Skills.js 3.13 KB
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Title from './Common/Title';
import Text from './Common/Text';
import './Skills.css';
import me from './images/me.svg';

class Skills extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="content">
        <img src={me} className="watermark" height="600px" alt="" />
        <div id="skills">
          <Title headline="Skills">
              I'm still not sure if I am just lucky that no one notices that I
              lack any kind of useful skill or I am just totally unaware of my
              skills. Anyway, I try to outline some of my abilities here.
          <Text headline="As Computer-Scientist">
              As you might have noticed I am <b>not</b> a brilliant web
              designer.  Well, who cares&hellip;
              I could start with a comprehensive list of things I have done in
              the past, sometimes even usefull in a way, but to be honest this
              list would be long and boring and it would't express very much,
              would it? So if you are really interested just visit my&nbsp;
              <a href="">
                Gitlab server</a>.
              An overview of the projects hosted there can be found on&nbsp;
              <a href="">
                Weird Web Workers</a>.
              If you are really interested in a skill profile look on one of
              my&nbsp;<a onClick={this.props.onClick(4)}>social profiles</a>.
              They might be not bleeding edge, but they are a good starting
              point. If you need to know more just send me a mail.
              In summary, I have done much and I know a little of something
              but the most important skill I have is to learn things I do not
              know right now.
            <pre className="geekcode">{`-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-----
Version: 3.1
GIT/CS/L/P/O d--- s: !a C UL++++ P L+++$ !E--- W+++ N o? K? !w---
!O- !M-- V-- PS+++ PE-- Y+ PGP+ t+ 5+ X R tv- b++ G e h---- r+++
------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------`}</pre>
          <Text headline="As Dad">
              There is absolutely nothing more satisfiable and at the same
              time depressing than trying to be a <i>good</i> dad or mum.
              Whenever you come to the point of giving up your kids do
              something totally amazing and reesteblish your believes. Not to
              talk about the&nbsp;
              <q>I do love you so much, can you please&hellip;</q> face.
          <Text headline="As Humanist">
              I beleave to have understood the biggest problem in modern
              society <i>(money, btw.)</i> and still think about the best way
              to transport this idea to the masses.

export default Skills;
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