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      W3C Semantic Web Coordination Group Charter
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      W3C Semantic Web Coordination Group Charter
    <hr />
      <b>NOTE:</b> This charter has been
      <a href="">superseded</a>
      by an updated version reflecting the launch of
      <a href="">Phase
      2</a> of the <a href="/2001/sw/">Semantic Web Activity</a>.
    <hr />
    <p class="splash">
      Work on the <a href="">Semantic
      Web</a> is part of W3C's
      <a href="">Technology and Society
        <a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a>
        <a href="#Scope">Purpose and Scope</a>
        <a href="#Related">Related Activities</a>
        <a href="#Communication">Communication</a>
        <a href="#Participation">Participation</a>
        <a href="#Duration">Duration</a>
        <a href="#Contact">Contact</a>
      <a id="Introduction" name="Introduction">1. Introduction</a>
      The <a href="Activity">Semantic Web Activity</a> has been
      established to serve a leadership role, in both the design of
      enabling specifications and the open, collaborative
      development of technologies that support the automation,
      integration and reuse of data across various applications. To
      facilitate the effectiveness and efficiency of this Activity,
      the Semantic Web Coordination Group is tasked to provide a
      forum for managing the interrelationships and
      interdependencies among groups focusing on standards and
      technologies that relate to this goals of this Activity.
      <a id="Scope" name="Scope">2. Purpose and Scope</a>
      The Semantic Web Coordination Group serves as an advisory
      forum for the W3C Semantic Web Activity. This group is
      designed to coordinate, facilitate and (where possible)
      direct the efforts of other related groups to avoide
      duplication of effort and fragmentation of the Semantic Web
      by way of incompatible standards and technologies. The
      Coordination Group has the latitude for chartering additional
      Working Groups in order to support the Activity.
      <a id="Related" name="Related">3. Related Activities</a>
      The goal of this group is to coordinate the related groups
      relavant to the Semantic Web Activity. These groups include
      Working Groups directly associated with the Semantic Web
      Activity, other related W3C Working Groups, and various other
      organizations focusing on related policies and technologies.
      The following specific groups have been identified as the
      basis for this coordination.
      <a id="wgs" name="wgs">SW Activity Active Working Groups (Jan
      The Coordination Group will maintain contacts with Groups
      directly associated with the Semantic Web Activity. These
      groups include the following:
        <a href="/2001/sw/WebOnt/">Web Ontology Working Group</a>
        <a href="/2001/sw/RDFCore/">RDF Core Working Group</a>
        <a href="/RDF/Interest/">RDF Interest Group</a>
      <a id="rwgs" name="rwgs">Related W3C Working Groups</a>
      The Coordination Group will additionally maintain contacts
      with many other Groups within W3C. Some of the most important
      work include:
        <a href="">WAI</a> Web Accessibility
        <a href="">P3P</a> Platform for
        Privacy Preferences
        <a href="">Device
        Independence</a> Activity
        <a href="">Mobile Web
        <a href="">Web Services
      Relative Activities Outside of W3C
      This Corrdination Group will also maintain contacts with some
      external groups, such as:
        <a href="">The Dublin Core Metadata
        <a href="">DAML</a> DARPA Agent Markup
        Language Program
        <a href="">XTM</a> XML Topic Maps
      <a id="Communication" name="Communication">4.
      The Semantic Web Coordination Group is expected to meet by
      teleconference at least monthly unless special circumstances
      require additional meetings (by teleconference or
      face-to-face). Where and when appropriate the Coordination
      group will meet face-to-face. Additionally, the Coordination
      Group will maintain an email archive open to W3C Members.
      5. Partipation
      The Semantic Web Coordination Group is a forum for
      identifying and discussing interrelationships and
      interdependencies among various groups related to the
      Activity. Participating members of this coordination group
      include related chairs and invited experts associated with
      these activities.
      <a id="Duration" name="Duration">6. Duration</a>
      The Semantic Web Coordination Group will run as long as the
      Semantic Web Activity, which is chartered through January,
      <a id="Contact" name="Contact">7. Contact</a>
      The Activity Lead for the Semantic Web Initiative is
      <a href="">Eric Miller
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