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<h1 id="banner"><a href="">Karl</a> Dubost, W3C</h1>

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    <h2>Contact info</h2>
    <ul><li><p>If you need to contact me, send emails to <code>karl+w3c</code> with domain name <code></code>. (Yes the "+" sign is part of the email")</p></li></ul>
    <!-- <ul>
      <li><strong>email</strong>: <a href=""></a></li>
      <li><strong>twitter</strong>: <a href="" title="Twitter / karlw3c">karlw3c</a></li>
      <li><strong></strong>: <a href="" title=" / karlw3c">karlw3c</a></li>
      <li><strong>irc</strong>: on Freenode #w3c, #validator, #openweb (karlUshi)</li>
      <li><strong>Postal Address</strong>:<br/>
      Keio University SFC Research/W3C<br/>
      5322 Endo<br/>
      Fujisawa, Kanagawa <br/>
      252-8520 <br/>
      Japan </li>
    </ul> -->

<p>I have been one of the <a href="/People/">employees of W3C</a>. My last role was <strong>Web Community Liaison</strong> for <a href="/">W3C</a>. I was also writing on the <a href="/QA/">W3C blog</a>.</p>

<h3 id="past-roles">Past Roles</h3>

    <li>From November 2007 to November 2008: Web Community Liaison</li>
    <li>From March 2007 to November 2007: <a href="/html/wg/">HTML Working Group</a>, <strong>interim</strong> staff contact.</li>
    <li>From August 2005 to September 2007: <a href="/QA/Activity">QA Activity</a> Lead and QA IG chair.</li>
    <li>From 2001 to August 2005: <a href="/QA/WG/">QA Working Group</a>, staff contact, co-chairing with Lofton Henderson and chairing.</li>

<h2 id="bio">Bio</h2>
<p>Prior to W3C, I have worked for various companies and organizations as an Astrophysics research assistant, Web designer, webmaster, project manager, consultant, Web agency technical director. I have translated several <a href="">W3C Recommendations in French</a> as a volunteer.</p>


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<address>Karl Dubost,, Last modified $Date: 2008/12/01 03:06:17 $</address></div>