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    dc:description="Web standards are made by people. They interact, discuss, debate. They find issues, argue about them and finally try to settle down on what should be done. In the end, eventually it would be specified properly in a W3C Working Draft and then implemented in an interoperable way. It takes time and energy. I give here an example of a recent discussion between members of the HTML WG."
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                        <h2 class="entry-header">HTML WG members working together</h2>
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                              <p>On the one year anniversary of the <a href="">HTML WG</a> (March 7, 2008), IE8 beta 1 has been <a href="" title="IEBlog : Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1 for Developers - Standards Highlights">released</a>. Firefox 3 beta 4 has been <a href="" title="Mozilla Firefox 3 Beta 4 Release Notes">published</a> on March 10, 2008 and the beta 5 will have a <a href="" title="Mozilla Developer News  &raquo; Blog Archive   &raquo; Firefox 3 Beta 5 schedule">code freeze on March 18</a>. WebKit of Apple is being <a href="" title="Mac OS X Nightly Build Archive">built</a> almost every days. Opera 9.26 Final has been <a href="" title="Opera Software - Beta Testing">announced</a> on February 20, 2008. What all these products have in common? </p>

<p>Their implementers are part of the HTML WG and they started to implement pieces of <a href="">HTML 5</a> in the alpha or beta version of their products. It is important because it helps to improve the specification, to discover what are the difficulties when implementing, to detect early the discrepancies and try to settle on a common ground.</p>

<p>Anne van Kesteren (Opera) has recently published <a href="" title="IE8: The Bad - Anne's Weblog">IE8: The Bad</a> and has described a few issues that he identified in IE8 beta 1. One of the topic was <a href="" title="WAI-ARIA Overview">ARIA</a>, which is mechanism for improving accessibility of Web applications, specifically the ones relying on dynamic content. The discussion between developpers has popped up first on W3C Members only mailing list (w3c-wai-pf), then a <a href="" title="IE8 incompatibility issues (was: Re: Issue: IE 8 adds new DOM Properties for ARIA -- not compatible with other impls) on 2008-03-12">message</a> from Simon Pieters (Opera) appeared on the public www-archive.</p>

<p>Simon Pieters (Opera) said:</p>

  <p>Please ask if there's something that is unclear from those points.</p>

<p>Chris Wilson (Microsoft) replied:</p>

  <p>Actually, Anne's post was not very clear about the ARIA point as well as others.</p>

<p>and </p>

  <p>Thanks, this is much more helpful.  Offhand I don't know what caused this, a developer is looking into it.</p>

<p>Anne van Kesteren (Opera) engaged: </p>

  <p>In IE8 you can do</p>

<pre><code>element.ariaDisabled = true
  <p>This is not possible in any other browser. In other browsers you are required to do</p>

<pre><code>element.setAttribute("aria-disabled", "true")

<p>To which Chris Wilson (Microsoft) replied:</p>

  <p>Yup, that's clear now.  (To be more clear - the latter works in IE as well.)</p>

<p>I'm giving the details of this thread because when developing Web standards nothing is really perfect. People try, experiment, readjust their implementations depending on the feedback they receive. It also shows that it is a lot easier to fix things when people help you understand the issues.</p>

<p>Product developers sometimes try to extend the features which are given in a specification. For example, it seems that Mozilla already <a href="" title="Drawing text using a canvas - MDC">extended canvas API</a>. At the origin, Canvas API was a creation of Apple. Now it is <a href="" title="HTML 5">specified</a> in HTML 5 WD (2008-01-22). <a href="" title="The XMLHttpRequest Object">XMLHttpRequest</a> was created by Microsoft and it is also now described in a W3C Working Draft.</p>

<p>It is encouraging to see W3C as forum where people can discuss, innovate and share issues.</p>

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                       <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Karl Dubost</a> on March 13, 2008  1:12 AM in <a href="">Bugs Life</a>, <a href="">HTML</a>, <a href="">Opinions &amp;amp; Editorial</a><br />
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<p class="comment-meta" id="c127907">
<span class="comment-meta-author"><strong>Ashish Lohorung Rai </strong></span>
<span class="comment-meta-date"><a href="#c127907">#</a> 2008-04-03</span>
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<p>Wow! that's very fast to launch IE8 beta. Most of the people all over the world haven't started using IE7 till now. Being a web developer it is always the issue of compatibility of different major browsers. I don't know when all the browsers set the common standards to display all the things same. </p>


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