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			<h1>Protocols and Formats Working Group (<acronym>PFWG</acronym>) Public
			Page</h1> <div id="contents">
			<h2>Page Contents</h2>
				<li><a href="#announcements" shape="rect">Announcements and
				<li><a href="#current" shape="rect">Current Work</a></li>
				<li><a href="#pubs" shape="rect">Publications</a></li>
				<li><a href="#about" shape="rect">About the PFWG</a></li>
			<!-- end (page) contents (list)-->
			</div> <h2><a name="announcements" id="announcements" shape="rect"
			></a>Announcements and Meetings</h2> <p>3 January 2012: Published <a
			>Media Accessibility User Requirements</a> First Public Working Draft.
			Please <a href=""
			shape="rect">comment</a> by 10 February 2012.</p> <p>18 January 2011:
			Published <a href=""
			shape="rect">WAI-ARIA 1.0 Candidate Recommendation</a>. Read the <a
			href="" shape="rect">WAI-ARIA
			publication announcement</a>. Please <a
			href="" shape="rect"
			>comment</a> by 25 February 2011.</p> <p>13 January 2011: Published <a
			href="" shape="rect"
			>Last Call Working Draft of Role Attribute 1.0</a>. Please <a
			href="" shape="rect"
			>comment</a> by 25 February 2011.</p> <p><a href="Group/meetings/f2fmar12"
			>Face to face meeting 5 - 7 March 2012 in Austin, TX</a></p> <h2><a
			name="current" id="current" shape="rect">Current Work</a></h2> <h3><a
			name="review" id="review" shape="rect"></a>Public Working Drafts under
			review</h3> <p>The Protocols and Formats Working Group invites public
			comment on the 3 January 2012 Working Draft of <a
			>Media Accessibility User Requirements</a>. Follow the <a
			href="" shape="rect"
			>instructions for commenting</a> page to submit comments. <a
			shape="rect">Submit comments online</a> (preferred) or by email to to <a
			href="" shape="rect"
			></a> (<a
			title="PFWG public comments list archive" shape="rect">Archive</a>).
			Comments should be made by <strong>25 February 2011</strong>.</p> <h3><a
			name="specreview" id="specreview" shape="rect"></a>Technology Review</h3>
			<p>W3C invites public comment on the <a
			href="" shape="rect"
			>Working Drafts in Last Call</a>. The WAI and the Protocols and Formats
			Working Group invite anyone who perceives an access problem with these
			drafts to comment. Submit your comments as directed in the individual
			drafts; the email addresses vary from document to document.</p><h3>
			Technical Specifications</h3> <p>Please note that Editors' Drafts:</p> <ul>
			<li> May not be up-to-date with recent Working Group decisions</li>
			<li> Do not necessarily represent Working Group consensus, that is, the
				drafts may include proposals that the Working Group has not agreed
			<li> May change frequently without public notification </li>
			<li> Include "Editorial notes" that are intended for public review and
				comment </li>
			<li> Include internal "Todo" notes and areas that are not ready for review
			</ul> <p>Edits to documents are posted regularly to the publicly visible
			editors' draft. People interested in following the work can subscribe to
			the public-pfwg-cvs mailing list to receive notification when changes are
			checked in. Techniques and examples of how to apply these technologies to
			create rich internet applications are discussed on the <a
			href="" shape="rect"
			>wai-xtech</a> mailing list. See <a href="#participation" shape="rect"
			>participation</a> for how to follow or get involved in this work.</p>
			<h4><a name="aria" id="aria" shape="rect"></a>Accessible Rich Internet
			Applications (WAI-ARIA)</h4><p>WAI-ARIA, the Accessible Rich Internet
			Applications Suite, defines a way to make Web content and Web applications
			more accessible to people with disabilities. It especially helps with
			dynamic content and advanced user interface controls developed with Ajax,
			HTML, JavaScript, and related technologies.</p> <p>The work has been
			divided into five documents.  The current editor's working drafts of these
			are: </p> <dl>
			<dt><a href="aria-roadmap/" shape="rect">Roadmap for Accessible Rich
				Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA Roadmap) (public editor's draft)
			<dd>This roadmap that describes the problem, what W3C specifications will
				be used to correct the problem, and the timeline for the new
				specifications. See also the <a href="/TR/wai-aria-roadmap/"
				shape="rect">Public Working Draft of the WAI-ARIA Roadmap</a>. </dd>
			<dt><a href="aria/" shape="rect">Accessible Rich Internet Applications
				(WAI-ARIA) (public editor's draft) </a><a
				href="" shape="rect"></a></dt>
			<dd>This specification provides an ontology of roles, states, and
				properties that set out an abstract model for accessible interfaces and
				can be used to improve the accessibility and interoperability of Web
				Content and Applications. This information can be mapped to
				accessibility frameworks that use this information to provide
				alternative access solutions. Similarly, this information can be used to
				change the rendering of content dynamically using different style sheet
				properties. The result is an interoperable method for associating
				behaviors with document-level markup. See also the <a
				href="/TR/wai-aria/" shape="rect">Public version of WAI-ARIA</a>.</dd>
			<dt><a href="aria-primer/" shape="rect">WAI-ARIA Primer (public editor's
				draft) </a></dt>
			<dd>Explains the accessibility problems posed by hybrid technologies such
				as DHTML and AJAX and introduces the technologies to map controls, AJAX
				live regions, and events to accessibility APIs. Also describes new
				navigation techniques to mark common Web elements such as menus, primary
				content, secondary content, banner information and other types of Web
				structures. See also the <a href="/TR/wai-aria-primer/" shape="rect"
				>Public Working Draft of the WAI-ARIA Primer </a>.</dd>
			<dt><a href="aria-practices/" shape="rect">WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices
				(public editor's draft) </a></dt>
			<dd>Provides recommended approaches to create accessible Web content using
				WAI-ARIA roles, states, and properties to make widgets, navigation, and
				behaviors accessible. Also describes considerations that might not be
				evident to most implementors from the WAI-ARIA specification alone. See
				also the <a href="/TR/wai-aria-practices/" shape="rect">Public Working
				Draft of the WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices</a>.</dd>
			<dt><a href="aria-implementation/" shape="rect">WAI-ARIA User Agent
				Implementation Guide (public editor's draft)</a></dt>
			<dd>Describes how user agents should map WAI-ARIA features to platform
				accessibility APIs. See also the <a href="/TR/wai-aria-implementation/"
				shape="rect">Public Working Draft of the WAI-ARIA User Agent
				Implementation Guide</a>.</dd>
			</dl> <p>Formal Public Working Drafts of these documents can be found from
			the <a href="/WAI/intro/aria" shape="rect">WAI-ARIA Overview Page</a>.
			</p> <h4><a name="role-attribute" id="role-attribute" shape="rect"
			></a>Role Attribute</h4> <p>The <a href="role-attribute/" shape="rect"
			>Role Attribute (public editor's draft)</a> allows the author to annotate
			markup languages with machine-extractable semantic information about the
			purpose of an element. Use cases include accessibility, device adaptation,
			server-side processing, and complex data description. This attribute can
			be integrated into any markup language. The role attribute is necessary to
			support WAI-ARIA to define roles in XML-based languages, when the
			languages do not define their own role attribute. See also the <a
			href="/TR/role-attribute/" shape="rect">Public Working Draft of the Role
			Attribute</a>.</p> <h4><a name="media-a11y-reqs" id="media-a11y-reqs"
			shape="rect"></a>Media Accessibility User Requirements</h4> <p><a
			href="media-a11y-reqs/" shape="rect">Media Accessibility User Requiremenst
			(public editors' draft)</a> aggregates the requirements of an
			accessibility user that the W3C HTML5 Accessibility Task Force has
			collected with respect to audio and video on the Web.  See also the <a
			href="">Public Working Draft
			of Media Accessibility User Requirements</a>.</p> <h3><a name="taskforces"
			id="taskforces" shape="rect"></a>Task Forces</h3> <h4><a name="tf-aria"
			id="tf-aria" shape="rect"></a>WAI-ARIA Task Force</h4> <p>This task force
			develops the WAI-ARIA technology. Currently we are processing comments
			received on the latest ARIA Working Draft. ARIA issues are tracked in the
			<a href="comments/" shape="rect">PFWG public comments tracker</a>. The <a
			href="#aria" shape="rect">section on WAI-ARIA</a> has further information
			about how to follow this work.</p> <h4><a name="tf-aria-uaig"
			id="tf-aria-uaig" shape="rect"></a>WAI-ARIA User Agent Implementation Task
			Force</h4> <p>The publicly visible <a href="/WAI/PF/aria-ua-task-force"
			shape="rect">User Agent Implementation Task Force</a> is a joint task
			force of the PFWG and the <a href=""
			shape="rect">HTML Working Group (HTML WG)</a>. The objective of UAI TF is
			to develop guidelines for interoperable user agent implementation of the
			WAI-ARIA specification. Discussion and meeting information is posted to
			the WAI-XTech mailing list with the subject prefix "aapi". The <a
			href="#aria" shape="rect">section on WAI-ARIA</a> has further information
			about how to follow this work.</p> <h4><a name="tf-html-a11y"
			id="tf-html-a11y" shape="rect"></a>HTML Accessibility Task Force</h4>
			<p>The <a href="/WAI/PF/html-task-force" shape="rect">HTML Accessibility
			Task Force</a> is a joint task force of the PFWG and the <a
			href="" shape="rect">HTML Working Group (HTML
			WG)</a>. The objective of this task force is to review accessibility
			considerations for HTML 5. The work of this task force is mainly tracked
			in the <a href="" shape="rect">HTML
			Accessibility Task Force wiki</a>. The task force currently has a number
			of sub-groups focusing on <a
			href="" shape="rect"
			>media</a>, <a href=""
			shape="rect">canvas</a>, <a
			href="" shape="rect"
			>ARIA integration</a>, and <a
			href="" shape="rect">bug
			triage</a>.</p> <h4>Specification Accessibility Task Force</h4> <p><a
			name="tf-spec-review" id="tf-spec-review" shape="rect"></a>The <a
			href="/WAI/PF/Group/spec-review-tf" shape="rect">Specification
			Accessibility Task Force</a> assists the Working Group with accessibility
			review of W3C specifications. Currently this work is done by the working
			group as a whole.</p> <h2><a id="pubs" name="pubs" shape="rect"
			>Publications</a></h2> <p>In addition to the <a href="#aria" shape="rect"
			>WAI-ARIA documents</a> and the Role Attribute, the PFWG has been
			responsible in the past for the incorporation of a number of the
			accessibility improvements introduced into W3C formats from HTML 4.0
			onward including CSS, SMIL, SVG and VoiceXML. Some specific publications
			developed in service of this work:</p> <dl>
			<dt><a href="" shape="rect">Inaccessibility
				of Visually-Oriented Anti-Robot Tests: Problems and
			<dd>This paper evaluates the accessibility problems with <a
				href="" shape="rect"><acronym
				title="Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart"
				>CAPTCHA</acronym></a>, a visual verification system popular on many Web
				sites, and evaluates a number of more-accessible alternatives to the
				same problems CAPTCHA claims to solve.</dd>
			<dt><a href=""
				shape="rect">Natural Language Usage -- Issues and Strategies for
				Universal Access to Information</a></dt>
			<dd>This paper suggests a possible implementation of a language annotation
				system to clarify meaning in potentially ambiguous terms.</dd>
			<dt><a href="" shape="rect">XML
				Accessibility Guidelines</a></dt>
			<dd>The discussions for XAG take place on the public <a
				href="" shape="rect"
				>wai-xtech list</a>. This specification is developed by the Working
			</dl> Some of these are are discussed in the following education notes: <ul>
			<li><a href="/WAI/References/HTML4-access" shape="rect">HTML4
				accessibility improvements</a></li>
			<li><a href="/WAI/EO/NOTE-css-access-19990309" shape="rect">CSS2
				accessibility improvements</a></li>
			<li><a href="/WAI/EO/SMIL-access.html" shape="rect">SMIL accessibility
			<li><a href="/TR/SVG-access/" shape="rect">SVG accessibility Note</a></li>
			</ul> <h2><a id="about" name="about" shape="rect">About the PFWG</a></h2>
			<h3><a name="contacts" id="contacts" shape="rect"></a>Contacts</h3> <ul>
			<li>PFWG Chair: Janina Sajka &lt;<a href=""
			<li>PFWG W3C Staff Contact: Michael Cooper &lt;<a
				href="" shape="rect"></a>&gt;</li>
			</ul> <h3><a name="activities" id="activities" shape="rect"
			></a>Activities</h3> <p>The PFWG looks at the formal Web technologies
			(protocols, formats, etc.) from an accessibility perspective. Best
			practices for using these technologies are addressed by <a
			href="#wai-groups" shape="rect">other WAI groups</a>, producing guidelines
			explaining how to use the technologies.</p> <p>The principal output of
			this working group is feedback to other W3C working groups developing
			specification, on how to ensure that their work can allow for
			accessibility. This does not generally create deliverables in the form of
			W3C publications.</p> <p>In particular, the group tries to review at least
			every <a href="/TR/#last-call" shape="rect">Last Call working
			draft</a>.</p> <p>The PFWG also works on the <a href="/TR/xag"
			shape="rect">XML Accessibility Guidelines (XAG)</a>.</p> <h3><a
			name="charter" id="charter" shape="rect"></a>Charter</h3> <p>The <a
			href="charter201006" shape="rect">charter of the working group</a>
			outlines the goals, work methods, and requirements for participation. It
			also explains why the working drafts and email archives of this group are
			in the <a href="Group/" shape="rect">members-only</a> area. This activity
			is conducted by the <a href="/" shape="rect">W3C</a> as part of its <a
			href="/WAI/" shape="rect">Web Accessibility Initiative</a></p> <h3><a
			name="participation" id="participation" shape="rect"
			></a>Participation</h3> <p>The participation page provides details about
			<a href="participation" shape="rect">how to join the group</a>. </p> <p>To
			follow the work of the WG without joining, the following resources are
			available:</p> <ul>
			<li>Subscribe to public <a href="#lists" shape="rect">mailing
			<li>Review formal and editors' drafts of <a href="#aria" shape="rect"
			<li>Submit <a href="comments/" shape="rect">public comments</a> on current
				work and review existing comments;</li>
			<li>Join <a href="#taskforces" shape="rect">task forces</a> where
				participation requirements allow.</li>
			</ul> <h3><a name="lists" id="lists" shape="rect"></a>Mailing Lists</h3> <ul>
			<li><a href="" shape="rect"
				></a> is a public list for discussion of items within
				PFWG's scope, where W3C Member-confidentiality is not required;</li>
			<li> is a public non-archived announcement list to
				alert followers when edits to documents are committed;</li>
			<li><a href="" shape="rect"
				></a> is a W3C member-confidential list for working
				group business, and for discussions of PFWG work where
				Member-confidentiality is required.</li>
			</ul> <p>Anyone can join the wai-xtech and public-pfwg-cvs mailing lists.
			Follow Instructions for <a href="participation.html#mail" shape="rect"
			>subscribing to the PFWG mailing lists</a>; in short, send email to <a
			shape="rect"></a> indicating which list you would like
			to join.</p> <h3><a id="neighborhood" name="neighborhood" shape="rect"
			>Some areas of related work</a></h3> <h4><a id="protols-formats"
			name="protols-formats" shape="rect">Protocols and Formats</a></h4> <p>On
			the growing edge of the Web we find Protocols and Formats such as:</p> <ul>
			<li>The <a href="/XML/" shape="rect">Extensible Markup Language (XML)</a>
				provides for continuous enhancement of the hypertext medium.</li>
			<li>The <a href="/Graphics/" shape="rect">Scalable Vector Graphics
				(SVG)</a> which introduces symbolic representation of graphics.</li>
			<li>The <a href="/Metadata/" shape="rect">Resource Description Framework
				(RDF)</a> introduces knowledge about resources to the Web.</li>
			<li>The <a href="/AudioVideo/" shape="rect">Synchronized Multimedia
				Integration Language (SMIL)</a> offers a means to exchange multimedia
				content across the breadth of the Web.</li>
			<li>The <a href="/DOM/" shape="rect">Document Object Model (DOM)</a>
				offers a neutral API for accessing the document tree.</li>
			</ul> <h4><a id="wai-groups" name="wai-groups" shape="rect">Other WAI
			Groups</a></h4> <p>Most accessibility issues involve cooperative work
			between the PFWG and its sister groups within the WAI, particularly</p> <ul>
			<li><a href="/WAI/ER/" shape="rect">Evaluation and Repair Tools (ERT)</a>
				which deals with assessing and correcting accessibility in Web
			<li><a href="/WAI/GL/" shape="rect">Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
				(WCAG)</a> on the use of document formats to build resource webs of
				universal accessibility.</li>
			<li><a href="/WAI/UA/" shape="rect">User Agent Accessibility Guidelines
				(UAAG)</a> analyzes user interface dialogs and requirements, and what
				browsers and access agents that form part of the adapted client can do
				to optimize access.</li>
			<li><a href="/WAI/AU/" shape="rect">Authoring Tools Accessibility
				Guidelines (ATAG)</a> deals with the automation of accessible resource
				development and the accessibility of resource development
			<li><a href="/WAI/AU/" shape="rect">Education and Outreach (EOWG)</a>
				carries the message to various segments of the Web community.</li>
			</ul> <h3><a name="patent" id="patent" shape="rect"></a>Patent Disclosures
			</h3> <p>W3C maintains a <a rel="disclosure"
			href="" shape="rect">public
			list of any patent disclosures</a> made in connection with the
			deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for
			disclosing a patent.</p> <p>Janina Sajka &lt;<a
			href="" shape="rect"></a>&gt; -
			Chair, PFWG <br clear="none" /> Michael Cooper &lt;<a
			href="" shape="rect"></a>&gt; - Staff
			Contact <!-- end main --> </p> <div id="footer">
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			<p>[<a href="/WAI/contacts" shape="rect">Contacting WAI</a>]</p>
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					WAI staff-only list).</p>
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