exml-notes.txt 22.9 KB
2003-08-05.txt:00:58:43 <DanC-AIM> Hi from Montreal
2003-08-05.txt:11:53:36 <DanC_jam> tutorials were yesterday. the main conference starts today.
2003-08-05.txt:13:51:19 <DanC-AIM> "have you ever tried to make a diagram of all the XML related specifications people are pushing at us? It's like a hoard of fruit flies!" -- Tommie Usdin, just now
2003-08-05.txt:13:52:57 <DanC-AIM> "there's a new XML book every *week*. Maybe we're not reading the books, but just writing them." -- ibid
2003-08-05.txt:14:13:27 <DanC-AIM> Sigh.. Tommie is plugging xml catalogs. Do we really want to go back to hosts.txt files?
2003-08-05.txt:14:24:06 <DanC-AIM> http://www.esXML.org/
2003-08-05.txt:14:24:08 <DanC-AIM> This esxml thing looks kinda interesting... Supports editing and such (has an API).
2003-08-05.txt:14:24:10 <dc_rdfig> A: http://www.esXML.org/ from DanC-AIM
2003-08-05.txt:14:24:49 <DanC-AIM> I don't seem to have sufficient bandwidth to interact with the chump bot straightforwardly.
2003-08-05.txt:15:02:28 <DanC-AIM> Renear begins his talk... Modal logic for document processing.
2003-08-05.txt:15:04:10 <DanC-AIM> "Adequacy" on agenda/overview slide... Good... I've been trying to add that to me working vocabulary.
2003-08-05.txt:15:04:15 <DanC-AIM> My
2003-08-05.txt:15:10:55 <DanC-AIM> "is an existential-conjunctive language good enough?" - slide X
2003-08-05.txt:15:11:11 <DanC-AIM> RDF (core) is EC.
2003-08-05.txt:15:13:48 <DanC-AIM> next slide pits Sowa vs. Hayes on EC. Gotta get these slide in http space.
2003-08-05.txt:15:16:42 <ndw> What does adequacy mean in this context, DanC-AIM?
2003-08-05.txt:15:17:47 <DanC-AIM> "Representation/tractability trade-off" slide. Cool diagram!
2003-08-05.txt:15:24:02 <DanC-AIM> Origins of alethic(?) logic: cf. Lewis.
2003-08-05.txt:15:24:04 <DanC-AIM> Bummer! He just skipped a bunch of stuff that looked interesting.
2003-08-05.txt:15:24:17 <DanC-AIM> He explains model theory in 2 minutes reasonably well.
2003-08-05.txt:15:28:33 <DanC-AIM> (checking logs to be sure my notes aren't going in the bit-bucket)
2003-08-05.txt:15:32:55 <DanC-AIM> (yup)
2003-08-05.txt:15:36:56 <DanC-AIM> Now covering deontic logic... "the logic of RFC2119"
2003-08-05.txt:15:42:27 <DanC-AIM> Kif doesn't include modalities, no. (you could squeeze it in via quoting or some such, but you wouldn't get vey far in the kif community, I don't think)
2003-08-05.txt:15:44:33 <DanC-AIM> "documents are abstract. they don't come into being and go away." john Cowan would disagree, I believe
2003-08-05.txt:15:45:31 <DanC-AIM> Ann w. : documents don't assert things. They're just structured information objects.
2003-08-05.txt:15:46:57 <DanC-AIM> Murata-san: I used modal logic for [dsssl?]. It's ok for representation, but not for computation, so I don't see the motivation for this work.
2003-08-05.txt:15:48:30 <DanC-AIM> Renear: yes, this is about expressiveness, so far, not about computation.
2003-08-05.txt:15:55:53 <DanC-AIM> Fuchs: I disagree with murata... I think modal logic is extremely useful. [tommie curtails discussion]
2003-08-05.txt:15:55:55 <DanC-AIM> --- Tennison: "Typing in transformations"
2003-08-05.txt:15:55:57 <DanC-AIM> Goodie... On the changes from xpath 1 to 2.0
2003-08-05.txt:15:55:59 <DanC-AIM> "this talk, on typing changes, is negative, but XSLT 2.0 is overall/otherwise good."
2003-08-05.txt:15:58:47 <DanC-AIM> Version of which? Jenny's talk
2003-08-05.txt:15:58:49 <DanC-AIM> ?
2003-08-05.txt:16:03:04 <DanC-AIM> XSLT 2... Backwards compatibility feature... And basic vs schema-aware processors... Eek... Looks like the "this is too hard to decide... Let's include both" AntiPattern
2003-08-05.txt:16:05:19 <DanC-AIM> I wonder if the W3C QA WG could review for options like that and complain about them. They didn't say much about the OWL dialects.
2003-08-05.txt:16:08:41 <DanC-AIM> JT: avoid xs:anyURI. Functions/operators take strings.
2003-08-05.txt:16:39:27 <DanC-AIM> @ExML: discussion of strong typing costs/benefits... Leaking from Java conference
2003-08-05.txt:18:00:24 <DanC-AIM> GPRS here is a tease! It comes and goes.
2003-08-05.txt:18:13:04 <DanC-AIM> -- St. Laurent polemic
2003-08-05.txt:18:16:50 <DanC-AIM> 2001 theme... (used with permission?) Playmobile apes. Applause.
2003-08-05.txt:18:24:02 <DanC-AIM> Playmobile hazardous waste crew dealing with "black goup" from XML Schema
2003-08-05.txt:18:25:56 <DanC-AIM> RDF is played by a playmobile robot... Cursing as it's removed by safety crews.
2003-08-05.txt:18:40:54 <ndw> DanC-AIM, any more tidbits from SSTL?
2003-08-05.txt:18:45:22 <DanC-AIM> He went into a software design that didn't look too interesting.
2003-08-05.txt:18:45:24 <DanC-AIM> -- Moore on semantic web servers
2003-08-05.txt:18:45:26 <DanC-AIM> Bummer... I've got a telcon. This looks interesting.
2003-08-05.txt:18:45:28 <DanC-AIM> Oh good... He seems to be aware of some of the rdf query service stuff that I like
2003-08-05.txt:18:45:38 <DanC-AIM> Heh... His example is scheduling.
2003-08-05.txt:18:48:24 <DanC-AIM> "no standardized way for these agents to talk" not so! GET+RDF/XML are a way.
2003-08-05.txt:18:48:44 <DanC-AIM> "on the wire: http+html only." indeed! Too often! Are there _any_ topicmaps I can GET?
2003-08-05.txt:18:50:36 <deltab> DanC-AIM: here's one: http://www.diffuse.org/TopicMaps/TopicMap.xml
2003-08-05.txt:18:52:38 <DanC-AIM> Argh! I can't let this guy get away with saying http is no good for the semantic web.
2003-08-05.txt:19:07:14 <DanC-AIM> Hmm... Moore endorses URIQA as interesting. Sigh.
2003-08-05.txt:19:16:58 <DanC-AIM> Oh good... Moore presenting rdf net api, which, I think, is quite promising.
2003-08-05.txt:19:28:13 <DanC-AIM> Gotta go to a telcon...
2003-08-05.txt:19:28:16 <DanC-AIM> byebye
2003-08-05.txt:19:28:16 <DanC-AIM> DanC-AIM has quit
2003-08-05.txt:21:07:51 <DanC-AIM> DanC-AIM has joined #rdfig
2003-08-05.txt:21:08:19 <DanC-AIM> -- Ahmed "Topic Map design patterns"
2003-08-05.txt:21:08:26 <DanC-AIM> Uml diagrams and all.
2003-08-05.txt:21:10:04 <DanC-AIM> Might be fun to look at these as fodder for the esw wiki
2003-08-05.txt:21:10:16 <DanC-AIM> (with permission of course)
2003-08-05.txt:21:13:17 <DanC-AIM> ?: in a way, topicmaps are a pattern, say for RDF usage.
2003-08-05.txt:21:15:10 <DanC-AIM> http://www.techqilla.com/extreme2003/
2003-08-05.txt:21:15:10 <dc_rdfig> E: http://www.techqilla.com/extreme2003/ from DanC-AIM
2003-08-05.txt:21:16:43 <DanC-AIM> E:/topicmap patterns
2003-08-05.txt:21:16:51 <DanC-AIM> (I can't make a pipe)
2003-08-05.txt:21:19:10 <DanC-AIM> E:I got to plug the esw wiki in response to a request from the floor for a patterns wiki
2003-08-05.txt:21:19:28 <DanC-AIM> Phphpy. Techquilla?
2003-08-05.txt:21:19:30 <DanC-AIM> Can't copy/paste from my browser here. But I did check... It's near there.
2003-08-05.txt:21:19:32 <DanC-AIM> -- Sperberg-McQueen: logic grammars and XML Schema
2003-08-05.txt:21:20:15 <DanC-AIM> E:=http://www.techquilla.com/extreme2003/
2003-08-05.txt:21:20:18 <DanC-AIM> Zat better?
2003-08-05.txt:21:20:38 <DanC-AIM> One l
2003-08-05.txt:21:21:10 <DanC-AIM> Zat work?
2003-08-05.txt:21:21:50 <DanC-AIM> Thx
2003-08-05.txt:21:22:03 <DanC-AIM> Please do E:= ...
2003-08-05.txt:21:26:29 <DanC-AIM> /me groks definite clause grammars (DCGs) thanks to MSM
2003-08-05.txt:21:26:31 <DanC-AIM> MSM explains attribute grammars, which I learned to grok when writing a grammar for N3
2003-08-05.txt:21:28:13 <DanC-AIM> MSM imports attribute grammar defn from Alblas 1991
2003-08-05.txt:21:29:21 <DanC-AIM> DCTGs = attribute grammars for prolog.
2003-08-05.txt:21:30:03 <DanC-AIM> (note to self: connect notes to exml proceedings. Doubt slides will be available in all cases, though)
2003-08-05.txt:21:39:28 <DanC-AIM> MSM describes use of element form default in the xml schema primer *without* derision. I'm sure that took considerable effort.
2003-08-05.txt:21:57:24 <DanC-AIM> Q fro murata: how fast?
2003-08-05.txt:21:58:10 <DanC-AIM> A runs 75 tests in a minute or so. Performance isn't a goal 
2003-08-05.txt:21:58:30 <DanC-AIM> Q does it terminate for everything?
2003-08-05.txt:21:58:33 <DanC-AIM> A to be proved
2003-08-05.txt:21:58:55 <DanC-AIM> Q thought about [other structure]
2003-08-05.txt:21:59:05 <DanC-AIM> A yes, but not much...
2003-08-05.txt:22:04:19 <DanC-AIM> Q about cross-document constraint checking
2003-08-05.txt:22:06:10 <DanC-AIM> (I pass on the opportunity to mention RDF as a world for thinking about cross-document checking)
2003-08-06.txt:14:38:57 <DanC-AIM> BLURB: Extreme Markup notes
2003-08-06.txt:14:38:59 <dc_rdfig> F: Extreme Markup notes from DanC-AIM
2003-08-06.txt:14:39:36 <DanC-AIM> 1ogger_1, pointer?
2003-08-06.txt:15:08:29 <DanC-AIM> F: see [http://ilrt.org/discovery/chatlogs/rdfig/2003-08-06#T14-54-17 notes]
2003-08-06.txt:15:08:55 <DanC-AIM> (fix please? I can't make a pipe on this gizmo)
2003-08-06.txt:15:09:31 <DanC-AIM> I haven't seen liam yet, but I'll try to ask him about fragments, danbri
2003-08-06.txt:15:09:40 <danbri> thanks DanC, appreciated.
2003-08-06.txt:15:10:46 <DanC-AIM> -- Nishikawa "a metadata network for bridging people and places" 
2003-08-06.txt:15:11:08 <DanC-AIM> Using oasis geolang PSIs
2003-08-06.txt:15:12:16 <DanC-AIM> Hmm a resume is used as a 'subject indicator' for a person. That confirms my intuition that tm:subjectIndicator makes sense as an rdf property
2003-08-06.txt:15:12:29 <DanC-AIM> Kinda like foaf:topic
2003-08-06.txt:15:13:19 <DanC-AIM> ... Speaker drops EricM's name, mentions damloil:unambiguousProperty [sic]
2003-08-06.txt:15:13:41 <DanC-AIM> ... Fly by of dublin core stuff
2003-08-06.txt:15:13:59 <DanC-AIM> .google WearableGizmo
2003-08-06.txt:15:14:26 <DanC-AIM> ... Mention of freenode, libby miller...
2003-08-06.txt:15:14:34 <DanC-AIM> Yes, Mary.
2003-08-06.txt:15:15:41 <DanC-AIM> ... Discussion of indirect identification of people...
2003-08-06.txt:15:15:52 <DanC-AIM> "changeability of URLs"
2003-08-06.txt:15:16:09 <DanC-AIM> Yes, very nice
2003-08-06.txt:15:17:04 <DanC-AIM> Kaled used uml diagrams for presenting topicmap patterns. Diagrams++
2003-08-06.txt:15:17:39 <DanC-AIM> /me wishes he had submitted his travel tools stuff for this conference... Considers a nocturn
2003-08-06.txt:15:18:39 <DanC-AIM> (somebody wanna find Mary's paper in the exml website?)
2003-08-06.txt:15:19:22 <DanC-AIM> Hmmm... 3-ary relation.
2003-08-06.txt:15:23:08 <DanC-AIM> ... 1/2 joke about finding non-midnight times for international telcons. [calendaring is everywhere!]
2003-08-06.txt:15:25:09 <DanC-AIM> Er... Kal Ahmed, rather.
2003-08-06.txt:15:27:11 <DanC-AIM> /me wishes for badwidth with which to polish up esw.w3.org/topic a bit in anticipation of visitors from exml
2003-08-06.txt:15:27:43 <DanC-AIM> Hmm.. Geolang using cia factbook and a few other interesting sources.
2003-08-06.txt:15:29:17 <DanC-AIM> Demo: ltm sources... Omnigator...
2003-08-06.txt:15:29:23 <libby> kal was at that calendaring workshop in bristol, DanC-AIM, don;t know if you remember
2003-08-06.txt:15:29:38 <DanC-AIM> Had to change the PSIs for offline use. [sigh!]
2003-08-06.txt:15:31:07 <DanC-AIM> "... There is a lot of discussion of how to use URIs as identifiers." <- understatement of the day!
2003-08-06.txt:15:35:42 <DanC-AIM> Foaf is a great situation: it exploits the agreement we *do* have about uris (e.g. My homepage is http://...) and bootstraps a network of new info.
2003-08-06.txt:15:37:48 <DanC-AIM> People love this omnigator thing. I guess a standard library of navigational stuff and some tools to browse it would go a long way in getting rdf adopted.
2003-08-06.txt:15:42:29 <DanC-AIM> Indeed, composition is a pattern worth writing up. Does it have a wiki topic yet?
2003-08-06.txt:15:43:58 <DanC-AIM> Disjointness in foaf... So you can write clearly wrong (I.e. Inconsistent) foaf thingies.
2003-08-06.txt:15:52:27 <DanC-AIM> -- Freese
2003-08-06.txt:15:53:13 <DanC-AIM> Lexus/nexus: 32000 sources. 4.1billion docs +1milion/day. Stuff that's 300years old. ?? Terabytes.
2003-08-06.txt:15:58:07 <DanC-AIM> The echo project is designing its process as well as its technology, right?
2003-08-06.txt:16:03:54 <DanC-AIM> Freese: tm4j worked for initial prototype, but I ran into scaling issues. Out of memory.
2003-08-06.txt:16:06:05 <DanC-AIM> Freese: ran into topic name clashes... Had to switch to display names.
2003-08-06.txt:16:07:23 <DanC-AIM> Freese: I need to use paragraph and list markup in my topicmaps. Topicmap DTD doesn't allow that. Hope the WG fixes that. [good luck! RDF has spent several man-years on it and isn't done!]
2003-08-06.txt:16:11:23 <DanC-AIM> Frese mentioned tolog... He's the 3rd or 4th to do so. Do rdf query and tolog cross-pollenate?
2003-08-06.txt:16:32:31 <DanC-AIM> /me -> lunch.
2003-08-06.txt:17:15:53 <DanC-AIM> byebye
2003-08-06.txt:17:15:53 <DanC-AIM> DanC-AIM has quit
2003-08-06.txt:18:33:39 <DanC-AIM> DanC-AIM has joined #rdfig
2003-08-06.txt:18:35:05 <DanC-AIM> -- Bill Kent: "the unsolvable identity problem" 
2003-08-06.txt:18:36:59 <sandro> Is DanC just reporting on the interesting talks, or are they all like that?
2003-08-06.txt:18:37:56 <DanC-AIM> All like what?
2003-08-06.txt:18:38:24 <DanC-AIM> There's a spectrum. I remark on what occurs to me as remarkable
2003-08-06.txt:18:39:28 <DanC-AIM> "some talks were informative. Others reinforced my sense of confusion" - Kent
2003-08-06.txt:18:39:50 <DanC-AIM> K:ooh... Nifty.
2003-08-06.txt:18:43:10 <DanC-AIM> "one thing I like to do, as a kind of hobby, is talk to various tech support people"
2003-08-06.txt:18:43:43 <bijan> * bijan thinks that DanC-AIM has been possessed by a beat poet
2003-08-06.txt:18:51:33 <DanC-AIM> This Bill Kent guy that I'm quoting could pass as a beat poet, I suppose, though he introduced himself as something of a standards wonk, conceptual modelling guy, etc.
2003-08-06.txt:18:51:54 <DanC-AIM> He has long hair, though. :)
2003-08-06.txt:18:53:31 <DanC-AIM> Here in Montreal... At extreme markup.
2003-08-06.txt:20:17:59 <DanC-AIM> W3C xml schema has evidently grown a TLA: WXS.
2003-08-06.txt:20:20:07 <DanC-AIM> I'm quite happy that webont picked OWL
2003-08-06.txt:20:21:15 <DanC-AIM> Naming is a terribly important part of the process that's totally chaotic at w3c
2003-08-06.txt:20:22:44 <DanC-AIM> -- Fuchs on an XML Schema algorithm
2003-08-06.txt:20:25:51 <DanC-AIM> Fuchs defines, in addition to the traditional first(A) and follow(A), a new confusion(A)
2003-08-06.txt:23:17:08 <_joshua> DanC-AIM: The AIM gateway I gave you can do personal messages
2003-08-07.txt:13:16:33 <DanC-AIM> -- Dian Kennedy annouces idealliance reorg
2003-08-07.txt:13:16:36 <DanC-AIM> Sponsoring open source work
2003-08-07.txt:13:17:57 <DanC-AIM> Offering remote collaboration infrastructure so the conversation can continue between ftf events
2003-08-07.txt:13:18:44 <DanC-AIM> -- Ciancarini et. Al.: "on the integration of RDF and Topic Maps"
2003-08-07.txt:13:19:02 <DanC-AIM> University of Bologna
2003-08-07.txt:13:20:48 <DanC-AIM> (speaker apologises for her english, which is actually more clear than many native speakers I know)
2003-08-07.txt:13:21:51 <DanC-AIM> Example of RDF/XML and XTM syntax for <p> author "john smith"
2003-08-07.txt:13:22:17 <DanC-AIM> Rdf syntax: 3 lines. Xtm: 20 or so
2003-08-07.txt:13:22:46 <DanC-AIM> "rdf and xtm have been accepted by different communities"
2003-08-07.txt:13:23:46 <DanC-AIM> Quite.
2003-08-07.txt:13:25:21 <DanC-AIM> Spkr cites Moore, Lacher/Decker, [one other. Missed it]
2003-08-07.txt:13:25:42 <DanC-AIM> Somebody wanna chump this paper for me, please?
2003-08-07.txt:13:26:15 <DanC-AIM> /me considers trying to present the ESW collaboration facilities
2003-08-07.txt:13:29:57 <DanC-AIM> This presentation is really good. I wish conference proceedings included slides
2003-08-07.txt:13:31:00 <DanC-AIM> Sidekick. Cf http://dm93.org/z2001/WearableGizmo
2003-08-07.txt:13:32:10 <DanC-AIM> There's *just* enough gprs bandwidth in the room to make this work. Comes and goes, but the software deals gracefully.
2003-08-07.txt:13:35:05 <DanC-AIM> Ooh... Using isDefinedBy to model tm:subjectIndicatorRef
2003-08-07.txt:13:35:06 <DanC-AIM> A:see also: [http://esw.w3.org/topic/TopicMaps esw:TopicMaps]
2003-08-07.txt:13:41:33 <DanC-AIM> Mapping of tm names to rdf is slick.... Wanna look at it with N3 glasses... Bet it would look even slicker.
2003-08-07.txt:13:42:28 <DanC-AIM> Wow! A gui editor that groks rdf and xtm schemas
2003-08-07.txt:13:43:46 <DanC-AIM> Q+ to ask: is the editor OpenSource?
2003-08-07.txt:13:50:27 <DanC-AIM> Q - non-binary relationships
2003-08-07.txt:13:50:59 <DanC-AIM> A - used an idea from related work... Express associations ala Ogievetsky 2001
2003-08-07.txt:13:51:05 <DanC-AIM> Q - where can we get it to play with it?
2003-08-07.txt:13:51:54 <DanC-AIM> A - the software sorta works... We're dealing with java versions... We're considering a web interface
2003-08-07.txt:13:52:17 <DanC-AIM> Q - how do you configure the converter?
2003-08-07.txt:13:52:28 <DanC-AIM> A - not a gui. Xml file.
2003-08-07.txt:13:53:20 <DanC-AIM> (applause again)
2003-08-07.txt:13:56:31 <DanC-AIM> -- Mason "fine-grain pub mgmt. Under Topic Map control" (with Le)
2003-08-07.txt:14:06:02 <DanC-AIM> Danbri, what do you think of my trying to get 5 minutes in front of the audience to invite this crowd to play in the esw wiki, #rdfig, and say a few words about ScheduledTopicChats?
2003-08-07.txt:14:06:37 <libby> +1 DanC-AIM
2003-08-07.txt:14:08:23 <DanC-AIM> I'm not targetting a real-time demo. Not enough bandwidth here.
2003-08-07.txt:18:02:04 <DanC-AIM> DanC-AIM has joined #rdfig
2003-08-07.txt:18:02:58 <DanC-AIM> Off to pepper's talk...
2003-08-07.txt:18:07:58 <DanC-AIM> Phtphtpht. No steve.
2003-08-07.txt:18:28:01 <DanC_jam> DanC_jam has quit
2003-08-07.txt:18:38:55 <DanC-AIM> He didn't come to the conference at all.
2003-08-07.txt:18:40:22 <DanC-AIM> Aargh! I had all the context for calling that owl telcon swapped in; then I rushed out of the room to see pepper's talk. Lose. Now my laptop won't wake up.
2003-08-07.txt:18:50:06 <DanC-AIM> (missed most of a talk on coroutines)
2003-08-07.txt:18:50:57 <DanC-AIM> -- Quin reviews xquery implementation status
2003-08-07.txt:19:07:05 <DanC-AIM> Liam demos sgv output from xml query... Draggable thumbnails... Animated links
2003-08-07.txt:19:09:16 <DanC-AIM> All zooming around in mozilla on linux
2003-08-07.txt:19:12:18 <DanC-AIM> Q - what's novel in xquery w.r.t xslt?
2003-08-07.txt:19:13:50 <DanC-AIM> A - [disclaimer... Personal answer] xquery has separately compilable modules
2003-08-07.txt:19:13:52 <DanC-AIM> ... Difference of approach in emphasis. Xquery works on collections of documents
2003-08-07.txt:19:15:09 <GNUPredator> DanC-AIM: URI? where can I get this?
2003-08-07.txt:19:15:23 <DanC-AIM> -- Walsh "RDF Twig: accessing RDF Graphs in XSLT"
2003-08-07.txt:19:15:48 <DanC-AIM> Get what? Liam's stuff? Dunno. You might mail liam@w3.org
2003-08-07.txt:19:18:54 <GNUPredator> hey DanC-AIM , are you at a presentation? 
2003-08-07.txt:19:30:01 <DanC-AIM> Walsh: hard to say not in rdf. Rdftwig has filterNot, which makes cwa, cuz I needed it.
2003-08-07.txt:19:31:16 <DanC-AIM> Walsh: rdftwig supports rdql (I.e. Has hook to jen's rdql stuff)
2003-08-07.txt:19:33:40 <DanC-AIM> /me bites bullet, removes laptop battery to reboot
2003-08-08.txt:15:12:07 <DanC-AIM> BLURB: Extreme Markup: on Thompson, Sperberg-McQueen talks
2003-08-08.txt:15:12:09 <dc_rdfig> C: Extreme Markup: on Thompson, Sperberg-McQueen talks from DanC-AIM
2003-08-08.txt:15:13:31 <DanC-AIM> HT gives background: infoset, extended infoset, access to those extensions
2003-08-08.txt:15:22:38 <DanC-AIM> HT reviews reflection...
2003-08-08.txt:15:22:59 <DanC-AIM> HT on normal forms... Ala striped RDF...
2003-08-08.txt:15:36:49 <DanC-AIM> HT we extend xpath with p:reflect()
2003-08-08.txt:15:38:03 <DanC-AIM> HT the reflection is, abstractly, infinite, so there are xpaths that don't terminate. So don't do that.
2003-08-08.txt:15:38:25 <DanC-AIM> (much much text on slides)
2003-08-08.txt:15:40:31 <DanC-AIM> /me thought about whether I'm licensed to do this, and decided I pretty much am.
2003-08-08.txt:15:42:14 <DanC-AIM> Dianne kennedy said idealliance is going to put effort into collaboration at a distance, to continue conversations between conferences.
2003-08-08.txt:15:42:54 <DanC-AIM> I haven't managed to show what esw/rdfig does.
2003-08-08.txt:15:43:49 <DanC-AIM> But I wonder if idealliance knows what their up against... Marketplace of attention and all that.
2003-08-08.txt:15:51:01 <DanC-AIM> Darn... Can't stay for Q&A... Gotta get bags to car
2003-08-08.txt:15:51:29 <DanC-AIM> Got ok to present rdfig collab facilities. Fro msm
2003-08-08.txt:15:51:49 <DanC-AIM> Danbri, can you conjure up 3 slides in the next 25min
2003-08-08.txt:15:51:55 <DanC-AIM> ?
2003-08-08.txt:16:03:40 <danbri> DanC, I'm not _really_ sure what you're after, audience etc. Maybe something useful in the above for you?
2003-08-08.txt:16:25:02 <DanC-AIM> /me catches upp...
2003-08-08.txt:16:51:03 <DanC-AIM> Missed lunch putting a slide together, only to discover there's no projection now.
2003-08-08.txt:16:51:23 <DanC-AIM> Made a poster, got permission to announce it.
2003-08-08.txt:16:59:20 <DanC_jam> DanC_jam has quit
2003-08-08.txt:17:16:49 <DanC-AIM> Gave esw/rdfig announcement.
2003-08-08.txt:17:22:32 <DanC-AIM> Went well enough, I guess.
2003-08-08.txt:17:23:13 <DanC-AIM> Door prizes given out (ora books, courtesy simon stl)
2003-08-08.txt:17:23:14 <DanC-AIM> -- Sperberg-McQueen "playing by the rules"
2003-08-08.txt:17:28:56 <DanC-AIM> ... Mix assembly language excercise 22...
2003-08-08.txt:17:28:57 <DanC-AIM> ... Digression into benefit of early detection of errors...
2003-08-08.txt:17:40:39 <DanC-AIM> "if jenny tennison gets type system errors when she writes XSLT 2.0, what hope can there be for the rest of us?"
2003-08-08.txt:17:40:40 <DanC-AIM> "the real danger of following the rules is that you train yourself to think inside the box"
2003-08-08.txt:17:40:42 <DanC-AIM> "as Tim Bray says, 'we are all running around with DTD-shaped holes in our heads.'"
2003-08-08.txt:17:56:38 <DanC-AIM> "the purpose of the rules of ettiquite is not to constrain everyone to be polite, but to allow us to tell the difference. It is impossible to snub someone unless they know what you're doing."
2003-08-08.txt:18:11:19 <DanC-AIM> "our grasp on reality is necessarily partial"
2003-08-08.txt:18:11:20 <DanC-AIM> "I know there's gravity. If I don't publish a paper on it, it will still work." [re tommie's ramrks that the impoertant rules of xml not being in the xml sepc]
2003-08-08.txt:18:59:07 <DanC-AIM> I took a few 1kilopixel pictures of the people there.
2003-08-08.txt:22:58:07 <DanC-AIM> 2 bars of gprs...
2003-08-08.txt:22:58:19 <DanC-AIM> Hi from I87 in NY, just north of albany.
2003-08-08.txt:23:03:27 <libby> you've done well out your wearable gizmo this trip DanC-AIM :)
2003-08-08.txt:23:04:31 <DanC-AIM> Yeah, it's been GREAT! You haven't seen the driving directions, restaurant addresses, and 101 other uses. Gotta write an article.
2003-08-08.txt:23:08:51 <DanC-AIM> Kinda small... But several interesting bits. High density of niftiness then, I guess.
2003-08-08.txt:23:10:28 <DanC-AIM> The stuff from u. Bologna was worth the price of admission.
2003-08-08.txt:23:10:43 <DanC-AIM> I neglected to say so in person, though
2003-08-11.txt:11:16:58 <DanC-AIM> byebye