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    dc:description="How to handle vertical layouts (for example CJK) with Canvas Text API. I give some references to have a snapshot of the constraints and issues."
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                        <h2 class="entry-header">Vertical Layouts for Canvas Text (CJK)</h2>
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                              <p>I have noticed a <a href="">discussion</a> (I have cut some parts for readability) about <strong>vertical layout for text</strong> from the participants of the HTML WG. </p>

  <p>&lt;Hixie&gt; ok for canvas text my proposal is:</p>
  <p>&lt;Hixie&gt; drawHString(x, y, maxWidth, textAlign, s); and drawHString(x, y, maxHeight, textAlign, s);</p>
  <p>&lt;Hixie&gt; drawVString(...) for the second one</p>
  <p>&lt;Lachy&gt; what's the difference between them? drawVString for vertical stings where the letters are stacked on top of each other, and not just rotated 90 deg?  </p>
  <p>&lt;Philip`&gt; Hixie: They look complex and hard to use :-p</p>
  <p>&lt;Philip`&gt; compared to e.g. translate(x,y);drawString(s)</p>
  <p>&lt;Hixie&gt; lachy: drawVString() would be for vertical text (e.g. some CJK)</p>
  <p>&lt;Hixie&gt; one is lack of support for vertical text :-)</p>

<p>In printed media, it is handled quite well for a long time. Japanese books have some complex layouts mixing western and japanese characters. </p>

<p><img src="" alt="Japanese Typography" title="" /></p>

<p>It happens not only in CJK (Chinese Japanese Korean) texts. Think about a neon sign of an hotel with the letters written vertically.</p>

<p>Felix Sasaki is my colleague at W3C/Keio and has worked with the <a href="" title="Japanese Layout Task Force">Japanese Layout Task Force</a>. He was sitting next to me when I was reading the logs of the discussion, so I just asked him some references. He sent me a link to <a href="" title="Requirements of Japanese Text Layout">1.3 Directional Factors in Japanese Text Layout</a> from the <span class="title">Requirements of Japanese Text Layout</span>. He also reminded me about XSL 1.1: <a href="" title="Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Version 1.1">7.29.3 "glyph-orientation-vertical" </a>.</p>

<p>Wikipedia has a page on the topic of <a href="">Horizontal and vertical writing in East Asian scripts</a> and Unicode a note on <a href="" title="UTN #22: Robust Vertical Text Layout">Robust Vertical Text Layout</a>.</p>

<p>All of that should help to define the API for Canvas Text.</p>

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                       <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Karl Dubost</a> on May  2, 2008  3:35 AM in <a href="">HTML</a>, <a href="">Reference</a><br />
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<span class="comment-meta-author"><strong>Ian Hickson </strong></span>
<span class="comment-meta-date"><a href="#c138415">#</a> 2008-05-02</span>
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<p>Yup, I was reading most of the above (as well as CSS3 text and XSL:FO, and studying actual graphics and charts on japanese sites) when doing my research for this. Thanks for the link to jlreq btw, didnt' know about that one.</p>

<p>Note that we're not trying to do full typography here, we're trying to do an immediate mode graphics API. The needs are different from the needs of book publishers. :-)</p>


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