
  • The API doc can be found here.
  • See the latest coverage report here.



The public API consists of several preprocessor macros and some functions. When you look through the code you will find other symbols (functions or macros) which might seem useful. Here I try to focus on the neccessaties for using the library.

function-like macros - class creation

  • TR_CLASS(name): Declare a new class.
  • TR_CREATE_CLASS(name, parent, ...): Create a new class.
  • TR_EXTENDS(parent): Extend another class

function-like macros - class information

  • TR_GET_CLASS(object): Get the class of the given object.
  • TR_HAS_PARENT(class): Check if the class extends another class.
  • TR_IS_OBJECT(obj): Check that the given pointer is really an instance of a class.
  • TR_INSTANCE_OF(class, obj): Check that the given obj is an instance of class.

function-like macros - interface selector helper

  • TR_CALL(object, iface, method, ...): Call the interface implementation of the class or one of the parent classes of object.
  • TR_RETCALL(object, iface, method, ret, ...): Same as TR_CALL but with return value.
  • TR_PARENTCALL(object, iface, method, ...): Directly call the implementation within the parent class.

function-like macros - interface creation

  • TR_INTERFACE(name): Declare a new interface.
  • TR_CREATE_INTERFACE(name, nfunc): Create the new interface.
  • TR_INIT_IFACE(name, ...): Create an interface implementation and assign functions to it.
  • TR_IF(name): Convenience for getting an interface implementation by name. Used when assigning an interface to a class.

function-like macros for the class interface

The various constructor and destructors are also assigned to an interface. The is the only interface every class MUST have so that instances can be created and destroyed. At least a constructor and a destructor must be assigned to this interface. The following selectors then utilize the interface to create and destroy instances.

  • TR_new(class, ...): Create a new instance of a class with a variable argument list for the constructor interface.
  • TR_newv(class, args): Same as TR_new but accepts a va_list* for the constructor arguments.
  • TR_delete(object): Destroy an instance.
  • TR_clone(object): Call an constructor that accepts another instance to create a clone from this instance.

selector functions subject/observer interface

These are in fact two interfaces that can be used to implement the subject/observer design pattern.

  • TR_subjectAttach(Subject, Observer): Add an observer to a subject. The concrete implementation has to take care of memory management etc.
  • TR_subjectDetach(Subject, Observer): Remove an observer from a subject.
  • `TR_notify(Subject):* Notify all registered observer of an event.
  • TR_observerUpdate(Observer, Subject): This must be called in TR_subjectNotify to inform a registered observer of an event.

selector functions indexable interface

  • TR_getIndex(Indexable): Get a unique index of an instance. How this is created is subject of the concrete implementation.

selector functions

  • TR_serializedSize(Serializable): Get the size of the serialized instance.
  • TR_serialize(Serializable, unsigned char * serialized): Serialize the instance into the serialized buffer. The buffer has to be large enough to hold the serialized instance.
  • TR_unserialize(Serializable, const unsigned char * serialized, size_t ssize): Initialize the instance with the serialized data stored in serialized.

memory management - functions

  • void * TR_malloc(size_t):
  • void * TR_calloc(size_t, size_t):
  • void * TR_reference(void *):
  • size_t TR_getSize(void *):
  • void TR_cleanup():

memory management - macros

  • TR_MEM_FREE(seg):