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<h1>W3C Patents and Standards Interest Group</h1>

<h2>Continued maintenance of W3C's Patent Policy</h2>

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<div id="main">

<p><span class="date">2011-11-09</span>: PSIG charter extended until 1 December
2012: </p>
  <li><a href="charter-20091201.html">New Charter</a> (extended until 1
    December 2012)</li>
    for Participation</a> (Member only)</li>
  <li><a href="">Join PSIG</a>
    (Member only)</li>


<p class="details">The PSIG is a Member-only Group. Meetings are announced on
the IG's <a href="group/Overview.html">Member-only Group Page</a>.</p>


<p class="details">The Patent and Standards Interest Group (PSIG) is a forum
for W3C Members and Invited Experts to discuss policy issues regarding the
implementation of the W3C Patent Policy as well as new Patent-related questions
that arise which require action or attention from the W3C Membership. The PSIG
has no authority to create new policy or issue binding interpretations of the
existing Patent Policy. However, input from the PSIG on the operation of the
policy and areas that might require further policy development by a W3C Working
Group is welcome. </p>

<p class="details">The Patent and Standards Interest Group is a forum open to
those responsible for patent policy matters in W3C Member organizations as well
as a limited number of Invited Experts. </p>


<p class="details">All Member-only resources like Meetings, Minutes and
administrative details are linked from the <a
href="group/Overview.html">Member-only Group Page</a> </p>

<p class="details">The results of the work of the PSIG can be seen on the <a
href="">Patent Policy FAQ</a> pages.</p>

<h3>List of running PAGs</h3>
<ul class="details">
  <li><a href="../../../2009/11/widgets-pag/Overview.html">Widgets Access
    Requests Policy PAG</a></li>
  <li><a href="../../../2011/xmlsec-pag/Overview.html">XML Security PAG</a></li>

<h3>List of closed PAGs</h3>
<ol class="details">
  <li><a href="">First Voice Browser
  <li><a href="">Second Voice
    Browser PAG</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Eolas PAG</a></li>
  <li><a href="../../../2007/03/voice-pag-report.html">Third Voice Browser
  <li><a href="../../../2006/rex-pag/rex-pag-report.html">REX PAG</a></li>
  <li><a href="../../../2009/03/widgets-pag/pagreport.html">Widgets Updates
  <!--<li><a href=""></a></li> -->


      <td>Adobe Systems Inc.</td>
          <li>Carl Cargill</li>
      <td>Apache Foundation</td>
          <li>Larry Rosen</li>
      <td>Apple Computer, Inc.</td>
          <li>Helene Workman</li>
      <td>Cable Television Laboratories Inc</td>
          <li>Judson D. Cary</li>
      <td>DERI Gallway</td>
          <li>Laurentiu Vasiliu</li>
      <td>European Broadcasting Union (EBU)</td>
          <li>Jean-Pierre Evain</li>
      <td>Google Inc. </td>
          <li>Scott Peterson</li>
          <li>Michelle Park</li>
          <li>Steve Holbrook</li>
          <li>Gerald Lane</li>
          <li>Marcia Courtemanche</li>
      <td>Intel Corporation</td>
          <li>Earl Nied</li>
          <li>Kim Turner</li>
      <td>Israel Internet Association (isoc-il)</td>
          <li>Yesha Sivan</li>
      <td>Microsoft Corporation</td>
          <li>Amy Marasco</li>
          <li>Geoffrey Creighton</li>
          <li>David Rudin</li>
      <td>MITRE Corporation</td>
          <li>Bede McCall</li>
      <td>Invited Expert</td>
          <li>Luis Villa</li>
      <td>Nokia Corporation</td>
          <li>Art Barstow</li>
          <li>Jeff Burnett</li>
      <td>Opera Software</td>
          <li>Charles McCathieNevile</li>
          <li>Tom Ekeberg</li>
      <td>Oracle Corporation</td>
          <li>Donald Deutsch</li>
          <li>Michael Gelblum</li>
          <li>Eduardo Gutentag</li>
          <li>Hyeoncheol Pu</li>
          <li>Youngsun Ryu</li>
      <td>SAP AG</td>
          <li>Naomi Voegtli</li>
          <li>Valentina Boyet</li>
          <li>Ian Jacobs</li>
          <li>Rigo Wenning</li>

  <li>2008 PSIG <a
    until 1 December 2009.</li>
  <li>2008 <a
    for Participation</a></li>
  <li><a href="charter-20070508.html">2008-2009 Charter</a></li>

<div id="sidebar">
<h3>Basic Documents:</h3>
  <li><a href="../../../Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/">W3C Patent
  <li><a href="../../02/05-patentsummary.html">Policy Summary</a></li>
  <li><a href="../../03/pp-points-20040210.html">Business Benefits</a></li>
  <li><a href="../../../2003/12/22-pp-faq.html">Patent Policy FAQ</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Process Document</a></li>

<h3>PSIG Resources</h3>
  <li><a href="../Overview.html">Patent Policy Activity</a> (up)</li>
  <li><a href="group/Overview.html">Group Page</a> (Member only)</li>
  <li><a href="">Join the PSIG</a>
    (Member only)</li>
  <li><a href="charter-20091201.html">PSIG Charter</a></li>

<h3>Mailing lists</h3>
  <li><a href="">PSIG Mail
    Archive</a> (Member only)</li>

  <li><a href="../../../2007/04/patent-exception-management.html">PAG start up
  <li><a href="../../../2009/11/widgets-pag/Overview.html">Current: WARP
    PAG</a> (Member only)</li>

  <li><a href="../../../Consortium/Patent/Group/">Patent Policy WG</a></li>

<div id="footer">
  Contact: Don Deutsch (Co-Chair) &amp; Scott Peterson (Co-Chair)<br />
  Staff contact: <a href="">Rigo Wenning</a> (W3C)<br />
  Last updated $Date: 2012/01/03 04:03:01 $ by $Author: ijacobs $ 
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