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	 <h1 class="h1title">Web Services Policy Working Group</h1> 
	 <p align="center"><a title="Charter of the Working Group" rel="charter" href="../../../2006/04/ws-policy-charter.html">Charter</a> ·
		<a title="Documents produced by the Web Services Policy Working Group" href="#docs">Documents</a> ·
		<a title="Adoption of WS Policy" href="#adoption">Adoption of WS Policy</a> · <a title="materials" href="#materials">Related materials</a> ·
		<a title="Issues" href="#issues">Issues</a> · <a title="meeting records" href="#records">Meeting records</a> · <a title="schedule"
		href="#schedule">Schedule</a> · <a title="Mailing lists" href="#lists">Discussion lists</a> · <br/><a
		title="List of the participants in the Working Group" href="#participants">Participation</a> ·
		<a href="">Patent Policy</a></p> 
	 <div class="section"> 
		<h2><a id="docs" name="docs">Documents</a></h2> 
		<h3><a id="public_drafts" name="public_drafts">Published W3C (Draft) Documents</a></h3> 
		  <li>2007-09-04: <a href="">Web Services Policy 1.5 - Framework (Recommendation)</a></li> 
		  <li>2007-09-04: <a href="">Web Services Policy 1.5 - Attachment
		  <li>2007-03-30: <a href="">Web Services Policy 1.5 Namespace</a></li> 
		  <li>2007-03-30: <a href="">Web Services Policy 1.5 XML Schema</a></li> 
		  <li>2007-11-12: <a href="">Web Services Policy 1.5 - Primer (Working Group
		  	Note)</a>, see the <a href="">errata document</a></li> 
		  <li>2007-11-12: <a href="">Web Services Policy 1.5 - Guidelines for Policy
			 Assertion Authors (Working Group Note)</a></li> 
		  <li>2007-07-20: <a href="">WSDL 1.1 Element Identifiers (Working Group
		<h3><a id="editors_drafts" name="editors_drafts">Editors' copies</a></h3> 
		<p>The following documents are highly unstable and haven't received any kind of review or endorsement, use them at your own risks!</p> 
		<ul class="drafts"> 
		  <li><a href=";%20charset=utf-8">Web
			 Services Policy 1.5 - Framework</a></li> 
		  <li><a href=";%20charset=utf-8">Web
			 Services Policy 1.5 - Attachment</a></li> 
		  <li><a href=";%20charset=utf-8">Web Services
			 Policy 1.5 - XML Schema</a></li> 
		  <li><a href=";%20charset=utf-8">Web
			 Services Policy 1.5 - Primer</a></li> 
		  <li><a href=";%20charset=utf-8">Web
			 Services Policy 1.5 - Guidelines for Policy Assertion Authors</a></li> 
			 href=";%20charset=utf-8">WSDL 1.1 Element
		<h3><a id="interop" name="interop">Interop Scenarios and CR Dashboard</a></h3> 
		<p><a href="">WS Policy Interop Scenarios</a>
		  (NOTE: This link leads to a directory which contains the interop scenarios). The latest scenarios and test files released by the WG are tagged on CVS
		  (Tag=<a href="">Release-5-20080127</a>, see
		  <a href="cvsaccess.html">CVS Access</a>).</p> 
		<p>During the Candidate Recommendation period, all CR exit critera of the <a
		  href="">framework</a> and the
		  <a href="">attachment</a> specifications have been successfully tested. See the Web
		  Services Policy 1.5 <a href="">CR Dashboard</a> and
		  <a href="">CR Dashboard Summary</a> for the latest test
		  results. In addition, <a href="">tests for lax intersection involving nested policies</a> have
		  been created and successfully run. NOTE: for CR interop testing, <a href="">Release-4-20070727</a> of the Interop Scenarios has been used.</p> </div> 
	 <p>See also the <a href="">CVS area for the Working Group</a><!-- and the <a href=''>latest commits</a>-->
	 <div class="section"> 
		<h2><a id="adoption" name="adoption">Adoption of WS Policy</a></h2> 
		<p>You might want to check out the following W3C and OASIS specs that make use of WS-Policy:</p> 
		  <li>Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Metadata<br/> <a
			 href=""></a> </li> 
		  <li>Web Services ReliableMessaging Policy Assertion (WS-RM Policy)<br/>
		  <li>WebServices Atomic Transaction (WS-AtomicTransaction) (see Section 4)<br/>
			 <a href=""></a></li> 
		  <li>Web ServicesBusiness Activity (WS-BusinessActivity) (see Section 4)<br/>
			 <a href=""></a></li> 
		  <li>WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 (WS-SecurityPolicy)<br/>
		</ul> </div> 
	 <div class="section"> 
		<h2><a id="materials" name="materials">Related Materials</a></h2> 
		<p>This section provides links to tutorials, presentations and other materials related to Web Services Policy. NOTE: the material is not
		  endorsed by the Working Group.</p> 
		  <li>Glen Daniels, Frederick Hirsch, Anish Karmakar, Mark Little, Ashok Malhotra, Gilbert Pilz.
			 <a href="">Web Services Policy Attachment for Endpoint Reference (WS-PAEPR)</a>. W3C Member
			 Submission 20 July 2007.</li> 
		  <li><a href="materials/ws-policy-xml-2006-conference-12-06-2006.pdf">Introduction to Web Services Policy</a>. Presentation by Asir Vedamuthu
			 at <a href="">XML 2006</a>.</li> 
	 <div class="section"> 
		<h2><a id="issues" name="issues">Issues</a></h2> 
		<p>See <a href="">Working Draft Issues List</a></p> 
		<p>There are three ways to raise new issues: within Bugzilla, on the <a href="">public
		  mailing list</a>, or on the <a href="">WS Policy comments list</a>. The Working Group
		  has a high preference for Bugzilla and would be very grateful if reviewers could use it for raising new issues.</p> 
		<h3>General information for New Issues</h3> 
		<p>No matter what way you choose, please provide the following information:</p> 
		  <li><strong>Title</strong> - A short descriptive name for the issue</li> 
		  <li><strong>Description</strong> - A longer and complete description of the issue, state in terms of the documents</li> 
		  <li><strong>Justification</strong> - Why is this an issue? E.g., state an architectural concern, demonstrate an interop problem, explain a
			 use case that isn't met</li> 
		  <li><strong>Target</strong> - What deliverable the issue is against (framework | attachment)</li> 
		  <li><strong>Proposal</strong> - A reasonably complete proposal for how the issue should be addressed.</li> 
		<p>It is also appreciated if the proposed solution comes with <strong>test cases</strong>.</p> 
		<h3>New Issues via Bugzilla</h3> 
		  <li>If you do not have an Bugzilla account, <a href="">create a new Bugzilla account</a>.</li>
		  <li>To enter a new issue, log on the <a href="">Bug / Issue Tracking
		  <li>Choose a component (e.g. "Attachment") and a version (e.g. "FPWD" (First Public Working Draft)).</li> 
		  <li>Enter a summary (a "topic") and a description.</li> 
		  <li>Press "Commit".</li> 
		<h3>Comments on Existing Issues within Bugzilla</h3> 
		<p>Note: this description applies only to NON-WG PARTICIPANTS who cannot post to the
		  <a href="">public mailing list</a>.</p> 
		  <li>To add a comment, go to the issue and type your additional comment into the field "Additional Comments: ". Then press "Commit".</li> 
		  <li>To reply to a specific comment, go to the issue and press "reply". Add your comment and press "Commit".</li> 
		<h3>New Issues on the Public Mailing List</h3> 
		<p>For new issue proposals on the <a href="#lists">public mailing list</a>, please use a subject header in the form "NEW ISSUE:
		  <em>title</em>". Issue proposals should include the general information for new issues described above.</p> 
		<h3>New Issues on the WS Policy Comments List</h3> 
		<p>Note: this description applies only to NON-WG PARTICIPANTS who cannot post to the
		  <a href="">public mailing list</a> and who cannot use Bugzilla.</p> 
		<p>For new issue proposals on the <a href="">WS Policy comments list</a>, please
		  use a subject header in the form "NEW ISSUE: <em>title</em>". Issue proposals should include the general information for new issues described
		  above.</p> </div> 
	 <div class="section"> 
		<h2><a id="records" name="records">Approved meeting records</a></h2> 
		<ul>  <li><span class="date">2007-10-31</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-10-17</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-09-26</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-09-19</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-09-12</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-08-22</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-08-15</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-08-01</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-07-18</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">f2f</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-07-17</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">f2f</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-07-11</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-06-27</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-06-20</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-06-13</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-06-06</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-05-24</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">f2f</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-05-23</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">f2f</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-05-16</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-05-09</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-05-02</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-04-25</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-04-18</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-04-11</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-04-04</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-03-28</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-03-14</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">f2f</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-03-13</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">f2f</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-03-07</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-02-28</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-02-21</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-02-14</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-02-07</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-01-31</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-01-18</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">f2f</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-01-17</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">f2f</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-01-16</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">f2f</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-01-10</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2007-01-03</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2006-12-20</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2006-12-13</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2006-12-06</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2006-11-29</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2006-11-15</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2006-11-09</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">F2F</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2006-11-08</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">F2F</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2006-11-07</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">F2F</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span>2006-11-01</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span>2006-10-25</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span>2006-10-18</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span>2006-10-11</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span>2006-10-04</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span>2006-09-27</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2006-09-14</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">F2F</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2006-09-13</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">F2F</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2006-09-12</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">F2F</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span>2006-09-06</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span>2006-08-30</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span>2006-08-23</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span>2006-08-16</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2006-08-09</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2006-08-02</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2006-07-26</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2006-07-13</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">F2F</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2006-07-12</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">F2F</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2006-07-11</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">F2F</a>]</li> 
		  <li><span class="date">2006-06-28</span>. [<a href="">agenda</a>,
			 <a class="minutes" href="">teleconference</a>]</li> 
		</ul> </div> 
	 <div class="section"> 
		<h2><a id="schedule" name="schedule">Schedule</a></h2> 
		<p>This schedule is informative only.</p> 
		  <li>July 2006: First public drafts for <cite><a href="">Web Services Policy 1.5 -
			 Framework</a></cite> and <cite><a href="">Web Services Policy 1.5 - Attachment</a></cite>.
		  <li>November 2006: Last call drafts for <cite><a href="">Web Services Policy 1.5 -
			 Framework</a></cite> and <cite><a href="">Web Services Policy 1.5 - Attachment</a></cite>.
		  <li>March 2007: Candidate Recommendation drafts for <cite><a href="">Web Services Policy 1.5
			 - Framework</a></cite> and <cite><a href="">Web Services Policy 1.5 - Attachment</a></cite>.
		  <li>July 2007: Proposed Recommendation drafts for <cite><a href="">Web Services Policy 1.5 -
			 Framework</a></cite> and <cite><a href="">Web Services Policy 1.5 - Attachment</a></cite>.
		  <li>September 2007: W3C Recommendations for <cite><a href="">Web Services Policy 1.5 -
			 Framework</a></cite> and <cite><a href="">Web Services Policy 1.5 - Attachment</a></cite>.
		</ul> </div> 
	 <div class="section"> 
		<h2><a id="lists" name="lists">Discussion lists</a></h2> 
		<p>Technical discussion takes place on the Working Group discussion list, (<a
		  href="">archive</a>). This is a public mailing list; to
		  <a href="">subscribe to the public-ws-policy mailing list</a>, please check the
		  <a href="../../../Mail/Request">subscription procedure</a>.</p> 
		<form method="get" action=""> 
		  <p>Search the archive <input name="type-index" value="public-ws-policy" type="hidden"/><input name="index-type" value="t"
			 type="hidden"/><input size="42" name="keywords" maxlength="100" value="" type="text"/> <input value="Search" name="search" type="submit"/>
			 <a href="" class="search">help</a></p> </form> 
		<p>Discussion related to interoperability testing takes place on the Working Group interop list, (<a
		  href="">archive</a>). This is a public mailing list; to
		  <a href="">subscribe to the public-ws-policy-interop mailing list</a>, please check
		  the <a href="../../../Mail/Request">subscription procedure</a>.</p> 
		<p>Administrative issues are discussed on the Member-only member-ws-policy mailing list (<a
		  href="">archive</a>). See the <a href="admin">administrative page</a> for more details.</p>
	 <div class="section"> 
		<h2><a id="participants" name="participants">Participation</a></h2> 
		<p>W3C Members wishing to join the Working Group should fill in the <a href="">participation
		<p>A <a href=";public=1">list of participants</a> is available.</p> </div> <hr/> 
	 <address> Paul Cotton, Chris Ferris, Chairs<br/> <a href="../../../People/fsasaki/">Felix Sasaki</a>, <a
		href="../../../People/LeHegaret/">Philippe Le Hégaret</a>, W3C Team contacts<br/> <small>$Date: 2008/12/09 17:39:33 $</small> </address> 
	 <p class="copyright"><a rel="Copyright" href="/Consortium/Legal/ipr-notice#Copyright">Copyright</a> © 2006 <a href="/"><acronym
		title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym></a><sup>®</sup> (<a href=""><acronym
		title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</acronym></a>, <a href=""><acronym
		title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics">ERCIM</acronym></a>, <a href="">Keio</a>), All Rights
		Reserved. W3C <a href="/Consortium/Legal/ipr-notice#Legal_Disclaimer">liability</a>, <a
		href="/Consortium/Legal/ipr-notice#W3C_Trademarks">trademark</a>, <a rel="Copyright" href="/Consortium/Legal/copyright-documents">document use</a>
		and <a rel="Copyright" href="/Consortium/Legal/copyright-software">software licensing</a> rules apply. Your interactions with this site are in
		accordance with our <a href="/Consortium/Legal/privacy-statement#Public">public</a> and <a
		href="/Consortium/Legal/privacy-statement#Members">Member</a> privacy statements.</p> </body> 