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<h2>RDF Interest Group: Face to face meeting 26/27 Feb 2001</h2>

<p>This page documents the <a href="/RDF/Interest/">RDF Interest 
Group</a>,  26-27 February 2001, which formed part of the <a
href="">Technical Plenary and
WG Meeting Event</a> (Royal Sonesta Hotel, Cambridge, Massachusetts USA). IG
members also attended the all-groups plenary on Wednesday 28th February.
and <a


<p>As of $Id: Overview.html,v 1.44 2001/04/09 17:32:07 danbri Exp $ this document provides the following information about the 
meeting agenda and outcomes...</p>
<li><a href="#goals">Goals</a></li>
<li><a href="#agenda">Agenda</a></li>
<li><a href="#attendees">Attendees</a></li>
<li><a href="#reading">Suggested Reading</a></li>
<li><a href="#logistics">Logistics</a></li>
<li><a href="#related">Related Meetings</li>
<li><a href="#outcomes">Meeting Outcomes</a></li>

<a name="goals" id="goals"></a>

<p>The goal of this RDF Interest Group meeting is to explore the role of the
Interest Group within the new Semantic Web Activity, and particular establish
mechanisms that connect ongoing developer experience with RDF back into the
RDF standardisation process. This includes themes such as...</p>
  <li>The new <a href="/2001/sw/">Semantic Web Activity</a> and <a
    href="">RDF Core Working
    Group</a> - what does this mean for RDF and the RDF Interest Group?</li>
  <li>Tool developer show and tell: experiences of working with RDF (both
    applications and generic RDF tools)</li>
  <li>RDF and XML: relationship to other W3C XML work (XLink, XSLT, XML
    Schemas, datatypes...)</li>
  <li>RDF <a href="/2000/03/rdf-tracking/">Issue Tracking</a> document:
    current state and future maintainance</li>
  <li>RDF Bugathon and Parser Test Suite: implementation testing the RDF
  <li>RDF APIs, query languages, inference, Ontology, logic: RDF futures.</li>

<a name="agenda" id="agenda"></a>

<h3>Monday, 26th Feb 2001</h3>
<!-- todo: mark up as hypertext not shovelware email2web... -->
<pre>0900-0915  Welcome

0915-1030  Introductions and (up to 5?)-minutes each round the 
           table on goals for RDF and this meeting. 
           (?shorten to 1hr?)

1030-1045  Break

1045-1145  New Semantic Web Activity, 
           introducing Eric Miller (SW Activity lead)
             o Overview
             o RDF Core Working Group (Brian McBride, Dan Brickley)
             o Discussion

1145-1230  Overview of DAML (Mike Dean)

1230-1400  Lunch

1400-1500  RDF and other XML specifications (Jonathon Borden short talk)
           Discussion of RDF in context of...
             o XLink
             o XPointer
             o XML Schema datatypes (and DAML concrete types?)
             o P3P and (Appel Rule language)
             o CC/PP
             o ...

1500-1530  Break   

1530-1730  Developer Show and Tell 
	(10-20 presentations about works-in-progress, including:)
             o CWM / SWAP
             o Jena 
             o Redland
             o Squish
             o RuleML (Harold Boley)
             o Annotea (Eric P)
             o ...</pre>

<h3>Tuesday, 27th Feb 2001 [revised]</h3>

<h4>0900-1030 Developer Shows and Tell [continued]</h4>
  <li>Dave Beckett: <a
  <li>Stefan Decker: triple</li>
  <li>Michael Sintek: Protege</li>
  <li>Libby Miller: <a
  <li>Tod Matola: <a href="">EOR</a></li>

<h4>1030-1100 Break</h4>

  <li>Harold Boley: RuleML</li>
  <li>Brian McBride: Jena</li>
  <li>John Punin: <a
    of libww/RDF parser</a></li>
  <li>Eric Prud'hommeaux: Annotea</li>

<h4>1200-1330 Lunch</h4>

<p>Interest Table ideas &amp; organizers:</p>
  <li>applications 'blue-sky' [Miller]
    <p>Summary: lots of blue-sky enthusiasm, no killer app was uncovered. 
    Calendaring was discussed.</p>
  <li>simple query languages [Brickley]
    <p>Summary: started to draft a table of capabilities, got into a
    discussion of reification.</p>
  <li>APIs + Parsers [Schloss]
    <p>Summary: several APIs have been written.  Factoring triples, model,
    serializing issues can lead to a clean implementation.  Discussed
    analogies with XML APIs, especially SAX and DOM.  APIs don't yet treat
    transactional semantics, schema constraint violation.  Sense is that the
    action is no longer in building custom APIs.  Bias toward simple APIs vs.
    assuming environments that support multithreading.</p>

<h4>1330-1500 Collaboration Opportunities</h4>
  <li>Sandro Hawke: NILE (10m)</li>
  <li>Dave Beckett: parser test suite (20?m)</li>
  <li>XTM (30m)</li>
  <li>Coping with Synonyms; Sergey Melnik</li>
  <li>Discussion of education and outreach</li>

<h4>1500-1530 Break</h4>

<h4>1530-1630 Round Table - the future of RDF and the Interest Group</h4>

<p>DanC: suggest regular IG "meetings" via <a

<p>Task subgroup on converging data storage and APIs.</p>

<p>?Sublists for API, storage, abstract syntax<br />
DanBri: when last polled, folk didn't want to subscribe to more lists.</p>


<a name="attendees" id="attendees"></a>

<h2>Confirmed Attendees</h2>

<p>Note: Registration closed 15 February 2001. Contact the <a
href="">IG chair</a> by Feb 23 if you'd like to attend at
short notice (or attend as an observer).</p>

<p>The following names were retrieved from the W3C meeting registration
  <li>Charles McCathie-Neville W3C</li>
  <li>Dan connolly W3C</li>
  <li style="list-style: none">Wayne Carr Intel</li>
  <li>Massimo Marchiori W3C [</li>
  <li>Sandro Hawke W3C</li>
  <li>Art Barstow W3C/HP</li>
  <li>Ralph Swick W3C</li>
  <li>Jos De Roo AGFA</li>
  <li>Brian McBride Hewlett Packard</li>
  <li>Lynn Stein Olin College</li>
  <li>Libby Miller ILRT</li>
  <li>Dave Beckett ILRT</li>
  <li>Tod Matola OCLC/DCMI</li>
  <li>Peter Chen Louisiana State University</li>
  <li>Graham Klyne Baltimore Technologies</li>
  <li>Eric Miller OCLC (-&gt; W3C)</li>
  <li>Bob Schloss IBM Watson Research</li>
  <li>Dan Brickley W3C/ILRT</li>
  <li>Jonathan Borden Tufts University</li>
  <li>Johan Hjelm Ericsson</li>
  <li>Aaron Swartz Info Network</li>
  <li>Stefan Decker LastMileServices / Stanford
  <li>Shlomit Ritz Finkelstein Nexgenix, Inc.</li>

<h4>Observers, late registrations etc</h4>

<p>(ie. these weren't in the registration system last I looked)</p>

<p>Mike Dean (, BBN/DAML) will be attending, and has offered to
provide an overview of the DAML work.</p>

<p><a href="">Benjamin Grosof</a>
(, MIT) will also be attending, particularly with an interest
in the representation of rules (P3P, DAML, Semantic Web...).</p>

<p>Michaek Biezunski (Infoloom) and Steve Newcomb (Coolheads Consulting), from
the XML Topic Maps community will be attending.</p>

<p>Others (a mix of late applicants and confusion caused by the meeting
registration system) who are expected at the meeting:</p>
  <li>Mark Ackerman MIT</li>
  <li>Harold Boley DFKI</li>
  <li>Rick Jelliffe</li>
  <li>John R. Punin Dept. of Computer Science RPI</li>
  <li>Sergey Melnik LastMileServices / Stanford
  <li>Jan Grant ILRT</li>

<p><strong>Note:</strong> late applicants: If your name didn't go into the
system before registration closed, please make yourself a name badge from the
blanks that'll be available at the main desk.</p>

<a name="reading" id="reading"></a>
<h2>Suggested Reading</h2>

<p>The main expected reading for this meeting are the standing "main texts"
for RDF developers (the 2 specs plus issue list) alongside the new Semantic
Web Activity materials...</p>
  <li>Core RDF specs <a href="">Model and
    Syntax</a>, <a
  <li><a href="">RDF Issue Tracking
  <li><a href="">Semantic Web Activity</a> docs 
      <li><a href="">Activity
      <li><a href="">RDFCore WG
      <li><a href="">RDF Interest Group

<p>See also:</p>
  <li><a href="">Other RDF IG discussion

<a name="logistics" id="logistics"></a>

<h2>Logistics: Meeting place, Hotel, and Transportation details</h2>

<p>We have been assigned the 'Somerset room'; there will be directions to the
room available within the Royal Sonesta Hotel. We have one networked PC for
presentations, plus several power-strips for personal laptops.</p>

<p>The meeting is hosted by the W3C at the Royal Sonesta Hotel in Cambridge,
MA. <a href="">Refer to the
main event page</a> for more information about rates, location, and
transportation details.</p>

<p>Continental breakfast, lunch, and afternoon refreshments will be provided
all five days. On monday/tuesday the Buffet Lunch is available 12:00-2:00

<a name="related" id="related"></a>
<h2>Related Meetings</h2>

<p>Semantic Web Accessibility? The WAI <a
href="">Evaluation and Repair
interest group meeting</a> is happening nearby. The WAI ER group have recently
begun detailed <a
on Evaluation and Repair Language (<a
href="">EARL</a>), an RDF application (using
N3 syntax). RDF IG observers are invited to their EARL discussions thursday
morning (esp. between 9am and 10:30am). On friday 10:45-3:00 detailed breakout
groups will look at EARL technicalities.</p>

<a name="outcomes" id="outcomes"></a>
<h2>Meeting Outcomes</h2>

<p>Links to presentation materials, minutes etc belong here. As of $Id: Overview.html,v 1.44 2001/04/09 17:32:07 danbri Exp $ 
the RDF IG meeting is <em>inadequately documented</em>.

<p>Related resources (including links gathered from Aaron Swartz's
 <a href="">informal notes from the meeting</a>):

<li>Aaron Swartz's<a href="">SWAG demo</a></li>
<li><a href="formalSys">Dan Connolly's notes on logical terminology and 'model'</a></li>
<li><a href="">Web Search Environments 
(WSE)</a>, <a href="">Redland</a> (Dave Beckett)</li> 
(slides)</a>. Triple is an RDF query language implementation (Stefan 
Decker, Michael Sintek)</li>

<li><a href="">Protege 2000</a>. See 
Semantic Web Contents with Protege-2000</a>, N. F. Noy, M. Sintek, S. 
Decker, M. Crubezy, R. W. Fergerson, & M. A. Musen.

<li>Libby Miller's demo: <a 
href="">Squish</a> (an RDF query 
language implementation), <a 
calendaring prototype</a>, <a href="">RDFWeb</a>.</li>
<li>Tod Matola's <a href="">DCMI "Work In 
Progress" Sandbox</a>, includes EOR-based Schema-registry software.</li>

<li>Mike Dean's <a 
href="">Overview of 

<li> <a href="">RuleML</a> <a 
(Harold Boley, Benjamin Grosof, Said Tabet)
<li><a href="">RDF Parser Tests</a> 
(online Web service,  by Dave Beckett).</li>

<li><a href="">draft</a> of an 
RDF IG calendar/scheduling task force, from Libby Miller (this is followup 
to discussions on 2nd day of meeting; not presented at the meeting).</li>


<hr />
  <a href="">Dan Brickley</a>, RDF IG chair, RDFCore WG
  co-chair<br />
  <a href="">Brian McBride</a>, RDFCore WG co-chair