# # OK, this is not really a parallax... I just want to see my content move # somewhat faster than the background... hey, ho, let's go # window.App ||= {} content_top = content_left = width_delta = height_delta = 0 App.init = -> $('a[href*=\\#]').each -> lpath = location.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') tpath = this.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') if lpath == tpath and location.hostname == this.hostname and this.hash.replace(/#/,'') $targetId = $(this.hash) $targetAnchor = $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) + ']') $target = if $targetId.length $targetId else if $targetAnchor.length $targetAnchor else false if $target targetOffset = $target.offset().top $(this).click -> $("#nav li a").removeClass("active") $(this).addClass('active') $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: targetOffset}, 1000) return false App.scroll = -> v_scroll = $(document).scrollTop() section = Math.floor(v_scroll / $(window).innerHeight()) [section, section+1].forEach (section) -> bg_pos = -((v_scroll-(section*$(window).innerHeight()))/2) section_element = $($(".section")[section]) if section_element and section_element.css("background-image") != "none" content = section_element.find(".content") content.css("display", "none") section_element.css( "background-position", "center " + bg_pos + "px") content.css("display", "block") $(document).on "page:change", -> App.init() $(window).on "scroll", -> App.scroll() # vim: set ts=2 sw=2: