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	         <h2>About QA-Dev</h2>
			<p>The goal of the Quality Assurance Activity at W3C is to improve the quality of W3C specifications and their
			implementation on the field. QA Tools Development (or, in short, "qa-dev") is one of the efforts launched by 
			the activity in order to reach this global goal.</p>
			<h2 id="work">What we do</h2>

			<h3 id="work-dev">Development</h3>
			<p>Development of stable and experimental new tools and services is conducted by the qa-dev effort.</p>

			<h3 id="work-maintenance">Maintenance</h3>
			<p>qa-dev maintains a number of tools and services. 
			Some of them are being <a href="#work-dev">developed</a>, while others are kept dormant and 
			minimal maintenance is done by qa-dev.</p>

			<h3 id="work-consult">Consulting</h3>
			<p>qa-dev offers advice and infrastructure to related W3C projects.</p>

<h2 id="sub1-2">Current projects</h2>
<p>Here is a limited list of projects maintained or developed by the qa-dev effort.
This list does not include experimental un-released projects.</p>
	<li>Maintenance and development of the <a href="">W3C Markup Validator</a></li>
	<li>Maintenance and development of the <a href="">W3C CSS Validator</a></li>
	<li>Maintenance and development of the <a href="">W3C Link Checker</a></li>
	<li>Development of the <a href="../LogValidator">Log Validator</a></li>
	<li>Maintenance of the <a href="">RDF Validation service</a></li>
	<li>Maintenance of an instance of the <a href="">Feed Validation Service</a></li>

<h2 id="participate">Participate</h2>
<p>There are many ways you can help in the maintenance, bug fixing, and development of the QA-dev suite of tools.</p>
<p>One is to send bug reports when you find one:</p>
	<li>Feedback for the CSS validator can done by sending mail to the
	<a href="">www-validator-css</a> mailing list</li>
	<li><a href="">Feedback</a> for the Markup Validator, Link Checker and 
	Log Validator can be done by sending mail to the 
	<a href="">www-validator</a> mailing-list</li>
<p>If you want to participate in the development or coding, you can easily <a href="../">grab the code</a>
for all our tools and send us a patch. And from there on, if you want to join the developer's team for these
tools, you are most welcome... The more, the merrier!</p>

<h2 id="Resource">Available resources</h2>
<h3 id="sub2-1">on the Web</h3>
	<li>the <a href="../">QA Toolbox</a> is a catalog of available QA-related 
	tools at W3C (maintained, or not by the QA-dev effort).</li>
	<li>We are maintaining an <a href="">entry on the QA Wiki</a>
	listing the current meeting schedule, open action items, and "hot" discussion topics.</li>
<h3 id="sub2-2">Mailing-list</h3>
	<li> is the  <a href=""><strong>publicly</strong> archived</a>
	list of the qa-dev effort. The archive is available for everyone to consult, and anyone can subscribe, but 
	please contact the <a href="#team-w3c">coordinators</a> if you wish to participate in the qa-dev effort.</li>
<h3 id="sub2-3">Infrastructure</h3>
	<li> is the production server used by qa-dev to run their released services</li>
	<li>qa-dev also has a development (test) server, used by qa-dev projects and available for use 
	by other (related) projects at W3C.</li>

<h2 id="qa-dev-team">The qa-dev Team</h2>
<h3 id="team-w3c">Coordination by W3C Staff</h3>
<p>The qa-dev effort is coordinated by <a href="/People/olivier/">Olivier Thereaux</a>
with support from other W3C staff. </p>

<h3 id="team-collab">Developers and Contributors</h3>
<p>qa-dev development work is achieved by a team of volunteer, benevolent contributors. 
	Past and present major contributors include:</p>
<li>Terje Bless</li>
<li>Nick Kew</li>
<li>Ville Skytt&auml;</li>
<li>Bj&ouml;rn H&ouml;hrmann</li>
<li>Jim Ley</li>
<li>... And help from many other (see each project for full credits)</li>


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