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  <TITLE>www_and_frame Support Info</TITLE>
  www_and_frame Support Info
  New Distribution: ANSI C HTML-&gt;MIF code
At the request of some folks at Frame, I'm releasing some code that converts
HTML to MIF. See
<A HREF="ftp://ftp.w3.org/pub/contrib/html2mif-19950714.tar.gz">html2mif</A>
in the <A HREF="ftp://ftp.w3.org/pub/contrib/">W3 contributed code</A> archive.
I developed this while I was at Convex, and since I left there in Feb 1993,
I haven't been actively maintaining it. I expect some of the other MIF2HTML
converters out there are better. You might try:
    <A href="mailto:mjr@syl.dl.nec.com">Matt Ranney</A>. He graciously volunteered
    to support <TT>www_and_frame</TT> a long time ago. I haven't heard much from
    him lately, though.
    <A href="harward@convex.com">Ken Harward at Convex</A>. He maintains some
    tools to convert from MIF to all sorts of formats. I'm not sure if they're
    available for general distribution.
    <A HREF="../../Tools/Word_proc_filters.html#Framemaker">Mike Sendall's
    notes</A> on HTML/Frame conversion tools.
The package was novel in that would convert <EM>from</EM> HTML as well as
to HTML. But it wouldn't do a very good job of converting a collection of
HTML documents into a manageable Frame document.
I will certify
<A HREF="ftp://ftp.w3.org/pub/contrib/www_and_frame-0.2.tar.Z">the
www_and_frame-0.2.tar.Z distribution</A>, in case anybody's interested:
<EM>err... ummm.. I don't have my public key online right now!</EM>.
    Size in bytes:
    checksum (as per SunOS sum)
    03862 48
    PGP Digital Signature
Version: 2.6.2

  <A HREF="../">Connolly</A><BR>
  July 1995<BR>
  last revised $Date: 1998/03/05 04:59:21 $