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<h1 class="title"><a href="/"><img alt="W3C Icon, linked to the W3C Home page"
src="" border="0" height="48" width="72"
/></a> <span class="moveUp">Policy for Authorized W3C Translations</span></h1>


<p>This document describes the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) policy for the
creation and the publication of <em>Authorized</em> W3C Translations. From its
inception, W3C has made efforts to develop technologies that reach and may
serve a worldwide audience regardless of language or culture. To that end, 
this policy is designed to achieve quality translations through a process that
relies on transparency and community accountability, with W3C providing
oversight of the process. Authorized W3C Translations can be used for official
purposes in languages other than English. Examples include: a standardization
authority in a country that wishes to standardize on a W3C Recommendation, but
requires the usage of a local language;  or a local government plans to
reference the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines in their regulations, but
requires a translation of the guidelines in the local language to do so. </p>

<p>This policy for authorized translations extends but does <em>not</em>
replace the volunteer translation policy described on the W3C’s <a
href="/Consortium/Translation/">public translations page</a>. W3C continues to
welcome translations created by the volunteer translation process, and these
will continue to play an important role in allowing W3C technologies to reach
more people around the world. However, as emphasized in the <a
href="TranslationPolicy.html#existing">note "e" below</a>, none of the
translations created through the volunteer translation process are
automatically considered to be Authorized W3C Translations, hence they do not
have an official status. Of course, they may be the obvious candidates for the
process described in this document. In all cases and in case of dispute, the
authoritative version remains the English version (see the <a
href="TranslationPolicy.html#Disclamier">disclaimer boilerplate</a>).</p>

<h2><a name="interests" id="interests">Steps for the Publication of Authorized
W3C Translations</a></h2>

<p>The publication steps are as follows. A note on terminology: the term ''W3C'
refers to representatives of the W3C staff, as appointed by the W3C
  <li><a name="organizati" id="organizati"><strong>Lead Translation
    Organization (LTO) Submission of Intent</strong>:</a> 
      <li><a>An organization, interested in becoming the <strong>LTO</strong>
        for developing an authorized translation of a specific W3C document,
        notifies W3C of their intention using the general <em>public</em></a><a
        mailing list</a>. This notification must include: 
          <li>identification of major and relevant stakeholder organizations
            with which the LTO will coordinate the review of the translation.
            The notification should clearly identify the nature and the address
            of each of those organizations, and why that group constitutes an
            appropriate representative of the local community. If there is a
            W3C <a href="">Host</a> or
            in that country, it <em>must</em> be part of that group. Note also
            the requirements with regard to representation (see <a
            href="#example">additional note 'b'</a> below) particularly for WAI
            documents, and prior translation of a lexicon (see <a
            href="#prereq">additional note 'c'</a> below).</li>
          <li>indication that the stakeholder organizations have already been
            invited to participate in the process, and have agreed to do
  <li><strong>W3C Evaluation of LTO Submission</strong>: 
      <li>W3C acknowledges the LTO's submission of intent to develop an
        Authorized Translation. W3C may stop the process at this point, either
        because it does not consider the submission to be acceptable (see, for
        example, <a href="#This">additional note 'g'</a>), or because it does
        not consider the required effort to be justified in terms of the
        general operations of W3C. In general W3C will <em>not</em> approve
        multiple authorized translations for the same document and language,
        although issues such as French vs. Canadian French, or Portuguese vs.
        Brazilian Portuguese will be considered on a case-by-case basis.</li>
      <li>If the submission is approved by W3C, W3C notifies the LTO to proceed
        with the preparation of a Candidate Authorized Translation.</li>
  <li><strong>LTO Preparation of Candidate Authorized Translation
      <li>The LTO prepares a Candidate Authorized Translation (CAT) of the
      <li>When complete, the LTO announces the CAT and its URI on the <a
        mailing list.</a>.</li>
  <li><strong>W3C Initiation of Review Process</strong>: 
      <li>W3C announces a review period of at least 30 days of the CAT on the
        mailing list</a>, specifying a separate, publicly archived mailing
        list, in W3C or W3C Office Web space, to be used for commenting. This
        mailing list may be a per-language list for all CATs in that language,
        such as <code></code> for any Hungarian CAT,
        or a list specifically set up for that CAT. All comments on the CAT
        must be sent to this list. Postings to the mailing list may either be
        in the language of translation or in English.</li>
  <li><strong>LTO Notification of Review, Monitoring of Comments, and Revision
    of CAT</strong>: 
      <li>The LTO notifies the stakeholder organizations of the availability of
        the CAT, the start of the review period, and the existence of the
        mailing list for comments; directs them to send comments to this
        mailing list; and copies this notification to the general <a
        mailing list</a>.</li>
      <li>The LTO monitors the mailing list comments; provides clarification
        when necessary; and summarizes consensus on specific issues (when
        possible) to help the ongoing discussion.</li>
      <li>After the end of the review period, the LTO issues a new version of
        the CAT as needed, and provides a <a name="summary"
        id="summary">list</a>, in English and the language of translation, of
        the points raised, and a summary of the discussions during the review
        period, describing the problems found and solutions agreed with the
        other reviewers. This summary must be posted both to the publicly
        archived mailing list for this CAT, and to the general <a
        mailing list</a>.</li>
      <li>In the event that no comments or only very few comments are received
        during the review period, the LTO ensures that a majority of the
        reviewing organizations send email to the translators' mailing list
        confirming that they have in fact reviewed the document, and that they
        consider it to be an accurate translation.</li>
      <li>The LTO then advises W3C whether a new review round is necessary or
  <li><strong>W3C Response to LTO Summary</strong>: 
      <li>W3C considers the public comments and changes made to the CAT in
        response to these comments, and decides, in coordination with the LTO,
        whether the document can be designated an Authorized Translation.</li>
      <li>If W3C decides that the document cannot yet be promoted to Authorized
        Translation, it repeats the process from step 4.</li>
      <li>If W3C decides that the document can be promoted, then: 
          <li>The LTO delivers the document to W3C in valid XHTML with UTF-8
            encoding, using the same presentation style as the original
            document (via <a
            href="">CSS style
            sheets predefined by W3C</a>) and following the guidelines of the
            <a href="">W3C I18N Activity</a>
            (for example, the proper usage of <a
            tags</a>, <a
            declarations</a>, <a
            bidirectional text</a>, etc.)</li>
          <li>The LTO adds a disclaimer to the document (see <a
            href="#Disclamier">the section on disclaimer boilerplate</a>) and
            transfers the copyright of the document to W3C (MIT, ERCIM, and
          <li>W3C publishes the authorized translation on the W3C site (either
            on the W3C server or on the site of a local W3C Office, whenever
            applicable), and adds the new translation to <a
            href="/Consortium/Translation">W3C Translations’ site</a>.
            Authorized W3C Translations should be clearly identifiable, eg, via
            a separate list on the page, and/or a distinctive visual style,
  <li><strong><a name="errate">Errata management</a></strong>: 
      <li>The LTO has to set up and maintain a public "errata page" (linked
        from the document, see <a href="TranslationPolicy.html#Disclamier">the
        section on disclaimer boilerplate</a>). This page is a list of
        translation errors, and their corrections. Errata can be reported
        through the mailing list that served as a review, or by any other
        publicly archived mailing list that the LTO sets up; that mailing list
        must be clearly identified on the errata page. The LTO must keep the
        errata page up-to-date.</li>

<h2>Additional Notes and Requirements</h2>
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
  <li>Related to step 1: Many different types of organizations can be "lead
    translating organizations". For example, it can be the local W3C Office, a
    university research group, the local branch of ISO, a specific disability
    organization. In some, exceptional, cases it may also be an individual
    whose translation work is well known to W3C already.</li>
  <li><a name="example" id="example">Related to step 1.1: for example</a>, in
    the case of WAI documents, this should include local disability
    organizations and accessibility research organizations. As another example,
    for a Semantic Web specification, this should include representatives of
    the major research and/or university groups active in the area.</li>
  <li><a name="prereq" id="prereq">Related to step 1.1: in some cases</a>,
    usage of specific glossaries is required and the Authorized Translation of
    the necessary subset is a prerequisite for the Authorized Translations of
    other documents. This is the case, for example, for certain WAI documents
    where the "<a href="">Basic
    Glossary for WAI Documents</a>" should be used.</li>
  <li>Related to steps 2 and 6: whenever appropriate, W3C will involve the
    local W3C <a href="/Consortium/contact.html">Host</a> or <a
    href="/Consortium/Offices/staff.html">Office</a> staff in the
  <li><a name="existing">None of the existing translations (listed on the</a><a
    href="/Consortium/Translation">W3C Translations’ site</a>) is
    automatically promoted to an Authorized Translation. LTO's should follow
    the steps described in the Policy for Authorized Translations if they wish
    to have an existing translation promoted, however they may wish to propose
    their existing translation as a Candidate Authorized Translation.</li>
  <li>Any translation of a new version of a W3C document should go through the
    same process.</li>
  <li><a name="This"></a>This policy applies to <em>full</em> and
    <em>stable</em> W3C documents only, and not for abbreviated versions,
    excerpts, or W3C Working Drafts.  While the obvious documents to translate
    are <a href="/TR/">W3C Recommendations</a>, some W3C Activities maintain a
    list of additional documents whose translations are welcome. This is the
    case for the the <a href="">WAI</a>
    or the <a href="">QA</a> activities.</li>
  <li>If the document has normative references to other W3C Recommendations,
    the references to the original, English version should be kept in the
    translation. An exception to this rule is if there is already an Authorized
    Translation in that language. In that case, <em>both</em> the reference to
    the original English text <em>and</em> the Authorized Translation should be
  <li>Whenever possible, figures in the document should also be translated (if
    the translator can get access to the original source files for the images).
    Also '<code>alt</code>' attributes to HTML <code>'img'</code> elements,
    '<code>title</code>' attributes to, e.g., '<code>a</code>' elements, etc,
    should be translated. However, the text in example code (for instance XML
    element names) should not be translated, as the risk of the translation
    leading to syntactic or semantic errors in the example code is too
  <li>Once the authorized translation has been published, the LTO is
    responsible for the errata management. Over time the LTO may wish to hand
    this task over to another organization. For a new organization to be
    accepted as a (new) LTO, it has to understand and accept all
    responsibilities listed in step 7.</li>

<h2><a name="Disclamier" id="Disclamier">Disclaimer Boilerplate</a></h2>

<p>Important: <em>The following text should be added at the top of each
translation. All text in this disclaimer, except for the original title and the
reference to the LTO at the top, must be in the target language.</em></p>

<div class="transheader">
<h1 class="transtitle">Title of the Original W3C Document [in English]</h1>

<p><strong>Lead translating organization:</strong> Address, homepage link,
possibly name(s) and address(es) of the coordinator(s) of the translations</p>

<h1 class="transtitle">Authorized [Language] Translation (e.g., "<span
xml:lang="fr" lang="fr">Traduction Française Agréée</span>")</h1>

<h2 class="transtitle">Date of publication [of the authorized translation]</h2>
  <dt><strong>This version:</strong></dt>
    <dd>URI of this document</dd>
  <dt><strong>Most recent version:</strong></dt>
    <dd>URI of this document</dd>
  <dt><strong>Original version:</strong></dt>
    <dd>Dated URI of the original W3C document</dd>
    <dd>URI of an errata page, as described in <a href="#errate">item 7 of the
  <dt><strong>Lead translating organization:</strong></dt>
    <dd>Address, homepage link, possibly name(s) and address(es) of the
      coordinator(s) of the translations</dd>
  <dt><strong>Partners in the translation review:</strong></dt>
    <dd>URI of the notification mail that has started the translation process,
      as described in <a href="#organizati">item 1 of the policy</a>.</dd>
  <dt><strong>Summary of public comments on the Candidate Authorized
    <dd>URI of the summary described <a href="#summary">in item 5.3 of the

<p>This is an Authorized Translation of a W3C document. The publication of this
translation followed the steps described in the <a
href="">Policy for W3C
Authorized Translations</a>. In case of disputes, the authoritative version of
the specification is the original, English document.</p>
<hr />

<p>Judy Brewer, Ivan Herman, last updated on $Date: 2011/02/11 15:58:43 $ by
$Author: coralie $</p>

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1994-2005 <a href="">W3C</a> (<a
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title="Public Privacy Statement">public</a> and <a
title="Member Privacy Statement">Member</a> privacy statements.</p>