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<div class="slide"><h1>W3C Process: A Means to an End</h1>

<address class="vcard">
<a class="url fn n" href="">
<span class="given-name">Dan</span>
<span class="family-name">Connolly</span></a><br />

<div class="vevent">
<a class="url summary" href="">W3C Workshop on Rule Languages for Interoperability</a><br />
<span class="location">Washington, DC</span>
<abbr class="dtstart" title="2005-04-27">27-28 Apr 2005</abbr>

<p>See also:</p>
<li><cite><a href="">W3C Process Document</a></cite>, especially
  <li><a href="">Introduction section</a> which is a good one-page summary</li>
<li><a href="">process diagram</a> (<a href="">in PNG</a>, <a href="">in SVG</a>)</li>


<div><small>$Revision: 1.12 $
of $Date: 2005/10/19 22:08:58 $</small></div>


<div class="slide"><h1>W3C Core Values</h1>
<li>Good Design</li>

<div class="slide"><h1>The End: Technology Deployment</h1>
          <li> XHTML, CSS, MathML, SVG, SMIL (Interaction Domain)</li>
          <li> RDF, XML D-Sig (Technology and Society)</li>
          <li> XML Schema, SOAP (Architecture Domain)</li>
<li>Integrated approach
          <li>Web Accessibility</li>
          <li>Web Architecture (TAG)</li>
<div class="slide"><h1>Web Architecture</h1>
<p><cite><a href="">Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One</a><br />
W3C Recommendation 15 December 2004</cite></p>

            <li> Identify with URIs</li>
            <li> Safe retrieval</li>
            <li> Generic URIs</li>
            <li> QName Mapping</li>
<p class="spkr">These are the <em>minimally constraining</em> design guidelines that allowed the Web to spread the way it did: a little a time, with each new bit benefitting from the rest of the Web.</p>

<div class="slide"><h1>Observations about People and Technology</h1>

<div class="slide"><h1>The Evolutionary Cycle</h1>
<img align="right" src="" alt="cycle diagram" />
<!-- based on diagram from woods meeting: -->
            <li> Research</li>
            <li> Prototyping</li>
            <li> Standardization</li>
            <li> Deployment</li>


<div class="slide"><h1>Community Scale</h1>
            <li> design by 1 or 2 or a few</li>
            <li> development by a dozen or so</li>
            <li> review by a few hundred</li>
            <li> early adoption by communities of various sizes**</li>
            <li> global consensus</li>
<!-- obvious diagram: concentric circles -->

<div class="slide"><h1>Nuts and Bolts</h1>
<blockquote><q>I&#39;m just a bill...</q></blockquote>
          <li> Semi-formal preparation</li>
          <li> Activity Creation/Modification (W3C Decision)</li>
          <li> Working Group, toward Last Call</li>
	  <li>Last Call</li>
          <li> Candidate Recommendation</li>
          <li> Proposed Recommendation</li>
          <li> Recommendation</li>
<p class="spkr">Process is based on experience. For each rule in the process, I could probably tell you a story of what happened before that rule was there. e.g. 8 week notice for meetings is based on 4 weeks to find the relevant people in an organization and 4 weeks to buy an advance ticket.</p>
<p><em>See also: <a href="">process diagram</a>.</em></p>

<div class="slide"><h1>Semi-formal preparation</h1>
            <li> Submissions</li>
            <li> W3C Workshops (you are here)</li>
            <li> Interest Groups</li>
            <li> Mailing Lists</li>
            <li> Academic, Industry Conferences</li>
<div class="slide"><h1>Activity Creation/Modification (W3C Decision)</h1>
            <li> Activity Proposal from Director/Team to Membership</li>
            <li> Membership responds with advice</li>
            <li> Director announces Decision, allocating resources (or not)

<div class="slide"><h1>Activity Proposal from Director/Team to Membership</h1>
              <li> Context
                <li> research, industry, market status</li>
                <li> existing W3C members? new members?</li>
                <li> related efforts elsewhere?</li>
                <li> why here at W3C? Why now?</li>
              <li> Proposal, Resources
                <li> structure: Working Groups, Interest Groups, scope </li>
                <li> resources: team contacts, travel, communications, systems</li>
<div class="slide"><h1>Membership responds with advice</h1>
              <li> each member responds thru its Advisory Committee Representative</li>
              <li> advice may be shared with other members or sent only to The Director (and team)</li>
<div class="slide"><h1>Director announces Decision, allocating resources (or not)</h1>
              <li> should be made by consensus; establishes mandate
                <li> may proceed despite objections, provided justification is given</li>
              <li> may incorporate suggested changes</li>

<div class="slide"><h1>Working Group, toward Last Call</h1>
            <li> mechanics/infrustructure, norms
              <li> mailing lists</li>
              <li> teleconferences</li>
              <li> face-to-face meetings</li>
              <li> IRC</li>
              <li> shared web space
                <li> Internal Drafts</li>
                <li> Issues list</li>
                <li> Test suite</li>
            <li> regular publication</li>
            <li> engage peer groups**
              <li> if you go into the scope of group X, you owe them the right of review</li>
              <li> e.g. Web Architecture, XML</li>
              <li> integrated Internationalization, Accessibility review</li>
            <li> best-effort response to community review</li>

<div class="slide"><h1>Story Telling and Test Cases</h1>

<li>Story telling (aka Use Cases, Requirements)
<p><em>goal: Stories that scope the problem and make sense to both users and developers</em></p>
<li>Test Cases, Examples</li>

<div class="slide"><h1>Last Call</h1>
            <li> starts with WG decision that all issues are addressed</li>
            <li> formally document that all dependencies are discharged</li>
            <li> formally address all issues raised</li>

<div class="slide"><h1>Candidate Recommendation</h1>
            <li> starts with Director&#39;s Decision that Last Call achieved sufficient review, consensus, etc.</li>
            <li> formally document that all features are implemented</li>
            <li> exit criteria, e.g.
              <li> each feature, issue should have a test</li>
              <li> two implementations should pass all tests</li>
            <li> formally address all issues</li>

<div class="slide"><h1>Proposed Recommendation</h1>
            <li> seek official endorsement from W3C membership</li>
            <li> formally address all issues</li>

<div class="slide"><h1>Recommendation</h1>
            <li> press release, party, ...</li>
            <li> errata, maintenance</li>
            <li> what comes next? start the cycle again...</li>
