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      <p id="w3c_toggle_include" class="default_open intro tPadding">This page summarizes the relationships among specifications, whether they are finished standards or drafts. Below, each title
links to the most recent version of a document.
     For related introductory information, see: <a href="">Service Description</a>.</p>
      <h2 id="drafts">Drafts</h2>
      <p>Below are draft documents:
      <a href="/2005/10/Process-20051014/tr.html#RecsCR">Candidate Recommendations</a>.
      Some of these may become Web Standards through the <a href="/Consortium/Process/tr#rec-advance">W3C Recommendation Track
      process</a>. Others may be published as Group Notes or
      become obsolete specifications.</p>
      <h3 id="cr">Candidate Recommendations</h3>
      <div class="data lMargin rMargin">
         <table class="w3c_spec_summary_table">
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                  <td class="table_datecol">
                     <a href="../history/ws-cdl-10" title="Web Services Choreography Description Language Version 1.0 publication history">2005-11-09</a>
                     <h4 class="w3c_status_title">
                        <a title="status is CR" href="">Web Services Choreography Description Language Version 1.0</a>
                     <div class="expand_description">
                        <p>The Web Services Choreography Description Language (WS-CDL) is an XML-based language that describes peer-to-peer collaborations of participants by defining, from a global viewpoint, their common and complementary observable behavior; where ordered message exchanges result in accomplishing a common business goal.</p>
                        <p>The Web Services specifications offer a communication bridge between the heterogeneous computational environments used to develop and host applications. The future of E-Business applications requires the ability to perform long-lived, peer-to-peer collaborations between the participating services, within or across the trusted domains of an organization.</p>
                        <p>The Web Services Choreography specification is targeted for composing interoperable, peer-to-peer collaborations between any type of participant regardless of the supporting platform or programming model used by the implementation of the hosting environment.</p>
      <h2 id="obsolete">Obsolete Specifications</h2>
      <p>These specifications have either been superseded by others,
      or have been abandoned. They remain available for archival
      purposes, but are not intended to be used.</p>
      <h3 id="retired">
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                  <td class="table_datecol">
                     <a href="../history/ws-cdl-10-primer" title="Web Services Choreography Description Language: Primer publication history">2006-06-19</a>
                     <h4 class="w3c_status_title">
                        <a title="status is RETIRED" href="">Web Services Choreography Description Language: Primer</a>
                     <div class="expand_description">
                        <p>Web Services Choreography Description Language: Primer is a non-normative document intended to provide an easy to understand tutorial on the uses and the features of the Web Services Choreography Description Language specification.</p>
                     <a href="../history/ws-chor-model" title="WS Choreography Model Overview publication history">2004-03-24</a>
                     <h4 class="w3c_status_title">
                        <a title="status is RETIRED" href="">WS Choreography Model Overview</a>
                     <div class="expand_description">
                        <p>It's purpose is to provide an information model that describes
the data and the relationships between them that is needed to
define a choreography that describes the sequence and conditions in
which the data exchanged between two or more participants in order
to meet some useful purpose.</p>
               <tr class="lastRow">
                     <a href="../history/ws-chor-reqs" title="Web Services Choreography Requirements publication history">2004-03-11</a>
                     <h4 class="w3c_status_title">
                        <a title="status is RETIRED" href="">Web Services Choreography Requirements</a>
                     <div class="expand_description">
                        <p>As the momentum around Web Services grows, the need for
effective mechanisms to co-ordinate the interactions among Web
Services and their users becomes more pressing. The Web Services
Choreography Working Group has been tasked with the development of
such a mechanism in an interoperable way.</p>
                        <p>This document describes a set of requirements for Web Services
choreography based around a set of representative use cases, as
well as general requirements for interaction among Web Services.
This document is intended to be consistent with other efforts
within the W3C Web Services Activity.</p>
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