list_mod.h 15 KB
 * \file scot/list_mod.h
 * \author  Georg Steffers <>
 * \brief   Templates of functions to modify typesafe lists.
 * Here are macro definitions that create functions to modify typesafe
 * lists. That is read, write, insert, delete a.s.f.
 * Normally the macros defined here will be never called directly but only
 * via MACROS that group them in a sensefull way in scot/list_impl.h.\n
 * \anchor onlyfunc_mod
 * \attention
 * All documentation here does document the functions that are created by
 * the macros, as the macros themself are pretty easy and all used the same.
 * They are called with a type, that MUST be one word (use typedef if needed)
 * and generates the function defined with their value.
 * Copyright (C)2006    Georg Steffers <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
#ifndef  LIST_MOD_H
#define  LIST_MOD_H

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <scot/list_impl.h>
#include <scot/memory.h>			/* because we use functions from there */

 * \internal
 * \param   node     a list_[type]_node_t* that should be checked for
 *                   beeing an anchor.
 * \param   line     the line where this MACRO is called.
 * \pre              a variable of type list_<type>_node_t* must exist.
 * \return           the code fragment
 * \post             None
 * \brief check for anchor.
 * This checks if the given \a node is an anchor. If not it calls
 * LIST_ERROR, which either raises an exception if exceptions are user
 * or otherwise prints out an error message to stderr and aborts the 
 * program.
#define  MOD_NODE_NO_ANCHOR_ERROR(node, line)                        \
      if ((node->e) != NULL)                                         \
         LIST_ERROR ("list_mod.h", (line), NODE_NO_ANCHOR_ERR);

 * \attention
 * Only the generated function is explained here, for the reason look
 * \ref onlyfunc_mod "here".
 * \param   node     A pointer to a node in the list.
 * \pre              The \a node must be part of a correctly 
 *                   initialized list.
 * \return           The element saved in the node.
 * \post             None
 * \brief Retrive element from node.
 * This function retrieves the element from a node of a list.
#define  GEN_LIST_RETRIVE(type)                                      \
   STATIC                                                            \
   type *                                                            \
   list_ ## type ## _retrive (list_ ## type ## _node_t *node)        \
   {                                                                 \
      LIST_EXC_START                                                 \
         LIST_CHECK_NULL (node, "list_mod.h", 18);                   \
      LIST_EXC_END ("list_mod.h", 19, LIST_RETR_ERR);                \
      return (type *) node->e;                                       \

 * \attention
 * Only the generated function is explained here, for the reason look
 * \ref onlyfunc_mod "here".
 * \param   node     A pointer to a node in the list.
 * \param   e        A pointer to a variable of the \a type, the
 *                   list was created for.
 * \pre              The \a node must be part of a correctly 
 *                   initialized list. \a e must not be NULL.
 * \return           Nothing
 * \post             The element of \a node is \a e.
 * \brief Set element od node.
 * This function sets the element from a node of a list.
#define  GEN_LIST_SET(type)                                          \
   STATIC                                                            \
   void                                                              \
   list_ ## type ## _set (                                           \
         list_ ## type ## _node_t   *node,                           \
         const type                 *e)                              \
   {                                                                 \
      LIST_EXC_START                                                 \
      {                                                              \
         LIST_CHECK_NULL (node, "list_mod.h", 33);                   \
         LIST_CHECK_NULL (e, "list_mod.h", 34);                      \
      }                                                              \
      LIST_EXC_END ("list_mod.h", 36, LIST_SET_ERR);                 \
      node->e = e;                                                   \

 * \attention
 * Only the generated function is explained here, for the reason look
 * \ref onlyfunc_mod "here".
 * \param   node     A pointer to a node in the list.
 * \param   e        A pointer to a variable of the \a type, the
 *                   list was created for.
 * \pre              The \a node must be part of a correctly 
 *                   initialized list.
 *                   \a e must not be NULL.
 * \return           The node of the inserted element.
 * \post             List has one new node containing \a e.
 * \brief Inserts a new node with element \a e into the list.
 * This function creates a new list node and initializes it with
 * \a e. Then this new node will be inserted behind \a node.
#define  GEN_LIST_INSERT(type)                                       \
   STATIC                                                            \
   list_ ## type ## _node_t *                                        \
   list_ ## type ## _insert (                                        \
         list_ ## type ## _node_t   *node,                           \
         const type                 *e)                              \
   {                                                                 \
      list_ ## type ## _node_t   *ret;                               \
      LIST_EXC_START                                                 \
      {                                                              \
         list_ ## type ## _node_t   *new_node;                       \
         LIST_CHECK_NULL (node, "list_mod.h", 54);                   \
         LIST_CHECK_NULL (e, "list_mod.h", 55);                      \
         new_node = (list_ ## type ## _node_t *)                     \
            LIST_MALLOC (sizeof (list_ ## type ## _node_t),          \
                  "list_mod.h", 58);                                 \
         new_node->e       = e;                                      \
         new_node->prev    = node;                                   \
         new_node->next    = node->next;                             \
         node->next->prev  = new_node;                               \
         node->next        = new_node;                               \
         ret = new_node;                                             \
      }                                                              \
      LIST_EXC_END ("list_mod.h", 69, LIST_INSERT_ERR);              \
      return ret;                                                    \

 * \attention
 * Only the generated function is explained here, for the reason look
 * \ref onlyfunc_mod "here".
 * \param   node     A pointer to a node in the list.
 * \pre              The \a node must be part of a correctly 
 *                   initialized list.
 * \return           The next node behind the deleted one.
 * \post             The \a node is removed from the list and
 *                   freed.
 * \brief Deletes a new node with element \a e into the list.
 * This function deletes a node from the list it is in. The node
 * will be freed but by default NOT the element. Anyway, one can set
 * a free function for elements of the list. This should free any
 * resource the element has reserved.
 * This function can be set with 
 * \link list_man.h::GEN_LIST_SET_ELEM_FREE 
 * list_[type]_set_elem_free ()\endlink
 * and if set, is called by list_[type]_delete(). If such a function
 * was set and one wants to reset to default behaviour (not to delete any
 * element) one can pass NULL to \link list_man.h::GEN_LIST_SET_ELEM_FREE
 * list_[type]_set_elem_free ()\endlink.
#define  GEN_LIST_DELETE(type)                                       \
   STATIC                                                            \
   list_ ## type ## _node_t *                                        \
   list_ ## type ## _delete (list_ ## type ## _node_t  *node)        \
   {                                                                 \
      type                       *e;                                 \
      list_ ## type ## _node_t   *prev,                              \
                                 *next;                              \
      LIST_EXC_START                                                 \
      {                                                              \
         if (list_ ## type ## _isempty (node))                       \
            LIST_WARNING ("list_mod.h", 86, DEL_ON_EMPTY_LIST_WRN);  \
         e = (type *) node->e;                                       \
         prev        = node->prev;                                   \
         next        = node->next;                                   \
         prev->next  = next;                                         \
         next->prev  = prev;                                         \
         if (list_ ## type ## _elem_free != NULL && e != NULL)       \
            list_ ## type ## _elem_free (e);                         \
         SCOT_MEM_FREE (node);                                       \
      }                                                              \
      LIST_EXC_END ("list_mod.h", 101, LIST_DELETE_ERR);             \
      return next;                                                   \

 * \attention
 * Only the generated function is explained here, for the reason look
 * \ref onlyfunc_mod "here".
 * \param   anchor1  A pointer to the first list anchor.
 * \param   anchor2  A pointer to the second list anchor.
 * \pre              Both, \a anchor1 and \a anchor2 must be
 *                   valid list_anchors.
 * \return           The anchor of the new concatenated list.
 * \post             A new list was created that contains both
 *                   given lists. The anchor of at least one of the
 *                   given lists is no longer valid and should no
 *                   longer be used. In fact only the returned
 *                   anchor is garantied to point to a valid list.
 * \brief Concatenates two lists.
 * This function joins the given two list to one. This will be done
 * partly destructive...that is, at least one of the old anchors
 * will be deleted.
#define  GEN_LIST_CONCAT(type)                                       \
   STATIC                                                            \
   list_ ## type ## _node_t *                                        \
   list_ ## type ## _concat (                                        \
         list_ ## type ## _node_t   *anchor1,                        \
         list_ ## type ## _node_t   *anchor2)                        \
   {                                                                 \
      LIST_EXC_START                                                 \
      {                                                              \
         LIST_CHECK_NULL (anchor1, "list_mod.h", 115);               \
         MOD_NODE_NO_ANCHOR_ERROR (anchor1, 116);                    \
         LIST_CHECK_NULL (anchor2, "list_mod.h", 117);               \
         MOD_NODE_NO_ANCHOR_ERROR (anchor2, 118);                    \
      }                                                              \
      LIST_EXC_END ("list_mod.h", 120, LIST_CONCAT_ERR);             \
      if (list_ ## type ## _isempty (anchor1))                       \
         return anchor2;                                             \
      if (list_ ## type ## _isempty (anchor2))                       \
         return anchor1;                                             \
      anchor2->next->prev  = anchor1->prev;                          \
      anchor2->prev->next  = anchor1;                                \
      anchor1->prev->next  = anchor2->next;                          \
      anchor1->prev        = anchor2->prev;                          \

 * \param   type     the datatype that this list code should handle.
 * \pre              Type must be a single word typename. If one wants
 *                   to use e.g. lists of structs one has to use typedef
 *                   to create a single word type name like this:
 *                   typedef struct mystruct_t mystruct_t;
 * \return           Nothing
 * \post             The functions for the given datatype that are described
 *                   here are generated within the calling build file.
 * \brief create functions neccesary to modify lists of the given \a type.
 * Normally this is not called directly, but by GEN_LIST_IMPL() because this
 * defines just a subset of all functions neccesarry to handle typesafe lists.
#define  GEN_LIST_MODIFY(type)                                       \
   GEN_LIST_RETRIVE     (type);                                      \
   GEN_LIST_SET         (type);                                      \
   GEN_LIST_INSERT      (type);                                      \
   GEN_LIST_DELETE      (type);                                      \
   GEN_LIST_CONCAT      (type);

#endif   /* LIST_MOD_H */