data-view 14.5 KB
<?xml version="1.0"?><!--*- nxml -*-->
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<head profile=
<meta name="generator" content=
"HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 (vers 12 April 2005), see" />

  <title>GRDDL Data Views: RDF expressed in XHTML and XML</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="style" type="text/css" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/StyleSheets/base" type=
  "text/css" />
  <link rel="schema.dc" href="" />
  <link rel="schema.doap" href="" />
  <link rel="schema.foaf" href="" />
  <link rel="schema.grddl" href=
  "" />
  <link rel="schema.rddl" href="" />
  <link rel="schema.rdfs" href=
  "" />
  <link rel="schema.rdf" href=
  "" />
  <link rel="schema.owl" href=
  "" />
  <link rev="doap-homepage" href="#grddlProject" />
  <link rel="foaf-maker" href="#grddl-wg" />

  <!-- more local copy of eRDF transformation, while we work out
       redirect/base details. -->
  <link rel="transformation" href="" />

  <link href="/People/Berners-Lee/general.css" rel="stylesheet"
  type="text/css" />
  <!-- base seems to be necessary for embedded RDF rev links -->
  <base href="" />

    <a href="/"><img src="../../Icons/w3c_home" alt="W3C" height=
    "48" width="72" /></a>

  <div id="grddlProject">
    <h1>GRDDL Data Views: Getting Started, Learning More</h1>

    <p class="doap-shortdesc"><abbr title= "Gleaning Resource
    Descriptions from Dialects of Languages">GRDDL</abbr> is a
    technique for <dfn><b>g</b>leaning <b>r</b>esource
    <b>d</b>escriptions from <b>d</b>ialects of
    <b>l</b>anguages</dfn>. It's a way of extracting Semantic Web data
    in <a href="/RDF/">RDF</a> from XML formats (especially XHTML
    dialects or <a href=
    "">microformats</a>) via
    transformations identified by URIs and typically expressed in
    XSLT. For full details, see the <a href="#grddl_spec">GRDDL

      <p class="status"><strong>Note:</strong> The <a
      href="#grddl_spec">GRDDL specification</a> is a <a
      Recommendation</a>. W3C welcomes <a
      by email</a>, especially comments that reflect implementation

    <p>To use GRDDL:</p>

    <ol type="A">
      <li>If you're using a dialect (<a href=
      "">hDoap</a>, <a href=
      "">Site Summaries</a>,
      <a href="">Embedded RDF</a>,
      <a href="#moreDialects">etc.</a>) that already has an
      established GRDDL-compatible profile:

          <li>Add the profile attribute:
            <pre class="example">
&lt;html xmlns=""&gt;
  &lt;head <span style=
"font-weight: bold">profile=""</span>&gt;
    &lt;title&gt;My Project&lt;/title&gt;

          <li id="check">Look at the data expressed as RDF using
          the <a href="../11/rdf-in-xhtml-demo">online GRDDL demo
          service</a>, and if you like, check its output with the
          <a href="/RDF/Validator/">W3C RDF Validation service</a>,
          or with a tool more customized for your data, like the
          <a href="">FOAF

          <li>Let the GRDDL Working Group know how you're using GRDDL
          by sending mail to the <a rel="doap.mailing-list" href=
          >public-grddl-comments</a> list.</li>

      <li>If you're using an XHTML dialect (<a href=
      "">Dublin Core
      encoding</a>, <a href="">GeoURL
      markup</a>, <a href="#moreDialects">etc.</a>) that has an
      existing transformation (<a href=
      <a href=

          <li>Make links from your XHTML data to the
          transformation, using the <a href=
          "#transformation">transformation</a> link type:
            <pre class="example">
&lt;html xmlns=""&gt;
  &lt;head profile=""&gt;
    &lt;title&gt;Some Document&lt;/title&gt;
    &lt;link rel="<strong>transformation</strong>"
       href="<strong></strong>" /&gt;
    &lt;meta name="DC.Subject"
       content="ADAM; Simple Search; Index+; prototype" /&gt;

          <li>Reference the GRDDL profile to make it clear what
          that transformation link type means:
            <pre class="example">
&lt;html xmlns=""&gt;
  &lt;head <strong>profile=""</strong>&gt;
    &lt;title&gt;Some Document&lt;/title&gt;

          <li>Check your data and let us know how it went as
          <a href="#check">above</a>.</li>


    <ul class="q-and-a">
      <li>Q: How about more complete examples?

	  The <a href="">GRDDL primer</a>
	  gives a number of examples in detail.
	  Also, a <a href=
        "../12/rdf-in-xhtml-xslts/complete-example.html">home page
        for Joe Lambda</a> shows DC, geoURL, RSS as above plus
        markup for <a href="">FOAF</a>
        (using <a href=
        and <a href="">Creative
        Commons Licenses</a> (using <a href=
        "../12/rdf-in-xhtml-xslts/grokCC.xsl">grokCC.xsl</a>) that
        you can probably figure out if you view source.</p>

      <li id="moreDialects">Q: Where can I find out about existing
      'ways' rather than duplicate similar work?

        <p>A: The <a href=
        wiki topic provides an informal directory of existing

    <p>If you just want to use GRDDL, that's all you need to know.
    If you're curious to learn more, read on...</p>

    <h2 id="vocab_ref">GRDDL Namespace and Metadata Profile Reference</h2>

<p>This document, <a rel="ns-claim" href=""></a>,
is a metadata profile in the sense of the HTML specification, in section 
<a href="/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/struct/global.html#h-"> Meta data profiles</a>.</p>

<p>The following term is introduced here as an XHTML link relationship
name and RDF property name:</p>

  <li id="transformation" class="-rdf-Property">
    <tt class="rdfs-label">transformation</tt>: <span
    class="rdfs-comment">relates a source document to a
    transformation, usually represented in <a
    href="/TR/xslt">XSLT</a>, that relates the source document syntax
    to the RDF graph syntax</span>.  domain: <a rel="rdfs-domain"
    href="#RootNode">RootNode</a>; range: <a
    rel="rdfs-range" href="#Transformation">Transformation</a>


<p>The following terms are introduced here as RDF properties:</p>

  <li id="namespaceTransformation" class="-rdf-Property">
    <tt class="rdfs-label">namespaceTransformation</tt>: <span
    class="rdfs-comment">relates a namespace to a transformation for
    all documents in that namespace</span>.  range: <a
    rel="rdfs-range" href="#Transformation">Transformation</a>

  <li id="profileTransformation" class="-rdf-Property">
    <tt class="rdfs-label">profileTransformation</tt>: <span
    class="rdfs-comment">relates a profile document to a
    transformation for all documents bearing that profile</span>.
    range: <a rel="rdfs-range"

  <li id="result" class="-rdf-Property">
    <tt class="rdfs-label">result</tt>: <span class="rdfs-comment">an
    RDF graph obtained from an information resource by directly
    parsing a representation in the standard RDF/XML syntax or
    indirectly by parsing some other dialect using a transformation
    nominated by the document</span>. domain: <a rel="rdfs-domain"
    href="#InformationResource">InformationResource</a>; range: <a
    rel="rdfs-range" href="#RDFGraph">RDFGraph</a>

  <li id="transformationProperty" class="-owl-FunctionalProperty">
    <tt class="rdfs-label">transformationProperty</tt> <span
    class="rdfs-comment">relates a transformation to the algorithm
    specified by the property that computes an RDF graph from an XML
    document node</span> domain: <a rel="rdfs-domain"
    href="#Transformation">Transformation</a> range: <a
  <li id="Transformation" class="-rdfs-Class">
    <tt class="rdfs-label">Transformation</tt> <span
    class="rdfs-comment">an <a rel="rdfs-subClassOf"
    href="#InformationResource">InformationResource</a> that specifies
    a transformation from a set of XML documents to RDF graphs</span>
    Each Transformation has at least one <a rel="owl-onProperty"
    href="#transformationProperty">transformationProperty</a> that is
    a <a rel="owl-someValuesFrom"

  <li id="TransformationProperty" class="-rdfs-Class">
    <tt class="rdfs-label">TransformationProperty</tt>
    <span class="rdfs-comment">a <a rel="rdfs-subClassOf"
    >FunctionalProperty</a> that relates
    <a href="#RootNode">XML document root nodes</a> to
    <a href="#RDFGraph">RDF graphs</a></span>


<p>The following terms are bound to concepts from existing standards:</p>

  <li id="RootNode" class="-rdfs-Class">
    <tt class="rdfs-label">RootNode</tt> <span
    class="rdfs-comment">the root of the tree in the XPath data
    model</span>, per <a rel="rdfs-isDefinedBy"
    5.1 Root Node in <cite>XML Path Language (XPath) Version

  <li id="RDFGraph" class="-rdfs-Class">
    <tt class="rdfs-label">RDFGraph</tt> <span class="rdfs-comment">a
    set of RDF triples</span>, per <a rel="rdfs-isDefinedBy"
    in <cite>Resource Description Framework (RDF): Concepts and
    Abstract Syntax</cite></a>


  <li id="InformationResource" class="-rdfs-Class">
    <tt class="rdfs-label">InformationResource</tt>
    <span class="rdfs-comment">A resource which has the property that all of its essential characteristics can be conveyed in a message</span>, per <a rel="rdfs-isDefinedBy" href="">definition in <cite>Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One</cite></a>


    <p>We provide a <a href="../11/rdf-in-xhtml-processor">sample
    GRDDL/XHTML implementation</a>, and a more complete <a href=
    "rdf-in-xml-processor">sample GRDDL implementation</a> and a
    technical specification, <a href=
    "">Gleaning Resource Descriptions
    from Dialects of Languages (GRDDL)</a>, as a specification.</p>


      <li id="grddl_spec">
        <a href="" rel=
        "rddl.normative-reference"><cite class="dc-title">Gleaning
        Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages
        (GRDDL)</cite>, W3C Recommendation <abbr
        title="2007-09-11" class="">11 September 2007</abbr></a>

      <li><a href="/TR/xslt" rel= "rddl.normative-reference"><cite
      class="dc-title">XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version
      1.0</cite> W3C Recommendation <abbr title="1999-11-16"
      class="">16 November 1999</abbr></a>

      <li><a href="" rel=
      "rddl.normative-reference"><cite class="dc.title">Resource
      Description Framework (RDF): Concepts and Abstract
      Syntax</cite>, W3C Recommendation <abbr title="2004-02-10"
      class="">10 February 2004</abbr></a></li>

      <li id="WEBARCH">
	<a href= "" ><cite
	class="dc.title">Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume
	One</cite>, W3C Recommendation, <abbr class=""
	title="2004-12-15">15 December 2004</abbr></a>


      <h2>Acknowledgements and Colophon</h2>

      <p>This document uses <a href=
      "">Embedded RDF</a> to encode
      <a href="">Description of a Project
      (DOAP)</a> data as well as RDF Schema data and one or two
      <a href="">RDDL</a>
      properties. We have moved away from the RDDL syntax

      <p>This document was inspired by the <a href=
      "">XFN getting started page</a>.
      Previous versions used <a href= "">XMDP</a>
      (with <a href=
      >grokXMDP.xsl</a>), but in documenting domains and ranges of
      properties, maintaining the XMDP convention of ids on the
      <tt>dt</tt> rather than the <tt>dd</tt> element were too awkward
      to maintain.</p>

  <hr />

    <span id="danc"><a rel="foaf-homepage" class="foaf-name" href=
    "/People/Connolly/">Dan Connolly</a></span>
    for <span id="grddl-wg"><a rel="foaf-homepage" href="">the GRDDL Working Group</a></span><br />
    <small>$Revision: 1.47 $ of $Date: 2007/10/31 02:59:16 $ <!-- -->
     by $Author: connolly $</small>