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    dc:description="There has been a lot of discussions around &lt;code&gt;alt&lt;/code&gt; attributes on HTML WG mailing list. It&apos;s always difficult to move forward in such discussions because it seems to be easy when in fact it is rather complicated."
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                        <h2 class="entry-header">alt attributes authoring practices</h2>
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                              <p>There has been a lot of discussions around <code>alt</code> attributes on HTML WG mailing list. It's always difficult to move forward in such discussions because it seems to be easy when in fact it is rather complicated. The issue involves many parameters: the author, the reader, the authoring tool or CMS, the usage pattern on the Web site and the user agent.  To really be effective, we have to understand how the <code>alt</code> is being authored with tools. </p>

<p><cite>Steve Axthelm</cite> has sent an <a href="">email</a> describing the behavior of a few tools. <cite>Laura Carlson</cite> followed-up. Having more authoring patterns in different environments such as web services would be useful too. The list of tools so far is</p>

<li>Dreamweaver CS3</li>
<li>Visual Studio 2005</li>
<li>Visual Studio 2008</li>

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                       <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Karl Dubost</a> on April 30, 2008  2:47 AM in <a href="">Accessibility</a>, <a href="">HTML</a>, <a href="">Tools</a><br />
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<p class="comment-meta" id="c169470">
<span class="comment-meta-author"><strong>SEO Company India </strong></span>
<span class="comment-meta-date"><a href="#c169470">#</a> 2008-12-02</span>
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<p>is there any tool exist which can help finding out all missing alt tag images from a given website url.
I need the image name and url's for all pages by just entering the domain name in the tool.
I would really appreciate if somebody can just let me know about such tools if exist..</p>



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<p class="comment-meta" id="c183405">
<span class="comment-meta-author"><strong>Samster </strong></span>
<span class="comment-meta-date"><a href="#c183405">#</a> 2009-09-07</span>
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<p>I need to know same sort of tools if you can provide..thank you in advance.</p>


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<p class="comment-meta" id="c185192">
<span class="comment-meta-author"><strong>UDL Intermedia </strong></span>
<span class="comment-meta-date"><a href="#c185192">#</a> 2009-12-04</span>
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<p>Is there a tool that can determine whether or ALT-tags in images from a particular Web site URL missing?</p>

<p>Thank you for help
UDL Intermedia Group</p>


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