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<h1>The essentials of a specification</h1>

  <p>This note is a little <em>motherhood and apple pie</em> about how a
  specification should be couched so as to clearly add a new well-defined
  piece to the technology.</p>

<p>A technical specification defines something.  The document must  specify
the thing being defined as well as give its definition: a "left hand side" as
well as a "right hand side".  Both must be done quite precisely.</p>

<p>Typically, technical specifications for the web specify a language  or a
protocol.  A protocol is a language for messages, plus a set of constraints on
the sequence of messages. A language is a set of symbols, the syntactic
constraints on the way their are combined, and the semantics of what they
"mean" at some (possibly more than one) level.  (See also <a
href="/DesignIssues/Meaning.html">Meaning of web documents</a>)</p>

<p>The test of a good specification is that it clearly defines what
implementation (document, message, program) conforms, and of course that it
ensures by its design that whatever conforms works to provides the required

<h2>The left hand side</h2>

<p>The document should state what sort of things is being defined.  It should
introduce a new term which characterizes that which conforms to the
specification. Examples of a conformance term could be</p>
  <li>A well-formed XML 1.0 document</li>
  <li>A conforming HTTP 1.1 server</li>
  <li>An xml-schema-valid XML document</li>
  <li>A W3C/WAI  "AAA" accessible web site</li>
  <li>The SVG 1.0 language</li>

<p>The same specification document can define more than one term. such as a
"strictly conforming WWidget" and a "loosely conforming WWidget" but one
should beware of diluting the "WWidget" brand.</p>

<p>As systems become more self-describing, the term is given a formal
identifier. Examples could be</p>
  <li>The MIME type "image/svg1"</li>
  <li>The XML Namespace "http://www.w3.org/1999/asdf-2-0"</li>

<p>In this case where a MIME type or namespace has an identifier, then this is
obviously the crucial term to use to be unambiguous.</p>

<p>Wherever possible, conformance phrases will be grounded in the Web:
identified by a URI.</p>

<h2>The Right Hand Side</h2>

<p>More has already been written on this, and most of it seems to be in
consensus in the W3C.</p>

<p>It is important to remember what you are defining as you write the text.
For example, if you are defining a "foo-valid document" then using "is
invalid" in the text can be assumed to apply to this but "is incorrect" or "is
wrong" or "produces an error" does not unless the language is explicitly
linked to the conformance term.</p>

<p>A good spec similarly pays attention to:</p>
  <li>The distinction between the use of MUST, as opposed to MAY (etc., see <a
    href="#Bradner,">Bradner's BCP14</a>)</li>
  <li>The use of this distinction in defining the conformance term
  <li>The distinction between normative and non-normative parts of the

<p>When defining a language, whenever possible specify directly the meaning
rather than the sort of thing you would expect some software to do with it.
Typical behaviors of an agent may be very  useful to explain the intent

<p>For example,</p>

  <p>"x" indicated that the check is void</p>

<p>is better than</p>

  <p>"x" indicates that the check should be rejected with a fatal error.</p>

<p>You can tell people what something means, you can't tell them what to do
about it, unless you are defining a protocol. When defining a protocol, then
the constraints should ideally be given as a state transition diagram or table
to make them totally clear.</p>

<p>When defining a message which in fact binds to human social entities, then
this must be clear.  You could end up in court explaining it if not.  ("The
MMTP protocol defines the meaning of a message sent by or on behalf of a party
herein referred to as the "debtor" to a party referred to as the "creditor".
The creditor is identified by the foo-email-address...)</p>

<p>When defining a part of a specification deliberately to be similar to
another specification,</p>
  <li>Make it clear that you have noticed the similarity;</li>
  <li>Make it clear whether the similarity is exact and if not where not (and
    why not);</li>
  <li>Ideally, it clear that the existing specification is being referred to
    normatively and is definitive, and that what is in this specification is a
    non-normative copy for information only.</li>
  <li>Make it clear whether the use in this specification will track any new
    version of the referenced specification.</li>
  <li>Think about whether there is any way in which such changes could break
    this system.</li>
  <li>If necessary negotiate constraints with the authority for changes to the
    referenced specification.</li>

<h2>Test questions</h2>

<p>A few examples of things to ask about a spec -- though generalization is
  <li>Does the spec give enough information to determine, for any arbitrary
    object,  whether  the conformance term applies to it?</li>
  <li>Could you write a program to test conformance?</li>
  <li>Is conformance alone enough to ensure that systems build using this
    language will function as intended and with integrity?</li>
  <li>Can you prove important properties of the system from the state
    transition tables etc?</li>

<p>So much for another bit of folklore. Comments, suggestions welcome.</p>

  <a href="/People/Berners-Lee">Tim BL</a> 



<p><a href="ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/bcp/bcp14.txt" name="Bradner,">S.
Bradner, "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels",


<p><em>These are some of the raw bits of standards which I picked up from
Peggie Rimmer at CERN, and from working with IEEE, IETF and W3C specifications
over the years.  I am sure others have written books on it. Comments,
suggestions welcome</em></p>

<p><small>Last change $Id: blank.html,v 1.1 1999/05/24 14:24:19 timbl Exp
  <a href="/People/Berners-Lee">Tim BL</a> 