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    <h1>Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group</h1>

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      <p><strong>The Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group is now closed</strong>. The group operated from early 2005 until December 2010.</p>


    <p>The W3C Members <a href="">chartered the Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group</a> in 2005 as part of the <a href="">Mobile Web Initiative</a> (<a href="">sponsors</a>) to develop a set of technical best practices and associated materials in support of development of web sites that provide an appropriate user experience on mobile devices.</p>

    <p>The group operated in public, through several <a href="">Task Forces</a>, including work on a <a href="">Java implementation of a mobileOK checker library</a>. The group interacted with the community at large, working in public in its <a href="">publicly archived mailing list</a> Comments on its documents may still be sent to <a href="">the archived mailing list</a></p>

    <p><a href="">Daniel Appelquist</a> and <a href="">Jo Rabin</a> chaired the group. The W3C Staff Contacts were <a href="">François Daoust</a> and <a href="/People/Dom/">Dominique Hazaël-Massieux</a>.</p>

    <p>The group operated under the <a href="">W3C Patent Policy</a> (5 February 2004 Version). <a href="">Information about patent disclosures by group participants</a> and other requirements of the W3C Patent Policy is available.</p>

    <p>Draft documents and logistics are available on the <a href="">group page</a>.</p>

    <p>To learn more about the <a href="">Mobile Web Best Practices</a> and <a href="">Mobile Web Application Best Practices</a>, readers may find it useful to take a look at the <a href="">Mobile Web Best Practices flipcards</a> and at the <a href="">Mobile Web Application Best Practices card</a> that summarize the best practices; and/or to check their web site for mobile-friendliness using the <a href="">W3C mobileOK checker</a> based on the library developed by the Working Group.</p>

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      <h2>Latest news</h2>
      <ul><li><a href=''>Mobile Web Application Best Practices is a Web standard</a><span class='date'>—14 December 2010</span></li><li><a href=''>Mobile Web Application Best Practices on their way to becoming a standard</a><span class='date'>—25 October 2010</span></li><li><a href=''>Where art thou, great Web apps?</a><span class='date'>—16 July 2010</span></li><li><a href=''>Looking for Content Transformation Proxies that conform to the guidelines</a><span class='date'>—18 June 2010</span></li><li><a href=''>Content Transformation Guidelines ready for review</a><span class='date'>—12 February 2010</span></li><li><a href=''>Mobile Web Application Best Practices is a Candidate Recommendation</a><span class='date'>—11 February 2010</span></li><li><a href=''>Guidelines for Web Content Transformation Proxies open for review</a><span class='date'>—29 October 2009</span></li><li><a href=''>Mobile Web and Web Content Accessibility</a><span class='date'>—13 July 2009</span></li><li><a href=''>First extension to the mobileOK Checker library released to check files!</a><span class='date'>—2 July 2009</span></li><li><a href=''>Looking for feedback on the Mobile Web Application Best Practices!</a><span class='date'>—12 May 2009</span></li></ul>      <p><a href="News">more news…</a></p>

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      <h2>Published Documents</h2>
	<li>The <a href=""><cite>Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0 - Basic Guidelines</cite></a> document — <strong>W3C Recommendation</strong> — specifies best practices for Web content when accessed from mobile devices.</li>
	<li>The <a href=""><cite>Mobile Web Application Best Practices</cite></a> document — <strong>W3C Recommendation</strong> — specifies Best Practices for the development and delivery of Web applications on mobile devices. The recommendations expand and amplify upon general statements made in the Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0 document.</li>
	<li>The <a href=""><cite>W3C mobileOK Basic Tests 1.0</cite></a> document — <strong>W3C Recommendation</strong> — defines machine tests based on the Best Practices to ease Mobile Web content authoring.</li>
	<li>The <a href=""><cite>W3C mobileOK Scheme 1.0</cite></a> document - <strong>W3C Working Group Note</strong> — provides an overview of the scheme and references the documentation that composes it.</li>
	<li>The <a href=""><cite>Relationship Between Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0 and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines</cite></a> document — <strong>W3C Working Group Note</strong> — discusses the similarities and differences between accessibility and mobility.</li>
        <li>The <a href=""><cite>Extended Guidelines for Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0</cite></a><strong>W3C Working Group Note</strong> — provides additional evaluations of conformance to Best Practice statements and additional interpretations of Best Practice statements.</li>
	<li>The <a href=""><cite>Guidelines for Web Content Transformation Proxies</cite></a> document — <strong>W3C Working Group Note</strong> — guidance to content transformation proxies and content providers as to how inter-work when delivering Web content.</li>

      Contacts: Daniel Appelquist, Jo Rabin, Chairs
      <br/><a href="">Dominique Hazaël-Massieux</a> and <a href="">François Daoust</a>, W3C Team Contacts
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