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<h1>Judy Brewer </h1>

<p>Director of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) <br>
at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) </p>

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20">
      <td><h2>Contact Information </h2>

        <p><strong>email:</strong> jbrewer AT<br>
        <strong>phone:</strong> +1.617.258.9741<b><br>
        </b><strong>fax: </strong>+1.617.258.5999<b><br>
        </b><strong>post:</strong> Web Accessibility Initiative, W3C<br>
        MIT/CSAIL Building 32-G526<br>
        32 Vassar Street<br>
        Cambridge, MA 02139 USA<br>
      <td><img src=""
        alt="Photo of Judy Brewer"
        style="border: 0px solid ; width: 150px; height: 200px;"> </td>

<h2>Bio </h2>

<p>Judy Brewer directs the <a href="/WAI/">Web Accessibility Initiative</a>
(WAI) at the <a href="/">World Wide Web Consortium</a> (W3C). Since September
1997 she has coordinated five areas of work for W3C with regard to Web
accessibility: ensuring that W3C technologies (HTML, CSS, SMIL, XML, etc.) <a
href="/WAI/PF/">support accessibility</a>; developing accessibility guidelines
for <a href="/TR/WCAG20/">Web content</a>, <a href="/TR/UAAG10/">browsers and
multimedia players</a>, <a href="/TR/ATAG10/">authoring tools</a>, and <a
href="/TR/xag.html">XML applications</a>; <a href="/WAI/ER/">improving tools
for evaluation and repair of Web sites</a>; conducting <a
href="/WAI/EO/">education and outreach on Web accessibility</a>; and <a
href="/WAI/RD/">monitoring research and development</a> which may impact future
accessibility of the Web.  WAI guidelines developed through this work include
the <a href="">Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines</a>, adopted by an increasing number of governments around the
world, and <a href="">Authoring Tool Accessibility
Guidelines</a> and <a href="">User Agent Accessibility
Judy is W3C&rsquo;s chief liaison on accessibility policy and standardization
internationally, promoting awareness and implementation of Web accessibility,
and ensuring effective dialog among industry, the disability community,
accessibility researchers, and government on the development of consensus-based
accessibility solutions. She is a Principle Research Scientist at MIT&rsquo;s
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).</p>

<p>Judy is the recipient of a RESNA Certificate of Appreciation for efforts
related to assistive technology policy development during national health care
reform; an Equality of Access and Opportunity Award from the American
Foundation for the Blind for advocacy to increase the accessibility of the
Windows 95 operating system; an Access Advancement Award from the Association
of Access Engineering Specialists for efforts related to Web accessibility. She
was named in the August, 2000 issue of Internet World as one of the "Net's
Rising Stars." She received the Harry J. Murphy Catalyst Award at the CSUN 2002
Conference; the Roland Wagner European Award for Computers Assisting People
with Special Needs in 2002; and the Susan G. Hadden Pioneer Award from the
Alliance for Public Technology in 2003.</p>

<p>Prior to joining W3C, Judy worked on several US-based initiatives to
increase access to mainstream technology for people with disabilities, and to
improve dialog between industry and the disability community. These initiatives
included work on Section 508 of the Workforce Investment Act, Section 255 of
the Telecommunications Act, accessibility of the Windows 95 Operating System,
and access to durable medical equipment for people with disabilities. Judy has
a background in management, technical writing, education, applied linguistics,
and disability advocacy.<br>


<p>Last updated 26 July 2011 by Judy Brewer &lt;jbrewer AT;<a
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