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 <title>User Instructions for the W3C Zakim Teleconference Bridge</title>
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<h1>User Instructions for the W3C Zakim Teleconference Bridge</h1>

 <dt>Joining a conference</dt>
  <p>Call the bridge.
   You will not hear a ring tone; the bridge will pick up the call
   immediately.  You will hear a voice prompt to enter your conference
   code.  Enter the assigned
   code and terminate with the '#' key.  You do not need to wait for the
   prompt to finish to enter the conference code.  If many calls are
   being answered simultaneously, you may hear 'music on hold' for a few
   seconds before the voice prompt plays.  You can enter your conference
   code during the 'music on hold' without waiting for the prompt.
   <em>Note: [2003-10-29] the incoming call queue can become so busy
   that the initial voice prompt will not stop when you start to enter
   the conference code, nor will your code be recognized even after
   the initial greeting plays.  It appears that in this case it is best
   to hangup and re-dial.</em>

  <p>If you have difficulty entering the code; for example, the bridge
   says 'that conference is restricted at this time' or 'the conference
   is full' you may enter
   <strong>*0</strong> and the bridge will attempt to connect you with a
   live person at W3C if a person is available.  This will generally be true
   during normal MIT work hours.  Whomever on the W3C Team answers the
   operator signal should be able to
   assist you in connecting to your conference.  (If you let the initial
   voice greeting play through to the end you will have heard this
   reminder about <strong>*0</strong>.)

 <dt>Muting your audio</dt>
  <p>At any time during the conference you can prevent the conference
   from hearing any sound from your phone by pressing
   <strong>61#</strong>.  (The mnemonic is 'Mute' On=1;
   '6' corresponds to the 'M' key on appropriately marked telephone
   keypads.)  You will hear three rapid high pitched tones as a
   confirmation.  If you are on a particularly noisy connection
   (an analog mobile phone for example) this mute will have better
   results than a local mute button on your phone, since the local mute
   button only turns off your local microphone without stopping noise
   introduced by the phone connection.

 <dt>Unmuting your audio</dt>
  <p>After using the sequence above to stop your audio you can turn
   your audio back on by pressing <strong>60#</strong> ("Mute" off=0).
   The confirmation that the bridge has accepted this command is three
   rapid low-pitched tones.  The other participants in the conference
   will not hear these tones; they will only know you unmuted your line
   by hearing background noise from you.

 <dt>Raising your hand to speak</dt>
  <p>On large teleconferences it is important to maintain some decorum;
   when more than one person tries to speak at the same time other
   listeners will have difficulty understanding anyone.  You may
   indicate your wish to speak by pressing <strong>41#</strong> on your
   telephone keypad.  This is the equivalent of typing "q+" or
   "queue+" to the <a href=""
   >Zakim irc bot</a>.  The mnemonic is '4' for Hand (the '4' key
   is also marked 'H' on US standard telephone keypads), and '1' for
   Up as in "put my hand up".  If you later change your mind and wish
   to "put my hand down" without speaking, press <strong>40#</strong>.
   There is no audible confirmation that either request has been heard
   by the bridge (conference chairs should take note of the irc feedback
   and at an appropriate opportunity confirm audibly that the hand
   has been seen.)

 <dt>Signalling for assistance</dt>
  <p>At any point after Zakim answers the phone you can request to be
   connected with a support person by pressing <strong>*0</strong>.  If
   a person is available (generally during normal W3C/MIT work hours)
   he or she should answer shortly; if you are not yet in a conference you
   will hear 'music on hold' while Zakim is signalling the available
   personnel and you will hear ringing as soon as someone instructs
   Zakim that he or she will answer your call.  If you are in a conference
   when you press <strong>*0</strong> you will remain in the conference
   while waiting for your help request to be answered.

 <dt>Scheduling a conference</dt>
  <p>See <a
   How-To</a>.  In brief, you must send email to
   <a href="">adminreq</a> to be assigned a
   conference code.  If you would like to have a specific conference
   code (e.g. one that is mnemonic for your meeting) you should include
   that in your email request.  The conference code will become
   activated about 10 minutes before your scheduled start time and will
   cease to be accepted for new callers immediately after your scheduled
   end time.


<hr />
<a href="/People/all#swick">Ralph</a>,
&lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;<br />
$Date: 2003/10/29 21:11:48 $