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        Web and TV Interest Group</h1>
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            <h2 id="news">News</h2>
            <li>1 December 2011: <a href="">Requirements for Home Networking Scenarios</a> is published as an Interest Group Note.</li>
            <li>31 October-4 November 2011: The Web and TV Interest Group held joint meetings with the other Working Groups during the W3C TPAC 2011 meeting on October 31-November 4.  Also the group held a 30-min plenary session during the meeting week on Wednesday, 2 November.  See the <a href="">meeting schedule</a> for the detailed schedule.</li>

            <li>21-22 September 2011: The W3C Web and TV Interest Group held its first f2f meeting right after the <a href="">third Web and TV Workshop</a> in Hollywood.  The <a href="">summary</a> and the detailed <a href="">minutes</a> of the f2f meeting are available.</li>

            <li>19-20 September 2011: <a href="">The third Web and TV Workshop</a> was held in Hollywood, CA, USA, hosted by Comcast Cable. The <a href="">summary</a> of the workshop is available.  See also the <a href="">W3C top page news</a>.</li>



            <h2 id="mission">Mission</h2>
              Launched in February 2011, the Web and TV Interest Group is to provide a forum for Web and TV technical
              discussions, to review existing work, as well as the relationship
              between services on the Web and TV services, and to identify
              requirements and potential solutions to ensure that the Web will
              function well with TV.

            <p>See also the <a href="">
            Web and TV Interest Group Charter</a>.

<h2 id="deliverables">Deliverables</h2>
<h3 id="ig-report">Web and TV Interest Group Report</h3>
The Web and TV Interest Group Report categorizes topics of interest for the Web and TV in terms of standardization needs. The group is to publish a first snapshot of the report soon. Results of work items discussed in task forces will be integrated in the final report of the Interest Group.

<li><a href="">Latest draft report - (head)</a></li>
<li><a href="">Second draft report - September 2011</a></li>
<li><a href="">First draft report - April 2011</a></li>

<h3 id="workshop-report">Workshop Reports</h3>

<li><a href="">Tokyo Workshop - 2-3 September 2011</a></li>
<li><a href="">Berlin Workshop - 8-9 February 2011</a></li>
<li><a href="">Hollywood Workshop - 19-20 September 2011</a></li>

<h3 id="f2f-reports">F2F Meeting reports</h3>

<li><a href="">Hollowood Meeting - 21-22 September 2011</a></li>

            <h2 id="participants">Participants</h2>

            <p>The <a href="">list of W3C Member Organizations</a> who participate in the Web and TV Interest Group is available through the Web and TV Interest Group Patent Policy Status page. W3C Members may also check the <a href="">list of organization representatives</a> (Member-only link) involved in the group.</p>

            <p>The chairs of the Web and TV Interest Group are:</p>
              <li>Yosuke Funahashi — Tomo-Digi</li>
              <li>Masahito Kawamori — NTT</li>
              <li>HyeonJae Lee — LG Electronics</li>
              <li>Giuseppe Pascale — Opera Software</li>
              <li>Mark Vickers — Comcast Cable</li>

            <p>W3C Team contacts for the group are:</p>
              <li>Kazuyuki Ashimura &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</li>
              <li>François Daoust &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</li>


            <h2 id="documents">Documents and Logistics</h2>

            <p>The <a href="wiki/" title="W3C Web and TV Interest Group's wiki home page" >Web and TV Interest Group's wiki</a> documents task forces, ongoing works, draft documents and other working materials and logistics information for the group.</p>

            <p>The group also uses <a href="track/">issues and actions</a> to track progress on open discussions.</p>

            <h2 id="joining">Joining the group</h2>

            <h3 id="expected">Who should participate in this group?</h3>

            <p>The Web and TV Interest Group encourages active participation from a diverse community. You should consider participating in this Interest Group, in particular if you are in one of the following communities:

              <li>Vendors of Web Browsers which have TV related capability</li>
              <li>TV broadcasters and TV service providers</li>
              <li>TV and set-top boxes manufacturers</li>
              <li>Companies that own solutions for the development of broadcasting, Web+TV and integration of them</li>
              <li>Companies seeking to exploit integration of broadcasting and Web technologies</li>
              <li>Software vendors or open source projects that currently offer XML-based languages for the description of handling broadcasting, or customers of those languages</li>
              <li>Government organizations seeking to standardize the integration of broadcasting and Web technologies</li>
              <li>Academic researchers with an interest in smarter integration of Web technologies, broadcasting and non-PC devices</li>

            <h3 id="join">How to join the group as an official participant</h3>
            <p>If you're affiliated with
            a <a href="">W3C Member
              <li>(If you don't have any W3C Member account) Use the
              <a href="">W3C Member
              account request form</a> and get a W3C account,</li>

              <li>(If your organization has not yet joined the group) Ask
              your <a href="">AC Representative (Member-only)</a>
              to join the group using
              the <a href="">join

              <li>And then ask your <a href="">AC
              Representative (Member-only)</a> to nominate you as an official participant using
              the <a href="">nomination


              When you have joined the group, you will also be automatically
              subscribed to the group's Member-only mailing list.

              See the 
              <a href="">
                Instructions for joining the Web and TV Interest Group
              for the details of the participation procedure.

            <p>If you do not work for a W3C Member organization, please first
            consider whether your employer
            can <a href="">join W3C</a> and
            <a href="">get the
            benefits of Membership</a>.</p>

            <p>If that is not an option and you think that you have the expertise
            and availability to participate, please contact the W3C Staff Contacts,
            <a href="">Kaz Ashimura</a>
            and <a href="">Francois Daoust</a>.

            <h2 id="communication">Communication</h2>

            <h3 id="mailinglists">Mailing-lists</h3>
              As the<a href="">Web and
              TV IG Charter</a> says, this group primarily conducts its technical
              work on the public mailing list at
              &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;
              (<a href="">archive</a>).
              To join the list, see <a href="">W3C mailing
              list and archive usage guidelines</a> and send an email with a subject
              of "subscribe" to
              &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;.

            <p>There is also a W3C Member-only list at
            &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;
            (<a href="">archive</a>),
            that is used for administrative purposes (f2f meeting planning,
            telephone conference agenda, etc.) and may be used for sharing
            sensitive information if needed.

              Typically, participation in Face-to-face meetings and telephone
              conferences is open just to W3C Members and Invited Experts.

            <h3 id="tools">Tools</h3>

            <p>The Web and TV Interest Group uses the following tools:</p>
              <dd><a href=""></a></dd>
              <dd>(read: public,  write: official group participants)</dd>
              <dd>Describes task forces, ongoing works, draft documents produced by the group and other working material.</dd>

              <dd><a href=""></a></dd>
              <dd>(read: public,  write: official group participants)</dd>
              <dd>Tracks issues and actions within the group to monitor progress</dd>
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      <hr />

<a href="">François Daoust</a> &amp;
<a href="">Kaz Ashimura</a>, Web and TV Activity Leads

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