usage: ./ [-d delimiter [-o {t|a}]] [-t {m|f|o}] [-p path] [-e encoder] [-c cddb-entry] [-h] -d : A single character delimiting trackname from artistname with sampler cds -o : specifies if theres the track or the artist first Must be: t for titel first or a for artist first If there is none specified t is assumed -t : you can specify either m for encoding to mp3 using lame, or f for making lossless encoding using flac, or o for making ogg/vorbis, or w for uncompressed wav. Omitting this results in encoding to flac. mp3s will be placed under a subfolder mp3 and flacs under a subfolder flac -p : specifies the path to save the encoded data. Defaults to the users home directory. -e : specifies the mp3 encoder to use. valid encoders are actually: lame,bladeenc Defaults to lame. -c : specifies the CDDB-Entry to use. sometimes there is more than 1 entry for a cd in cddb. Then you can specify wich one to use by this option. You can checkout all entries using -h : Shows this help.