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<h1>Sandro Hawke</h1>

<h3>Software Developer / Systems Architect<br/>Semantic Web &mdash; Web Standards </h3>

<a href="../../">W3C</a> &gt; 
<a href="">eGovernment Activity</a> Lead &gt;
<a href="">IG</a> Staff Contact
<a href="../../">W3C</a> &gt; 
<a href="../../2001/sw/">Semantic Web Activity</a> &gt; 
[<a href="../../2005/rules/wg/">RIF</a>, 
<a href="../../2007/OWL/">OWL</a>,
<a href="../../2009/sparql/wiki/Main_Page">SPARLQ</a>
] Staff Contact
<a href="">MIT</a> &gt; 
<a href="">CSAIL</a> &gt; 
<a href="">Decentralized Information Group</a>

<p><a href=""></a>

<h2>Activities and Projects</h2>


<p><a href="" title="sandro hawke blog semantic web">Decentralyze &mdash; Programming the Data Cloud</a>, my occasional blog</p>

<li><p>2009.  Two invited talks: <a href="">RIF: Bringing Order to Chaos</a> (RuleML 2009 Keynote), and <a href="">Semantics for the Rest of us</a> (ISWC 2009 Workshop Keynote)</p></li>

<li><p>2009.  <a href="">riftr</a> is a RIF translation engine.   Not currently working.   <a href="">source code</a>.</p></li>

<li><p>2005-2009. <a href="../../2005/rules/">RIF</a> (Rule Interchange Format).   I'm the staff contact for this Working Group.  Currently a <a href="">W3C Candidate Recommendation</a>.</p></li>

<li><p>2007-2009.  <a href="../../2007/OWL/">OWL 2</a>.   I'm the primary staff contact for the OWL Working Group.   Now a <a href="">W3C Recommendation</a>.</p></li>

<li><p>2009.  <a href="">CommonScribe</a> is a tool I wrote to make scribing meeting easier, for my Working Groups.</p></li>

<li><p>2009.  revdoc is a tool I wrote to make publishing W3C Technical Reports easier.   In particular, it made it practical for OWL to publish 13 interlinked TRs at the same time.</p></li>

<li><p>2008.  <a href="">XTAN (XML Transform-As-Needed)</a> is the future of forward-compatibility and cheap interoperability, unless it's not.  Maybe an RDF version would be better.   <a href="">source code</a>.</p></li>

<li><p>2007. <a href="">asn06</a> and
<a href="">asn07</a> were attempts to bridge the space between grammars (BNF, XML Schema) and ontologies (OWL), in service to RIF extensibility.   <a href="">source code</a>. </p></li>

<li><p>2005.  <a href="">W3C Workshop on Rule Languages for Interoperability</a> and the <a href="">RIF Charter</a></p></li>

<li><p>2004.   Semwalker, a server-side linked-data browser.   <a href="">A retrospective talk given in 2006.</a>   <a href="">Source Code</a></p></li>

<li><p>2004.   <a href="">Ontaria</a>   A SemWalker installation intended to serve as W3C's central ontology directory.</p></li>

<li><p>2004.   <a href="">N3/Cwm tutorial</a> (with TimBL and DanC</p></li>

<li><p>2003.  <a href="">Surnia</a> was an OWL Full reasoner built using the naive approach of: throw it all at a first-order theorem prover.  It can be useful to help see the limits of that approach, but it was only a few weeks work.</p></li>

<li><p>2003.  <a href="">OWL</a> I stepped in as co-staff contact with Dan Connolly, on the Web Ontology Working Group.</p></li>

<li><p>2003.   URIs.    I worried a lot about <a href="">Overload URIs</a>.   Experimenting with writing in wiki in those days....   (use "info" to just look at the last version I wrote?)</p>
  <li><a href="">303 See Other</a> was my idea.  Imperfect solution to a hard problem.</li>
  <li><a href="">GoodURIs</a></li>
  <li><a href="">DescriptiveNames</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Useful Theories of URIs</a></li>
  <li><a href="">How do you POST to a "document"?</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Disambiguating RDF
   Identifiers</a> (a proposal to RDF-Core)</li>

<li><p>2002.  <a href="../../2002/08/LX">LX</a>, (Logic eXchange) a sort of pre-cursor to RIF, built into cwm.   See <a href="">Using Reification To Extend RDF.</a></p></li>

<li><p>2002.  Thinking about Semantic Web architecture.</p>

<li><a href="../../2002/03/semweb">How the Semantic Web Works</a></li>        
<li><a href="../../2002/03/swamp">SWAMP</a>; maybe we should view all protocols in terms of the (RDF) knowledge exchanged?</li> 
<li><a href="../../2002/11/bees-and-ants/paper.html">The Bees and the Ants</a></li> 
<li><a href="../../2002/11/webarch4/v3.html">a proposal on Web Architecture</a></li>

<li><p>2002. <a href="../../2002/05/cowork">CoWork</a> ontology and tools</p></li>

<li><p>2001.  <a href="../../2001/06/blindfold">Blindfold</a>, a grammar-based system for translating among RDF serialization languages.   (I have some more recent work on this concept, in Python, somewhere.)</p></li>

<li><p>2001.   <a href="">C++ SemWeb Library</a> (mixed in with blindfold), and <a href="">Perl SemWeb Library</a>.</p></li>

<li><p>2001.   The <a href="">tag: URI Scheme</a> (<a href="">RFC-4151</a>).  This was my first reaction to encountering HTTP URIs used in RDF &mdash; to say <em>don't!</em> &mdash; before I saw the utility of linked data.  Work on the RFC was essentially done in 2001, but it took four more years to get through the IESG.</p></li>

<li><p>2001.   <a href="writings">Various Writing</a>.</p></li>


<h2>Some Personal Connections</h2>



<!-- forgive me, she's my sister!   -->
My sister,
<a href="">Maya Wallach</a>, runs a
<a class="quiet" title="ColdFusion web site"
href="">web site programming</a> and
consulting company called <a
href="">Flying Mountain</a>.  She also
sells <a title="Phiten necklaces"
href="">Phiten necklaces</a> and <a title="Phiten bracelets"
href="">Phiten bracelets</a> and runs
the <a title="Tracks and Tales Nature School"
href="">Tracks &amp; Tales
Nature School</a> in Duvall, Washington.

<p>My father, <a href="">Bret Wallach</a> is a professor of <a href="" class="quiet" title="Travel Photos">human and cultural geography</a>.  He has an amazing <a href="" class="quiet" title="Travel Photos">collection of pictures</a> on the web called <a href="" title="Travel Photos">The Great Mirror</a>.   I helped build earlier versions of the site, but this version was done by Maya.</p>

<p>My aunt, <a href="" title="Dana Salisbury">Dana Salisbury</a> is a <a href="" class="quiet" title="Dana Salisbury">choreographer</a> and <a href="" class="quiet" title="Dana Salisbury">multidisciplinary artist</a>.</p>

<p>My grandmother, <a href="">Anne Wallach</a>, 1912-2005.  (Born 
<a href="" class="quiet">Anne Kael</a>,
known as <a href=""
class="quiet">Anna</a> in my part of the family.)</p>

<p><a href="">Sierra Black</a> 
(<a href="">childwild</a>)
works as a <a
href="" class="quiet">writer (freelance
journalism, novels, short fiction, poetry)</a> and in various areas of
earth-based spirituality (she's a Witch) -- <a
href="" class="quiet">teaching Tarot</a>, <a
href="" class="quiet">reading Tarot in
person</a> and remotely (yes, there's a business in <a
href="" class="quiet">online Tarot
Readings</a>!), being priestess at rituals, teaching <a
href="" class="quiet">ritual magic</a>, etc.


<p>$Date: 2011/01/24 01:26:34 $</p>