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    <title>Web Real-Time Communications Working Group</title>
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      <h1>Web Real-Time Communications Working Group</h1>

    <div id="main">
      <div id="mission">
        <p>As defined in its <a href="">charter</a>, the mission of the Web Real-Time Communications Working Group, created in May 2011, is to define client-side APIs to enable Real-Time Communications in Web browsers.</p>

      <div id="action">

        <div class="warning">
          <p>On-going actions for participants of the group:</p>
            <li>Review the <a href="">summary of the Santa Clara F2F</a> (31 Oct - 1 Nov 2011).</li>
            <li>Review <a href="">open questions on use cases and requirements</a> and send comments to the mailing-list.</li>

	    <li>Subscribe to <a href=""></a>, the mailing list where the <code>getUserMedia()</code> API will be developed</li>

      <div id="roadmap">
	<p>Latest editors drafts:</p>
<li><a href="">WebRTC 1.0: Real-time Communication Between Browsers</a></li>
<li><a href="">getUserMedia (Media Capture API)</a></li>
<li><a href="">MediaStream Capture Scenarios</a></li>

        <p>No deviation from the roadmap specified in the charter as of today.</p>
	  <li>First Public Working Draft: <a href="">27 October 2011</a></li>
	  <li>Last Call Working Draft: scheduled for Q2 2012</li>
	  <li>Candidate Recommendation: scheduled for Q4 2012</li>
	  <li>Proposed Recommendation: scheduled for Q4 2012</li>
	  <li>Recommendation: scheduled for Q1 2013</li>


      <div id="documents">
        <h2>Documents and Logistics</h2>
        <p>The <a href="wiki/">Web Real-Time Communications Working Group's wiki</a> documents ongoing works, draft documents and other working materials and logistics information.</p>

      <div id="participate">

        <p>If you are employed by a <a href="">W3C Member</a> and want to join this group, please ask your <a href="">Advisory Committee Representative</a> to nominate you to the group as <a href="">explained in the relevant instructions</a>.</p> 
        <p>If you are not employed by <a href="">W3C Member</a> and have specific expertise to bring to this group, the <a href="">said instructions</a> explain how to get Invited Expert status.</p> 
        <p>See the list of <a href=";public=1">current participants</a>.</p> 
      <div id="mailinglist">

        <p>The main communication channel for this group is the <a href="">publicly archived mailing-list</a> <code>&lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</code>.</p>

	<p>We track open bugs on our specs using <a href="">the WebRTC Working product on the W3C Bugzilla</a>.</p>

	<p>The joint Media Capture Task Force with the <a href="/2009/dap/">Device APIs Working Group</a>, working on the definition of the <code>getUserMedia()</code> API, uses the <a href="">publicly archived mailing list</a> <code>&lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</code>.</p>

        <p>Member-confidential messages and logistical discussions can be addressed to the <a href="">member-only archived mailing-list</a> <code>&lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</code>.</p>

      <div id="docs">
        <h2>Useful Documents</h2>
        <p>Some documents of interest to participants in the Working Group:</p>
          <li>Latest editor's draft of <a href="">WebRTC 1.0: Real-time Communication Between Browsers</a> (WebRTC document)</li>
          <li>Latest draft of <a href="">Web Real-Time Communication Use-cases and Requirements</a> (WebRTC/RTCWEB joint document)</li>
          <li><a href="">Real-Time Communication in WEB-browsers</a> IETF group</li>
          <li><a href="">Report</a> and <a href="">papers</a> from the <a href="">RTC Web Workshop</a> held in October 2010.</li>

      <div id="meeting">

        <p>The group meets once every 2-3 week on the phone. Please check the mailing-list for logistics information. The next call will happen after the next F2F..</p>

	<p>The next F2F meeting of the group will be colocated with the IETF RTCWEB interim meeting on January 31st-Feburary 1st, in Mountain View, CA, USA: <a href="">logistics</a>.</p>

        <div id="santaclara">
          <h3>Past F2F in Santa Clara, USA (Oct/Nov 2011)</h3>
          <p>The group held its second F2F meeting on <strong>Monday 31 October and Tuesday 1 November 2011</strong> in <a href="">Santa Clara, USA</a>, during <a href="">W3C TPAC 2011</a>: <a href="">agenda</a>, <a href="">Minutes day 1/2</a> and <a href="">Minutes day 2/2</a>, <a href="">summary</a>.</p>
        <div id="quebec">
          <h3>Past F2F in Quebec City, Canada (July 2011)</h3>

          <p>The group held its first F2F meeting on <strong>Saturday 23 July 2011</strong>, in Quebec City (<a href="">Quebec City Convention Centre</a>), Canada, co-located with the <a href="">IETF 81 Meeting</a>: <a href="">agenda</a>, <a href="">minutes</a>.</p>

      <div id="patentpolicy">
        <h2>Patent Policy</h2>
        <p>This group operates under the W3C Patent Policy — see its <a href="">Patent Policy status</a> for more details.</p>

      <div id="footer">
          Harald Alvestrand, Stefan Håkansson, co-Chairs
          <br/>Dominique Hazael-Massieux </a> &lt;<a href="">&gt;, W3C Staff Contact
          <br/><small>Last updated on $Date: 2012/01/05 13:20:58 $</small>
