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  <TITLE>Joint W3C/OMG Workshop on Distributed Objects and Mobile Code</TITLE>
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<H1 align=center>
  Joint W3C/OMG Workshop on Distributed Objects and Mobile Code<BR>
  June 24-25, 1996<BR>
  Boston, Massachusetts
    <A HREF="#sponsors">Sponsors</A>
	<A HREF="Admin#reception">Reception</A>
	<A HREF="Admin">Administration and Accomodation</A>
    <A HREF="#series">Workshop Series</A>
    <A HREF="#purpose">Purpose</A>
    <A HREF="#purpose">Submissions </A> <STRONG>closed March 11</STRONG>
    <A HREF="#dates">Important Dates</A>
    <A HREF="Program">Advance Program</A>
	<A HREF="Format">Workshop Format</A>
	<A HREF="#pc">Program Committee</A>
    <A HREF="submissions/accept">Accepted Position Papers</A>
  <A NAME="sponsors">Sponsors</A>
This workshop is jointly sponsored by the <A HREF="">World
Wide Web Consortium (W3C)</A> and the <A href="">Object
Management Group (OMG)</A>. W3C's mission is to realize the full potential
of the Web, by fostering interoperability standards. OMG is the key industrial
organization developing open, interoperable, component-based interface standards
based on distributed object technology.
  <A NAME="series">Workshop Series</A>
This is second in a series of workshops aimed at extending web and object
technologies to provide a richer global infrastructure for applications like
electronic commerce, enterprise integration, digital libraries, concurrent
engineering, and collaboration. An earlier
<A HREF="../../MobileCode/Workshop9507/">workshop on "Mobile Code"</A> sponsored
by W3C was held in Cambridge, MA in July, 1995 and focused on pivot points
of interoperability among <A href="../../MobileCode">mobile code systems</A>
such as Java, Safe-Tcl, and Obliq. The OMG Internet SIG has been meeting
for several months and exploring similar issues.
  <A NAME="purpose">Purpose of this Workshop</A>
This workshop will identify a range of software architectures for combining
and scaling web technology and object technology.
Object and web technologies are pervasive, and lie at the heart of industry
plans for better next generation application and information integration.
Object technologies are affecting programming languages, operating systems,
databases, and distributed computing solutions. The world wide web provides
a ubiquitous base for distributed networking ,as well as tool suites that
are increasingly linking global information sources, and is the preferred
medium for the electronic exchange of information. Web and OMG technologies
are complementary: the Web provides tools for unstructured and semistructured
applications; OMG provides tools for semistructured and structured applications.
A union may provide a unification of information sources, making it considerably
easier to access and operate on the wide range of data, information and
The <A HREF="">OMG CORBA 2.0 specification</A>
(including IIOP) provides one way that OMG and the Internet combine but we
can identify others as well: use of OMG services to locate, query, and share
Internet information sources; use of web browsers to view structured and
semistructured OMG information bases; additions to OMG and Internet architectures
for supporting business rules and agent scripting; additions to subsume
repositories, workflow, CASE, DBMS, KBMS, and simulations; and more. It is
clear that these pervasive technologies could gracefully interoperate at
several architectural levels.
Topics of interest relating to OO/Web integration are:
    visions and multi-roadmaps -- where we are going and how to get there
    technical requirements -- software architecture approaches
    component technologies -- (scripting languages, security, authoring environments,
    multimedia, ...)
    OO/Web integration with DBMS, workflow, CASE, KBMS, info systems
    desirable properties of architectures, e.g., safety, seamlessness, evolution,
    integrity, ...
    scalable solutions
    CORBA extensions and web extensibility
    issues and roadblocks
    experience reports
    research reports
    standards needed, reference models
    economic models, business and organizational models
    technology transfer models (how to accelerate OO/Web integration)
    contrarian positions
(An interesting way to determine the topics releated to this workshop is
to look over the
<A HREF=";what=web&amp;fmt=.&amp;">documents
that link to this page</A> [courtesy of
<A HREF="">Altavista</A>]).
  <A NAME="submissions">Submissions</A>
A one page position paper is required for participation in the workshop.
A program committee will choose workshop participants from the submissions.
Submissions with impact on both OMA (the OMG architecture) and the web
architecture (or showing experience with the interaction between them) are
preferred to those impacting only one or the other.
Submissions from W3C and OMG members, as well as interested and motivated
non-members, are invited.
Send an electronic copy (either a URL or in html, ascii, or ps format) to
<TT><A href=""></A></TT>. Include author name(s),
affiliation(s), and email address(es).
Position papers will be made available on the web before the workshop and
attendees will be expected to have read them. The workshop program committee
will select 10 presenters for the first morning. The remainder of the workshop
will consist of discussions on key topics. If you have a proposal for a session
topic, contact workshop co-organizers Richard Soley
<TT>&lt;;</TT> and Dan Connolly
  <A NAME="dates">Important Dates</A>
    March 11, 1996
    Position papers due
    April 10.
    Papers will be reviewed and authors will be notified.
    May 15
    Selected position papers will be posted on the web.
  <A NAME="pc">Program Committee</A>
    Tim Berners-Lee, <A HREF="../../">W3C</A>
    Dan Connolly, <A HREF="../../">W3C</A>
    Paul Everitt, <A HREF="">Digital Creations</A>
    <A HREF="">Andrew Herbert, APM</A>
    <A HREF="">William Janssen,
    Xerox PARC</A>
    Robert Marcus, <A HREF="">AMS</A>
    <A HREF="">Richard Soley, OMG</A>
    <A HREF="">Craig Thompson</A>, Object Services
    <A HREF="">Guido van Rossum,
    <A HREF="">Sankar Virdhagriswaran,
    Andrew Watson, <A HREF="">OMG</A>
  <A HREF="../../People/Connolly/">Dan Connolly</A>,
  <A HREF="">W3C</A><BR>
  <A HREF="">Richard Mark Soley</A>,
  <A HREF="">OMG</A><BR>
  last modified on $Date: 1996/05/04 17:53:45 $<BR>
  Inquiries to <TT><A href=""></A></TT>.