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  <TITLE>Connolly at Motherlode 1997, Aspen Colorado</TITLE>
  Motherlode '97, Aspen Colorado
In September 1997, Dan Connolly and Mark Gaither took off from the grind
in Austin Texas for the mountain air of Aspen Colorado and the
<A HREF="">25th Annual Motherlode
volleyball tournament</A>. They were joined by Dan's brothers Paul and Jon
from Phoenix, Arizona.
<A href='aspen_park.jpg'><IMG src='thumb/aspen_park.jpg' /></A>
Looking down at the park from the mountain.
<A href='dan_jon_paul.jpg'><IMG src='thumb/dan_jon_paul.jpg' /></A>
Dan and his brothers Jon and Paul pause on their way up the mountain.
<A href='markg_rock.jpg'><IMG src='thumb/markg_rock.jpg' /></A>
Mark finds a rock.
<A href='dan_rob_vball.jpg'><IMG src='thumb/dan_rob_vball.jpg' /></A>
Dan thought he was going to miss the tournament, but he found a partner,
Rob Rericha (Reriericha?).
<A href='dan_vball_mtn.jpg'><IMG src='thumb/dan_vball_mtn.jpg' /></A>
The excitement builds as Dan arrives at the tournament site.
<A href='girls_doubles.jpg'><IMG src='thumb/girls_doubles.jpg' /></A>
After Dan and Rob are elimintated from the tournament, we took a look at
some of the other players.
Photos scanned by Dan Connolly using
<A HREF="">sanecgi</A> (modified) and
<A HREF="">sane-umax</A>
and a few other Open Source tools.
  Photos by Mark Gaither, Sep 1997<BR>
  scanning, editing, and publication by Dan Connolly, Dec 1999