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Membership Agreements for organizations based in Australia, the Americas, and Asia (outside of Japan and Korea) are processed by MIT in the United States. </p> <h2 id="contact">Contact</h2> <div class="vcard lPadding"> <div> <abbr title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology" class="fn org">W3C/MIT</abbr> </div> <div class="adr"> <span class="street-address">32 Vassar Street</span> <br /> <span class="extended-address">Room 32-G515</span> <br /> <span class="locality">Cambridge</span>, <abbr title="Massachusetts" class="region">MA</abbr> <span class="postal-code">02139</span> <strong class="country-name">USA</strong> </div> </div> <div class="data spec"> <table><tr><th rowspan="1" colspan="1"></th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Who</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Email</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Telephone</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Fax</th></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">General</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"> <a href="+1.617.253.2613" class="tel">+1.617.253.2613</a> </td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"> <a href="+1.617.258.5999" class="tel">+1.617.258.5999</a> </td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Membership,<br /> Administration</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"> <a href="http://www.w3.org/People/all#susan" class="fn url">Susan Westhaver</a> </td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"> <a href="mailto:susan@w3.org" class="email">susan@w3.org</a> </td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"> <a class="tel" href="tel:+1.617.253.7970">+1.617.253.7970</a> </td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Member Relations</td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"> <a href="/People/all#karen" class="fn url">Karen Myers</a> </td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"> <a href="mailto:karen@w3.org" class="email">karen@w3.org</a> </td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"> <a class="tel" href="tel:+1.617.253.5509">+1.617.253.5509</a> </td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"></td></tr></table> </div> <h2 id="agreements">Where to Send Membership Agreements</h2> <p>Please send signed W3C Membership Agreements to:</p> <p> <a name="ma-mit" id="ma-mit" href="join">Susan Westhaver</a> <br /> MIT/CSAIL<br/> World Wide Web Consortium<br/> 32 Vassar Street<br/> Building 32-G514 Cambridge, MA 02139 USA </p> <h2 id="wire">Wire Payments</h2> <p>For information about wire payments to MIT for W3C Membership, please send email to billing-mit@w3.org.</p> <h2 id="directions">How to Get to W3C/MIT</h2> <ul><li> <a href="#Public">By public transport</a> </li><li> <a href="#Driving">Driving from Logan Airport</a> </li><li> <a href="#Driving1">Driving from the Mass. Pike (Route 90)</a> </li></ul> <p class="tPadding">The World Wide Web Consortium offices are on the fifth floor of the building. See <a href="http://maps.yahoo.com/map?q1=%20Cambridge,%20MA%2002139%20us&mag=5&ard=1#mvt=m&lat=42.361924&lon=-71.091595&mag=3&q1=32%20vassar%20st%2C%20Cambridge%2C%20MA%2002139%20us">online map of MIT-CSAIL location</a> </p> <h3 id="Public">By Public transport</h3> <p>CSAIL is two blocks from the Kendall Square "T" (subway) station on the Red Line. When you come to the surface, walk down Main Street so as to leave the Marriott Hotel behind you on your right. At the second set of traffic lights you will see a most remarkable building, the <a href="http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=32&Buildings=go">Stata Center</a>, on your left. Enter under the green awning facing the corner of Vassar and Main Streets. Take elevator to 5th floor and exit to right.</p> <h3 id="Driving">Driving from Logan Airport</h3> <p>From Logan Airport, go through the Sumner Tunnel. At the Boston end of the tunnel, follow the signs to Storrow Drive. You will re-enter an underground roadway. Once on Storrow Drive, the exit for Cambridge is the first LEFT LANE EXIT up a ramp. Once on the ramp, get in the right lane. At the end of the overpass there is a set of lights, take a right onto the Longfellow Bridge.</p> <p>Go over the bridge, crossing the Charles River, and stay in the left lane. Pass the Marriott Hotel on your left, and take the first left turn onto Ames St. Go one block, noting the public parking garage on your left. At the traffic signal take a right onto Main Street. Proceed one block to the <a href="http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=32&Buildings=go">Stata Center</a> which is on your left. Metered parking (for 2 hours) can sometimes be found on Main Street. If you cannot find on-street parking, return to the garage on Ames St. Enter the Stata Center under the green awning facing the corner of Vassar and Main Streets. Take elevator to 5th floor and exit to right. If you have any problems please call 253-5851.</p> <p>*Please Note: When leaving Logan Airport, it is possible that the left lane leading to the Sumner Tunnel will be blocked. Traffic will be forced to go north. Don't panic! Get off at the first exit and follow traffic under the highway and get back on to highway going south to the Sumner Tunnel.</p> <h3 id="Driving1">Driving from the Mass. Pike (Interstate 90)</h3> <p>Coming from the West, proceed through the Exit 15 tolls towards Boston. Look for signs marked Cambridge/Allston/Brighton. Take Exit 18 which is a left lane exit with a toll booth. The toll is $1. From the toll booth take the right lane down the ramp. At the end of the ramp is a very congested intersection. There are two sets of lights. The first set is at the bottom of the ramp. The second is at the intersection before the bridge (these two lights are about 50 feet apart). It is important to stay to the right, but not too far right or you will be forced to turn right on to Soldiers Field Road/Storrow Drive. So try to use the center lane once off the ramp. Your objective is to cross the bridge in front of you. Once on the bridge stay to the center. Proceed straight onto River Street and go about 0.6 miles to Massachusetts Avenue, at Central Square. Turn right onto Mass. Ave. Go about 0.2 miles to Main Street, which will be a shallow left turn. Proceed about 0.5 miles to the intersection of Vassar Street (on your right) and Galileo Gallilei Way (on your left). We are in the <a href="http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=32&Buildings=go">Stata Center</a>, hard to the right on Vassar Street. Metered parking (for 2 hours) can sometimes be found on Main Street. If no on-street parking can be found, proceed to the next intersection on Main St, and turn left onto Ames St. There is a public parging garage on your right in the first block. Enter the Stata Center under the green awning facing the corner of Vassar and Main Streets. Take elevator to 5th floor and exit to right. If you have any problems please call 253-5851.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><div id="w3c_footer"> <div id="w3c_footer-inner"> <h2 class="offscreen">Footer Navigation</h2> <div class="w3c_footer-nav"> <h3>Navigation</h3> <ul class="footer_top_nav"><li> <a href="/">Home</a> </li><li> <a href="/standards/">Standards</a> </li><li> <a href="/participate/">Participate</a> </li><li> <a href="/Consortium/membership">Membership</a> </li><li class="last-item"> <a href="/Consortium/">About W3C</a> </li></ul> </div> <div class="w3c_footer-nav"> <h3>Contact W3C</h3> <ul class="footer_bottom_nav"><li> <a href="/Consortium/contact">Contact</a> </li><li> <a accesskey="0" href="/Help/">Help and FAQ</a> </li><li> <a href="/Consortium/sponsor/">Sponsor / Donate</a> </li><li> <a href="/Consortium/siteindex">Site Map</a> </li><li> <address id="w3c_signature"> <a href="mailto:site-comments@w3.org">Feedback</a> (<a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/site-comments/">archive</a>)</address> </li></ul> </div> <div class="w3c_footer-nav"> <h3>W3C Updates</h3> <ul class="footer_follow_nav"><li> <a href="http://twitter.com/W3C" title="Follow W3C on Twitter"> <img src="/2008/site/images/twitter-bird" alt="Twitter" width="78" height="83" class="social-icon" /> </a> <a href="http://identi.ca/w3c" title="See W3C on Identica"> <img src="/2008/site/images/identica-logo" alt="Identica" width="91" height="83" class="social-icon" /> </a> </li></ul> </div> <p class="copyright">Copyright © 2009 W3C <sup>®</sup> (<a href="http://www.csail.mit.edu/"> <acronym title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</acronym> </a>, <a href="http://www.ercim.org/"> <acronym title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics"> ERCIM</acronym> </a>, <a href="http://www.keio.ac.jp/">Keio</a>) <a href="/Consortium/Legal/ipr-notice">Usage policies apply</a>.</p> </div> </div><!-- Generated from data/scripts.php, ../../smarty/{scripts.tpl} --><!-- At the bottom for performance reasons --><div id="w3c_scripts"> <script type="text/javascript" src="/2008/site/js/main" xml:space="preserve"><!-- --></script> </div></body></html>