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<h1><a href="http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/geo/">Geospatial XG</a>

<h2>11 Dec 2006</h2>

<h2><a name="attendees" id="attendees">Attendees</a></h2>

<div class="intro">
    <dd>Josh_Lieberman, Andrew Turner, Chris Goad, John Goodwin, Peisheng
    <dd>Josh Lieberman</dd>
    <dd>Josh Lieberman</dd>

  <li><a href="#agenda">Topics</a>
      <li><a href="#item01">OWL definition of GeoRSS and use in tagging
  <li><a href="#ActionSummary">Summary of Action Items</a></li>
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<div class="meeting">
<h3 id="item01">OWL definition of GeoRSS and use in tagging HTML</h3>

<p>[12:32pm] ajturner: Allan brought up some points on the GeoRSS blog about
diff't uses for featuretype - more formal "mountain", "restaurant", etc. but
also things like "hallway", "cafe", etc.</p>

<p>[12:37pm] joshli: Introductions: John Goodwin - OS ontology modeling</p>

<p>[12:37pm] joshli: Andy Turner: developer of geoblogging software and
georss contributor</p>

<p>[12:38pm] joshli: Chris Goad: works for Platial and also worked on rdf</p>

<p>[12:53pm] ajturner: sorry - I guess my phone died</p>

<p>[12:54pm] joshli: Peisheng: works at GMU on Web Services composition</p>

<p>[12:59pm] joshli: Discussion of whether we need a "placeholder" feature
object to hang the georss properties on.</p>

<p>[1:08pm] joshli: Action: Chris and John Goodwin will collaborate on an OWL
/RDF proposal for GeoRSS</p>

<p>[1:08pm] joshli: Issue of microformats: three proposals for use, no real
consensus yet.</p>

<p>[1:15pm] joshli: Discussion: basic ontology components (review)</p>

<p>[1:33pm] joshli: Discussion: SOCoP collaboration, working on foundation
ontology components form which to run a domain ontology pilot project</p>

<p>[1:36pm] ajturner: what MF proposals are there?</p>

<p>[1:37pm] joshli: 1. Use span and div and stuff coordinates into attributes
like "title".</p>

<p>[1:37pm] joshli: Ugllyyy[1:37pm] ajturner: how do those fit w/ the current
geo mf?</p>

<p>[1:39pm] joshli: it is a little unclear</p>

<p>[1:39pm] joshli: if you look at http://microformats.org/wiki/geo</p>

<p>[1:40pm] joshli: there is an example which renders coordinates: e.g.
&lt;span class="latitude"&gt;37.386013&lt;/span&gt;</p>

<p>[1:41pm] joshli: and another one which doesn't have to:n &lt;abbr
class="latitude" title="37.408183"&gt;N 37° 24.491&lt;/abbr&gt;</p>

<p>[1:41pm] ajturner: right - either are acceptable</p>

<p>[1:42pm] joshli: Putting the coordinates into "title" is not pretty,

<p>[1:42pm] joshli: Allan and I looked at &lt;object&gt;</p>
[1:42pm] joshli: I have somewhere an example. It lets you put a data string
in, a class, and also reference a component such as a plugin.

<p>[1:43pm] joshli: 3. Use &lt;meta content="" /&gt; and &lt;link /&gt; , but
in the body not just the head of the page</p>

<p>[1:44pm] ajturner: but I don't believe Object tags are rendered?</p>

<p>[1:44pm] joshli: This is the RDF-A proposal for annotating XHTML. It isn't
currently valid XHTML, however, most browsers simply ignore it.</p>

<p>[1:44pm] ajturner: MF has the focus to keep it simple and as historically
has been used and is simple to use in editors/current devs, etc.</p>

<p>[1:45pm] joshli: Re: Object - yes, that's the idea. A regular browser
without some form of intervention has no useful rendering for geotags.</p>

<p>[1:45pm] joshli: But it makes the coordinates available for javascript or
some other scripting language or plugin to make use of.</p>

<p>[1:46pm] ajturner: JS can access the current MF's very well too</p>

<p>[1:46pm] ajturner: in fact, it's rather easy now - can just

<p>[1:47pm] joshli: Yes, and my only objection is the use of "title". It's a
useful hack, but still a hack in terms of widespread usage.</p>

<p>[1:47pm] ajturner: true</p>

<p>[1:48pm] joshli: That said, I don't think these are mutually exclusive, it
would just be good to have a strict usage in each case.</p>

<p>[1:53pm] ajturner: one thing to defintily keep in mind, which the current
MF's don't do - is associate the geo or adr w/ the context</p>

<p>[1:53pm] ajturner: so you have those coords, but don't know specifically
what they're referencing</p>

<p>[1:53pm] ajturner: the only way is to use an hCard or hEvent</p>

<p>[1:57pm] joshli: That is a good point, in that we can use several tags in
RSS to be more specific, but the XHTML elements only allow one tag each.</p>

<p>[1:58pm] ajturner: right - RSS is at least forceably enclosed contextually
- one item has a date, author, description, tag, geo reference</p>

<p>[1:58pm] ajturner: although - a big shortcoming of GeoRSS Simple is the
limitation of a "single point"</p>

<p>[1:58pm] ajturner: and no possibility of a collection of points</p>

<p>[1:59pm] joshli: There is always the GeoRSS route for annotating anchors
in a Web page. Then you can reference a context document to place the
reference on, etc.</p>

<p>[2:02pm] ajturner: well, referencing another element would be

<p>[2:02pm] ajturner: the problem is w/ MF, as with many standards bodies,
there is a sol'n -b ut that gets dragged out forever in commmittee, pragmatic
waiting, and adoption</p>

<p>[2:21pm] stakagi joined the chat room.</p>

<p>[2:26pm] joshli: Here is an &lt;object&gt; example:</p>

<p> &lt;span&gt;Tagged content&lt;object class="georss:where"
classid="georss:point" data="45.256 -110.45"&gt; </p>

<p> &lt;param name="georss:crs" value="epsg:4269" /&gt;

<p>The param element is a little wordy, but precise.</p>

<p>[2:27pm] ajturner: but - that object isn't rendered by the browser,

<p>[2:28pm] joshli: No, in fact you can refer to what code is supposed to
deal with the object.</p>

<p>[2:28pm] ajturner: well, but that's an extra layer of complexity - by
default you do that work for no benefit</p>

<p>[2:28pm] ajturner: it requires that someon install some plugin to use that

<p>[2:28pm] joshli: It could just be javascript.</p>

<p>[2:30pm] ajturner: but what if I just want to display the coords?</p>

<p>[2:30pm] joshli: The concept is to geotag or "featurize" some part of a
Web page, so that it is ignored unless appropriate, so that it has a standard
meaning when appropriate, and so that it doesn't conflict with other usage in
a page.</p>

<p>[2:30pm] ajturner: why can't you do all that just in a div or span
insstead of an object? you don't like the coords in the title?</p>

<p>[2:31pm] ajturner: b/c I agree the MF could include more useful things
like projection</p>

<p>[2:31pm] ajturner: name, tags, featuretype, etc.</p>

<p>[2:31pm] joshli: Displaying the coordinates is ok, but I don't think that
would normally be appropriate.</p>

<p>[2:32pm] ajturner: hrm, depends - many people now display coords, but I
agree that perhaps not really useful to most people</p>

<p>[2:32pm] ajturner: address/name is most useful</p>

<p>[2:33pm] joshli: Ultimately we'd like to have geotags and refs which the
browser does something specifically useful with, but in the meantime they are
just annotations which help find pages or help additional code to do
something useful.</p>

<p>[2:34pm] ajturner: well, but "in the meantime" they could also be
displayable - and there are lots of utils that already do something with the
geo mf[2:35pm] ajturner: display maps, GPX, aggregate, etc. using FF

<p>[2:35pm] joshli: sure, that doesn't require display however.</p>

<p>[2:53pm] stakagi: I think it desirable that Geo Vocabulary Update is
performed by the addition of a qualifier vocabulary. It is a modularization
like Dublin Core.</p>

<p>[2:53pm] joshli: I am not sure what you mean.</p>

<p>[2:57pm] stakagi: it means this spec (http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/)
itself is not updated but making a new specification. Based on Geo Vocabulary

<p>[2:58pm] stakagi: As qualifier</p>

<p>[2:58pm] joshli: Yes, I mean to update the namespace with a new
specification, not really update the old vocabulary itself</p>

<p>[2:59pm] stakagi: yes</p>

<p>[3:02pm] stakagi: It is still under construction. &gt;

<p>[3:04pm] joshli: good work, now we hope for an OWL/RDF contribution to
make use of it.</p>

<p>[3:05pm] stakagi: ISO6709 tools for Java is

<h2><a name="ActionSummary" id="ActionSummary">Summary of Action
<!-- Action Items -->
<strong>[NEW]</strong> <strong>ACTION:</strong> Chris Goad and John Goodwin
to work on defining GeoRSS as Geo RDF/XML: revision of model and development
of definition.


<p>[End of minutes]<br />
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  Minutes formatted by hand

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