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tools/i3task 1.53 KB
Georg Hopp authored
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alias i3active='task i3active 2>/dev/null | sed '\''4!d'\'''
alias i3next='task i3next 2>/dev/null | sed '\''4!d'\'''
alias i3overdue='task i3overdue 2>/dev/null | sed '\''4!d'\'''
alias odcnt='task overdue 2>/dev/null | sed '\''$!d;s/task.*/overdue/'\'''

function i3odcnt() {
	echo "\"color\":\"#FF0000\",\"full_text\":\"$(odcnt)\""

function i3tasko() {
	_i3print "$(i3overdue)"

function i3task() {
	local TASK="$(i3active)"

	test -z "${TASK}" && TASK="$(i3next)"

	_i3print "${TASK}"

function _taskdate() {
	local TDATE

	TDATE="$(echo "${1}" | sed 's/^\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\).*/\3-\2-\1/')"
	test "${TDATE}" == "${1}" && TDATE="3000-12-12"
	echo "${TDATE}"

function _taskmsg() {
	echo "${1}" | sed 's/^[0-9.]* *//'

function _taskcol() {
	local ACTIVE_COL="#4040FF"
	local ONEDAY_COL="#FFFF00"
	local OVERDUE_COL="#FF0000"
	local COLOR="#00FF00"

	test "$(i3active)" == "${1}" && {
		echo "${ACTIVE_COL}"

	# add one day to due date as the due date has also 24 hours
	local DUE=$(($(date -d "$(_taskdate "${1}")" +%s)+(24*60*60)))
	local NOW=$(date +%s)

	test ${DUE} -le $((${NOW}+(24*60*60))) && COLOR="${ONEDAY_COL}"
	test ${DUE} -le ${NOW} && COLOR="${OVERDUE_COL}"

	echo "${COLOR}"

function _i3print() {
	printf "\"color\":\"%s\",\"full_text\":\"%s\"" \
		"$(_taskcol "${1}")" \
		"$(_taskmsg "${1}")"

test "X$(basename -- "$0")" = "Xi3task" && i3task "$@"
test "X$(basename -- "$0")" = "Xi3overdue" && i3tasko "$@"
test "X$(basename -- "$0")" = "Xi3odcnt" && i3odcnt "$@"

# vim: set ft=sh ts=4 sw=4: