it fully and accurately in the
minutes. It would be unfortunate if all that were recorded was:
<q>joe: makes a proposal for resolving issue-NNNN</q></p>

<h3>Action Items</h3>

<p>When recording action items, the form should be as follows:</p>

<ul class='command'>
  <li>ACTION: &lt;name&gt; to &lt;do something&gt; [due

<p>When recording a comment on an existing action item, the form should be as follows:</p>
<ul class='command'>
<li>trackbot-ng, comment action-2 something&hellip;</li>

<p>You can also close action action items:</p>
<ul class='command'>
<li>close action-2</li>

<p>As a good practice, always use the form <code>"ACTION-NNNN"</code>
when mentioning an existing action item in the record. This syntax
will be picked up by the email tracker later.</p>


<p>As for actions, always use the form <code>"ISSUE-NNNN"</code> when
mentioning an existing issue in the record. This syntax will be picked
up by the email tracker later. Note that you cannot create or close
issues using IRC commands.</p>


<p>When recording a resolution, the form should be as follows:</p>

        <ul class='command'>
<li>RESOLUTION: issue-2 yadda yadda yadda</li>
<p>or, if the resolution isn't related to an issue:</p>
        <ul class='command'>
<li>RESOLUTION: yadda yadda yadda</li>
<p>Also, it is useful to mark the location of all resolutions, since
they are only styled for color. To do this, enter the following command in IRC:</p>
        <ul class='command'>
<li>rrsagent, where am I?</li>
<h3 id='mistake'>Making/fixing mistakes</h3>

<p>When you make a mistake/typo in recording something, you can use
to add corrections to the log:</p>

        <ul class='command'>

<p>However, this doesn't work when the typo is with either of the
keywords: <em>ACTION</em> or <em>RESOLUTION</em>.</p>

<p>If the problem was that you mistyped the keyword <em>ACTION</em> or
then simply enter the <em>ACTION</em> or <em>RESOLUTION</em> again, fixing the

<p>If, however, the ACTION or RESOLUTION was incorrectly recorded,
then these 
need to be  
fixed using the form:</p>

        <ul class='command'>
<li>ACTION-&lt;number&gt; = &lt;replacement text&gt;</li>

<p>The two syntaxes above are unfortunately not being picked up by
trackbot-ng, thus one has to go to the Web interface later on and fix
the title of the action item.</p>

<h2 id='after'>After the call</h2>

<p>Ask rrsagent to generate the minutes:</p>
<ul class='command'>
<li>rrsagent, generate minutes</li>
<p>RRSAgent will reply by providing the link to the generated record.</p>
<p>If you find any mistake, fix them using <a
href='#mistake'>Making/fixing mistakes</a>. You can then ask RRSAgent to
regenerate the record as many times as you need, as long as it's within the same day.</p>

<p><strong>Once the record has been approved by the Group</strong>, send a <em>text
version</em> of the record to the Group list. trackbot-ng will pick
them up and associate actions and issues with the record. You can use
the comma tool <code>,text</code> to generate a text version of the
generated record:</p>
<hr />
<address><a href=''></a></address>
