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<p><a href="../../../">W3C</a> <a href="./">Connolly</a></p>

<h1>Publications and Writings</h1>

<p><a href="#1992">1992</a> <a href="pubs.html#1993">1993</a> <a
href="#1994">1994</a> <a href="pubs.html#1995">1995</a> <a
href="pubs.html#1996">1996</a> <a href="#1997">1997</a> 1998 (<a
href="#wip">in progress</a>)</p>

  <li class="inbook">
    <span class="author">Daniel Weitzner</span>,
    <span class="author">Jim Hendler</span>,
    <span class="author">Tim Berners-Lee</span>,
    and <span class="author">Dan Connolly</span><!-- = me@@ -->.
    <cite><a href=""
	     >Creating a policy-aware web: Discretionary, rule-based
    access for the world wide web</a></cite>. In Elena Ferrari and Bhavani
    Thuraisingham, editors, <cite><a href="">Web and Information Security</a></cite>.
    <a href="">IRM Press</a>, 2006.

  <li>Lalana Kagal, Tim Berners-Lee, Dan Connolly, and Daniel Weitzner, 
  <cite><a href="">Using Semantic Web Technologies for Open Policy Management on the Web</a></cite>,
  21st National Conference on Artificial Intelligence 
  (<a href="">AAAI 2006</a>).

  <li>Lalana Kagal, Tim Berners-Lee, Dan Connolly, and Daniel Weitzner, 
  <cite><a href="">Self-describing Delegation Networks for the Web</a></cite>,
  IEEE Workshop on Policy for Distributed Systems and Networks 2006
  (<a href="">POLICY 2006</a>)

  <li>Berners-Lee, Tim, Connolly, Dan, Kagal, Lalana, Hendler, Jim, and Schraf, Yosi, <cite><a href="">N3Logic: A Logical Framework for the World Wide Web</a>  Journal of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), Special Issue on Logic Programming and the Web, 2008


<dt>Sep 2007</dt>
  href="">GRDDL</a> REC
(<a  href="../../2001/sw/grddl-wg/">WG</a>)</dd>

<dt>Nov 2006</dt>
<cite><a href="">Celebrating OWL interoperability and spec quality</a></cite>

<dt>March 2006</dt>
<dd><a href="">Transition Request to advance SPARQL to Candidate

<dt>29 September 2005</dt>
<dd><cite><a href="">RDF Calendar - an application of the Resource Description Framework to iCalendar Data</a></cite> W3C Interest Group Note by Connolly and Miller</dd>

  <dt>Jun 2005</dt>
  <dd><cite><a href="">Untangle URIs, URLs, and URNs</a></cite>
  <p>thanks, Uche, for the <a href="">nod</a></p></dd>

<dt>Dec 2003</dt>
<a href="">Web Ontology Working Group Request for Candidate Recommendation Status and Preliminary Implementation Report</a>
  <dt>December 2001</dt>
  <dd>Dan Connolly, Frank van Harmelen, Ian Horrocks, Deborah L. McGuinness,
Peter F. Patel-Schneider, and Lynn Andrea Stein.  
<a href="">DAML+OIL
(March 2001) Reference Description.</a>  
W3C Note 18 December 2001.</dd>
  <dt>Oct 2000</dt>
  <dd>Lynn Andrea Stein, Dan Connolly, and Deborah McGuinness, eds., <a
    href=""><cite>Annotated DAML
    Ontology Markup</cite></a>.
  <dt>14 Nov 1999</dt>
  <dd><a href="">Re: Akamai goes public</a>
  re an earlier draft of <cite><a href="">Web Caching with Consistent Hashing</a></cite></dd>
  <dt>Oct '98:
<!-- was: -->
  href=""><cite>The XML
    <dd>Nature's <a href="">Web
      Matters</a><br />
      <a href="9810xn.html">pre-publication draft</a></dd>
  <dt>Apr '98: forward to <cite><a
  For Dummies</a></cite></dt>
    <dd><a href="9802xfd-fwd.html">pre-publication draft</a><br />
      "XML is like HTML with the training wheels off"</dd>
  <dt>Feb '98: <a href="../../TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210"><cite>Extensible
  Markup Language (XML) 1.0</cite></a> (WG member)</dt>
    <dd>see the <a href="../../XML/">XML</a> home page for background</dd>
  <dt><a name="_9712html4" id="_9712html4">Dec</a> '<a name="1997"
  id="_1997">97</a>: <a
  href=""><cite>HTML 4.0
  Specification</cite></a> (WG chair)</dt>
    <dd>I was chair of the working group that created it. see the <a
      href="../../MarkUp/">HTML</a> home page for background</dd>
  <dt><a name="9710xml-w3j" id="_9710xml-w3j">Oct '97</a>: <cite><a
  href="">XML: Principles, Tools, and
  Techniques</a></cite> (editor)</dt>
    <dd>and the <a href="../../XML/">XML</a> home page. Adam Rifkin keeps <a
      href="">some of the
      articles</a> I worked on with him and Rohit Khare online.<a
      Amazon Catalog Entry</a></dd>
  <dt>Oct '97: <a
  href=""><cite>The Evolution of
  Web Documents: The Ascent of XML</cite></a></dt>
    <dd>by Dan Connolly, Rohit Khare, and Adam Rifkin <br />
      In the <a href="pubs.html#9710xml-w3j">World Wide Web Journal Special
      Issue on XML</a>, Volume 2, Number 4, Fall 1997, Pages 119-128.</dd>
  <dt>Jul '97: <a href=""><cite>A
  glimpse of Phil's insight, wit, and leadership</cite></a></dt>
    <dd>In memory of <a href="">Phil
      Karlton</a><br />
      The principle of "Each time you revise a web page, assume you may never
      get a chance to touch it again" took on new meaning when I saw his <a
      href="">home page</a> after
      learning of his death.Â&nbsp;(<a
      href="">memorial web site</a>)</dd>
  <dt>May '97: <a href="9705web-apps-db.html">Editorial for WebApps Database
        The Web Stretches Database Development</blockquote>
  <dt>Mar '97: <a href="9703-web-apps-essay.html">Editorial for WebApps
  Distributed Objects Issue</a></dt>
        The Web is a chaotic, organic distributed object system</blockquote>
  <dt>Jan '97: <a href="9701webapps.html">Editorial for WebApps Languages
        Quality communication on the Web is a mixture of poetry, graphic
        design, interactive user interface design, and database
  <dt>Dec '97: <cite>An Evaluation of the World Wide Web as a Platform for
  Electronic Commerce</cite></dt>
    <dd>in <a
      name="riec-kalakota-whinston" id="riec-kalakota-whinston">Readings in
      Electronic Commerce</a>, by Ravi Kalakota and Andrew B. Whinston,
      published by <a href="">Addison-Wesley</a><br />
      The <a
      is available at <a href="">amazon</a>.</dd>
    <dd>An <a href="../../Architecture/NOTE-ioh-arch">updated version of the
      paper</a> is available.</dd>
  <dt>Jun '<a name="1996" id="_1996">96</a></dt>
    <dd>Subject: <a
      Python, Tcl and Perl, oh my! (was Re: tcl vs. perl)</a><br />
      Date: 1996/06/26</dd>
    <dd>Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.misc, comp.lang.tcl,,
      comp.lang.python<br />
      dejanews</a> <a
  <dt>Jun '96: <cite><a href="">A
  Lexical Analyzer for HTML and Basic SGML</a></cite></dt>
    <dd>in <a href="">The Web After Five Years</a>, <a
      href="">Rohit Khare</a>, ed. published by <a
      href="">O'Reilly</a><br />
      <a href="../../MarkUp/SGML">updated version</a><br />
      <a href="">entry</a> in
      <a href="">Robin Cover's SGML
  <dt>Spring '96: <cite><a href="" name="96w3j1-2"
  id="_96w3j1-2">Key Specifications of the World Wide Web</a></cite>,
    <dd><a href="">World Wide Web Journal</a>: Volume 1,
      Issue 2, Spring 1996<br />
      ISSN 1085-2301 ISBN 1-56592-190-9<br />
      copyright (c) 1996 <a href="">O'Reilly &amp;
      Associates, Inc.</a></dd>
  <dt><a name="9511html2" id="_9511html2">Nov</a> '<a name="1995"
  id="_1995">95</a>: <cite>Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0</cite>
    <dd><a href="">RFC1866</a><br />
      <a href="../../MarkUp/html-spec/index.html">supplimentary
  <dt><a name="cite" id="cite">Sep '95</a>: <a
  a Source! Dispell FUD!</cite></a></dt>
    <dd>Cite a Source! Don't take my word for it, look it up!
      <p>thanks <a href="">dejanews</a>!</p>
  <dt>May '95: <cite><a
  href="../../MarkUp/html-spec/charset-harmful.html">'Character Set'
  considered Harmful</a></cite></dt>
    <dd>On the unification of MIME's charset with the SGML document character
  <dt>Oct '<a name="1994" id="_1994">94</a></dt>
    <dd><a href="../../Math/QED.html">A Survey of QED and Related
      Topics</a><br />
      and message to the QED mailing list: <a
      Observations [Was: Why should a mathematician be interested in QED?
  <dt>Jun '94: <a href="drafts/why-tcl-doesnt-scale.html"><cite>Why Tcl
  Doesn't Scale</cite></a></dt>
    <dd>I still get requests for this now and then...</dd>
  <dt>Jun '<a name="1993" id="_1993">93</a></dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="../../MarkUp/draft-ietf-iiir-html-01">Hypertext Markup
      Language (HTML): A Representation of Textual Information and
      MetaInformation for Retrieval and Interchange</a></cite><br />
      the so-called "HTML 1.0" spec. See also: <a
      href="../../MarkUp/PubHistory.html">HTML publication history</a>.</dd>
  <dt><a name="9206mime-global" id="_9206mime-global">Jul</a> '<a name="1992"
  id="_1992">92</a>: <a href="920707mime-hypertext.msg"><cite>MIME for global
    <dd>The Web, WAIS, etc. should use MIME<a
      href="../../Collaboration/mime-www.msg"><br />
      MIME for Global Hypermedia</a></dd>
    <dd><a href="">posted
      to comp.text.sgml in Jun '92</a>. Followed by: <a
      Misconceptions about MIME</a>. Also: <a
      discussion about MIME, SGML, and URLs</a></dd>
    <dd>I claim credit for the use of MIME in HTTP, which turned out to be a
      mixed blessing. see also: <a
      Internet Media Types (aka MIME Types)</a> (<a
      href="drafts/web-research.html#mime">portion of research notebook</a>
      from 24-Jan-95)</dd>
  <dt><a name="p1999-06xcrichtext" id="p1999-06xcrichtext">Jun 1992</a></dt>
    <dd><cite>Public-domain XcRichText Widget</cite><br />
      <a href="">Issue 3</a> of The X
      Resource: A Practical Journal of the X Window System<br />
      <a href="">O'Reilly and Associates</a><br />
      citation</a>)<br />
      see also: <a href="support/XcRichText.html">about the code</a></dd>

<h2><a name="wip" id="wip">Works in Progress</a></h2>
  <dt><a href="../../Architecture/1998/12/oop-min.html">Corba is not
  Minimally Constraining</a></dt>
  <dt>The MENU element should work with stylesheets</dt>
    <dd>... to represent the following idiom:
      <p><a href="">Search</a> | <a
      href="">Index</a> | <a
      href="">Products</a> | <a
      <p>See also:</p>
        <li><a href="">style sheets</a></li>
  <dt>You should be able to link to a specific line or word</dt>
    <dd>... without modifying the target document. This would be a
      straightforward extension to URI fragment identifiers. For example:
      <p>See also:</p>
        <li><a href="../../XML/">XML</a>, esp XPointers</li>
        <li><a href="../../Addressing/">Naming and Addressing: URLs, URIs,
        <li>www-talk archives</li>
        <li><a href="">TEI
  <dt>A web page count facility should be adopted</dt>
    <dd>ala &amp;http-count and a Visit-Count: http header (see www-talk
  <dt>Jan '96: <a
  href="../../Collaboration/knowledge.html"><cite>Linguistics: Representation
  and Exchange of Knowledge</cite></a></dt>
    <dd>The Web is about Knowledge Exchange, not just Broadcasting.<br />
      A big imagemap is a crime. Rich information representation promotes
      exchange. Formal systems are cool. This is what got me into HTML in the
      first place.</dd>
  <dt>Jan '96: <a href="../../Propagation/reliable-links.html"><cite>Link
  Reliability - Why URNs are Not the Answer</cite></a></dt>
  <dt>Dec '95: <a href="../../MarkUp/SGML/spec-mgmt.html"><cite>Document
  Management for Web Specs</cite></a></dt>
    <dd>Spec Development is a pain!</dd>
    <dd>We need some good tools for collaborative development and
      distribution of specs.</dd>
  <dt>Downloadable software should be <a
  href="../../Security/DSIG/">digitally signed</a>.</dt>
    <dd>prevent viruses. Be accountable!</dd>
  <dt>URI test suite, bibtex DTD</dt>
  <dt><a href="drafts/web-research.html">WWW Research Notebook</a></dt>
  <dt>@@bookmarks, @@collections, @@FAQ, @@pgp key</dt>

<p><small>todo: formalize this list as a bibligraphy, a la
<a href="">XHTML/bibtex tools</a>
<a href="">URI schemes bib</a>.
tag: <a href="" rel="tag">bib</a>.
See also: <a href="">ode to a closet librarian</a> Oct 2004.</small>

<h2>Where you'll find me...</h2>
<li><a name="Research" href=
"" >breadcrumbs
<li><a href=
>mail from me to W3C public lists</a></li>
<li><a rel="foaf-made" href=
"" >del.ici.ous links and notes</a></li>
<li><a href="">ESW wiki writings</a>

<li>my <a
to html-mode.el</a> back in 1992</li>
<li>1992: <a href="">html2mml.l -- FrameMaker support for HTML</a>Fri, 24 Jul 92 00:18:34 CDT
  href="drafts/web-research">research notebook</a></li>
<li><a href="support/">software notes</a></li>
  <li>in <a
  <li>on USENET (<a
    altavista</a>) (<a
    dejanews</a>) (<a
    search</a>)<br />
    News - Author Profile on Dan Connolly</a></li>
  <li>on <a
    <a href="../../MarkUp/Forums#www-html">www-html</a></li>
  <li>on <a href="../../MarkUp/HTML-WG/Overview.html">html-wg</a> (the IETF
  <li>on <a href="../../Archives/Public/uri/"></a> and other <a
    href="../../Addressing/#discussion">web addressing discussion
  <li>in the <a href="">Internic Whois
    database</a>: <a
  <li>fork, occasionally <a
    href="">Fork</a> Friends of Rohit
    Khare gather to exhange bits and clues.</li>
  <a href="./">Dan Connolly</a><br />
  created Feb 1998<br />
  last revised $Date: 2010/06/10 20:07:15 $