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<h1 class="title" align="center">Technical Plenary and WG Meeting Event</h1>

<h1 class="title" align="center">26 February - 2 March 2001</h1>
  <li><a href="#Venue"><strong>Venue and Local Logistics</strong></a>
      <li><strong><a href="HotelForm.html">Hotel Reservation Form</a>:
        Discount Rate expires, 8 February 2001</strong></li>
        Registration: DEADLINE: 15 February</strong></a></li>
      <li><a href="#HotelReservationDetails">Reservation Details</a></li>
      <li><a href="#TransportationDetails">Transportation Details</a></li>
  <li><strong><a href="#Agenda1">Agenda</a></strong>
      <li>Monday/Tuesday, 26-27 February - WG/IG Meetings</li>
      <li><a href="Plenary/Agenda.html">Wednesday, 28 February<strong> -
        All-day Technical Plenary</strong></a></li>
      <li><a href="#BOFtables"><strong>Wednesday, 28 February - Lunch-time
        BOF Tables</strong></a></li>
      <li>Wednesday (evening), 28 February<strong> - Reception</strong></li>
      <li>Thursday/Friday, 1-2 March - WG/IG Meetings</li>
  <li><a href="#Group"><strong>Group Responses</strong></a>
      <li><a href="#Schedule"><strong>WG Meeting Schedule</strong></a></li>
  <li><a href="#Contacts">Contacts and Programme Committee**</a></li>

<p><strong>Useful Tips:</strong>&nbsp; <a
href=""></a> · <a
href="">About Cambridge</a> · <a
href="">About New England</a> · <a
href="">Currency Converter</a> · <a

<h2><a name="Venue">Venue - Royal Sonesta Hotel, Cambridge,

Royal Sonesta Hotel</strong></a><br>
5 Cambridge Parkway<br>
Cambridge, MA 02142 USA<br>
Telephone: +1 617.806.4200, Reservations: +1 617.806.4255</p>

<p><strong>Meeting Code: MIT-W3C<br>
Discount Rate: $130 </strong>(plus tax) available until <strong>8 February
2001, 5:00 pm EST</strong></p>

<h3><a name="HotelReservationDetails"><strong>Hotel Reservation

<p>A block of rooms have been reserved at the Royal Sonesta Hotel at a
discount rate of $130 (plus tax) per night, single/double occupancy.&nbsp;
The discount rate will be offered from <strong>Sunday, 25 February through
Saturday, 3 March 2001.</strong>&nbsp; High speed Internet connections are
available in guest rooms for a flat rate of $10.00 per night. <em>(Laptop
computers</em> <em>must be 10baseT equipped</em>.<em>)</em>.</p>

<p>The W3C will host a reception Wednesday evening, 28 February from
18:00-20:00 at the hotel.&nbsp; Beverages and light hors d'ourvres' will be
served. We encourage folks to take this opportunity to meet working group
members from other W3C groups.</p>

<h3><a name="TransportationDetails"><strong>Transportation

<p><a href="">Logan International Airport</a>
is the closest international airport to the meeting site.&nbsp; The Royal
Sonesta Hotel is located three miles from Logan.&nbsp; The travel time
between the airport and the hotel (meeting site) will vary between 30 minutes
to one hour depending on traffic conditions.&nbsp; Taxi fares will range
between $18.00-$28.00.</p>

<p>Please Note:&nbsp; All events will take place at the hotel. There is a
large shopping mall, The Galleria, across the street so you will not need a
car during the week.</p>

<p>There is a major road construction project going on in Boston called the
"<a href="">Big Dig</a>."&nbsp; For this reason, we
recommend taking a taxi or public transportation rather than renting a car.
If you prefer to rent a car, all major car rental companies have locations at
Logan Airport (Avis, Budget, Hertz, etc.).</p>

<h2 id="Agenda"><a name="Agenda1">Agenda</a></h2>

<p>Ten meeting rooms have been reserved for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and
Friday to accommodate W3C Working Group (WG) and Interest Group (IG) face to
face meetings. Wednesday has been reserved for a Plenary. Everyone is
encouraged to attend the plenary and to meet with other W3C groups during
lunch and break times.&nbsp; <strong>The Wednesday Technical Plenary will be
open to all W3C Working Groups and Interest Groups.&nbsp;</strong></p>

<p><strong>Related Links </strong><em>(Member Only)</em><strong>: <a
href="">Working Group Chairs</a>, <a
href="">W3C Events</a> </strong></p>

<h2><a name="Schedule">Schedule</a></h2>

Continental breakfast, lunch, and afternoon refreshments will be provided all
five days.</p>

<p><strong>Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday: </strong>12:00-2:00 pm -
Buffet Lunch<br>
&nbsp; It will be at the discretion of group Chairs to decide when their
groups will break for lunch, 12:00-1:00, 12:30-1:30, etc.</p>

<p><a name="BOFtables"><strong>Wednesday:</strong> 12:00 - 1:30 pm - Served
Lunch - <strong>BOF Tables</strong></a></p>

<p>We have organized a 90 minute lunch so folks may have the opportunity to
meet and discuss technical issues. A sign-up sheet will be posted at the
registration desk if you would like to organize a lunch-time BOF discussion
table. Please sign up early; there may be space limitations.</p>

<p>If you would like to organize an evening event, please work with the hotel
directly. &nbsp; Hotel Contact:&nbsp; Caroline Weld, 617.806.4313,</p>

<h3><strong>MONDAY/TUESDAY, 26-27 February 2001</strong></h3>

<table border="1" width="100%">
      <td width="33%" align="center"><p align="center"><strong>Group
      <td width="12%" align="center"><strong>Estimated <br>
      <td width="55%"><p align="center"><strong>Overlap Notes</strong></p>
      <td width="33%">P3P Specification</td>
      <td width="12%">10</td>
      <td width="55%">some overlap w/ XML Protocol, Encryption, XML Sig. and
      <td width="33%">XSL</td>
      <td width="12%">20</td>
      <td width="55%">&nbsp;</td>
      <td width="33%"><a href="">XML Query</a>
        <em>(Member only)</em></td>
      <td width="12%">30</td>
      <td width="55%">Don't want to overlap w/ XML Schema.&nbsp; Would like
        to overlap w/ XSL. <br>
        Would like to have joint meeting with I18N.</td>
      <td width="33%">I18N</td>
      <td width="12%">10</td>
      <td width="55%">Don't want to overlap w/ XHTML, CSS, Mobile, XML Core,
        WAI groups.</td>
      <td width="33%">XML Protocol</td>
      <td width="12%">38</td>
      <td width="55%">Don't want to overlap w/ XML Schema or XML Query.</td>
      <td width="33%">Forms</td>
      <td width="12%">15</td>
      <td width="55%">Don't want to overlap w/ XHTML.</td>
      <td width="33%">CSS</td>
      <td width="12%">15</td>
      <td width="55%">&nbsp;</td>
      <td width="33%">Device Independence/ <br>
        Mobile Access IG</td>
      <td width="12%">?/20</td>
      <td width="55%">Mobile Access: Don't want to overlap w/ XHTML, CSS,
        DOM, P3P Spec., CC/PP, Device Independence.</td>
      <td width="33%"><a href="/RDF/Interest/#meetings">RDF IG</a> (<a
        href="">agenda and further
      <td width="12%">30</td>
      <td width="55%">&nbsp;</td>
      <td width="33%">&nbsp;</td>
      <td width="12%">188+?</td>
      <td width="55%">&nbsp;</td>

<h3>WEDNESDAY, 28 February 2001 - Plenary</h3>

<p>All Plenary presentations will take place in the Grand Ballroom at the
Royal Sonesta Hotel.&nbsp; We will begin between 8:30-9:00 am and close
around 5:30 pm. An <a href="/2001/02/Plenary/Agenda.html">agenda</a> is

<h3>THURSDAY/FRIDAY, 1-2 March 2001</h3>

<table border="1" width="100%">
      <td width="33%" align="center"><p align="center"><strong>Group
      <td width="12%" align="center"><strong>Estimated <br>
      <td width="55%"><p align="center"><strong>Overlap Notes</strong></p>
      <td width="33%">XML Schema</td>
      <td width="12%">30</td>
      <td width="55%">&nbsp;</td>
      <td width="33%">DOM</td>
      <td width="12%">20</td>
      <td width="55%">Want to overlap w/ XML Schema.</td>
      <td width="33%">HTML (XHTML)</td>
      <td width="12%">15-17</td>
      <td width="55%">Don't want to overlap w/ Forms, CSS, I18N, XML
      <td width="33%">WAI CAG</td>
      <td width="12%">10-15</td>
      <td width="55%">Cannot meet Mon/Tues.</td>
      <td width="33%">WAI User Agent</td>
      <td width="12%">8-9</td>
      <td width="55%">Joint mtg. w/ WCAG/ATAG, Joint mtg. w/ ERT and ATAG,
        Joint mtg. w/ WAI Protocols and Formats, Mobile Computing and VB.
        Half day for UA to meet by itself for future planning.</td>
      <td width="33%">WAI ERT</td>
      <td width="12%">10</td>
      <td width="55%">Joint mtg. w/ Authoring Tools.</td>
      <td width="33%">WAI Authoring Tools</td>
      <td width="12%">8-12</td>
      <td width="55%">Joint mtg. w/ WAI ERT.</td>
      <td width="33%">XML Core</td>
      <td width="12%">10-15</td>
      <td width="55%">Don't want to overlap w/ XML Protocol, XSL.</td>
      <td width="33%">SYMM</td>
      <td width="12%">20</td>
      <td width="55%">Don't want to overlap w/ XHTML.</td>
      <td width="33%">Encryption</td>
      <td width="12%">20-35</td>
      <td width="55%">Don't want to overlap w/ XML Protocol, only meet one
        day (Thur. March 1) so as to provide minimal overlap with Schema.</td>
      <td width="33%">&nbsp;</td>
      <td width="12%">131-148+?</td>
      <td width="55%">&nbsp;</td>

<h3><a name="Contacts">Contacts</a></h3>
  <li><strong>Local Host</strong> - <a href="">World Wide
    Web Consortium</a> - MIT/Laboratory for Computer Science</li>
  <li><strong>Local Contacts</strong> - <a href="">Susan
    Westhaver</a>** and <a href="">Alan Kotok</a></li>
  <li><strong>Meeting Planners</strong>- <a href="">Amy van
    der Hiel</a> and <a href="">Josh Friel</a></li>
  <li><strong>Programm Committee</strong> - <a href="">Tim
    Berners-Lee</a>, Chair, <a href="">Dan
    Connolly</a>, <a href="">Paul Cotton</a>, <a
    href="">Janet Daly</a> and <a
    href="">Alan Kotok</a></li>

<p>**Susan Westhaver will be on maternity leave as of Friday, 16 February
2001. Please forward questions regarding the event to <a
href="">Amy van der Hiel</a>,</p>


<h2><a name="Group">Group Responses</a></h2>

<h3><strong>YES Responses:</strong> 19 Groups.<br>

<p>The groups below have agreed to hold a face to face meeting in conjunction
with a W3C Plenary.&nbsp; New Groups: Device Independence and Encryption.</p>

<p><strong>User Interface</strong><br>
XForms, HTML, I18N, XSL, SYMM, Mobile Access IG/Device Independence, CSS</p>

DOM, XML Query, XML Schema, XML Core, XML Protocol</p>

<p><strong>Technology &amp; Society</strong><br>
P3P Specification, RDF IG</p>

WCAG, ERT, User Agent, Tool Accessibility Guidelines</p>

<h3><strong>DECLINED: </strong>XML Linking, DSig IG, XML-Signature</h3>

<h3><strong>NO Reply Received</strong></h3>

<p><strong>User Interface</strong><br>
CC/PP, Voice Browser, Math, SVG</p>

TV Web IG, XML Plenary IG, Web Characterization</p>

<p><strong>Technology &amp; Society</strong><br>
Patent Policy, P3P Policy &amp; Outreach, Electronic Commerce IG,
Micropayments Markup, Micropayments API, RDF Model &amp; Syntax, RDF
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Note: The P3P Implementation &amp; Deployment and P3P
Preferences groups have closed.</p>

Education &amp; Outreach, Protocols &amp; Format, WAI IG</p>
  <a href="">Susan Westhaver</a>, W3C Meeting Planner

<p>$Date: 2003/05/12 15:43:46 $</p>