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This is the main Wiki page for W3C's [ Semantic Web Interest Group] ''Web Schemas'' task force. Amongst other roles, it serves as a public discussion forum for [].

The taskforce chair is R.V.Guha (Google), assisted by [ Dan Brickley]

In scope include collaborations on mappings, tools, extensibility and cross-syntax interoperability. An [ HTML Data] group is nearby (see also [ public-html-data-tf list]); detailed discussion about Web data syntax belongs there.

See the [ charter] for more details. 

The group uses the '''''' mailing list

* See [ archives]
* [ Issue Tracker] (organized into &quot;Feedback on X&quot; products/categories, where Xs are Schemas we're discussing)
* To subscribe, send a message to with Subject: subscribe (see [] for more details).
* If you are new to the W3C community, you will need to go through the [ archive approval] process before your posts show up in the archives.
* To edit this wiki, you'll need a W3C account; these are [ available to all]

Groups who maintain Web Schemas are welcome to use this forum as a feedback channel, in additional to whatever independent mechanisms they also offer.

In particular, the initiative has [ adopted] this group as its primary public feedback forum. Others are invited to do likewise.
Any W3C-related questions, ask Dan Brickley (SWIG chair), c/o

==Discussion Elsewhere==

For background discussion on this group, and W3C's SWIG, the Oct 2011 [ Semantic Link] podcast may be of interest.

The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative has a related task group working on [ Alignment], alongside existing vocabulary collaboration work [ with FOAF].

For there are discussions on various sites (unofficial; this group is the only place monitored by team) :

* [!/search/ on Twitter]
* [ on G+]
* [ tag on Stack Overflow]
* [;Submit=search&amp;t=question]
* [ on Quora]

==Proposals from and for

The following are proposals associated with the vocabulary, or background research on possible topics: 

* [[JobPostingSchema|Job Postings]]
* [[SchemaDotOrgTV| TV extensions]] - initial discussion (see [ announcement]) and a specific proposal: [[TVRadioSchema]]
* [[CVSchemas|Curriculum Vitae (resumé) schemas]]
* [[RealEstate|Real Estate Proposal]]

A separate entry discussed [ Process] as it relates to this group.

Possible future discussions for extensions (proposals welcomed):

* Points of Interest (POIs), collab with W3C group. See [ data model], [ examples], [ latest spec draft].
* Journals / scholarly publishing
* Magazines
* Cultural heritage - libraries, museums, archives. See [ Linked Library W3C group], [ Europeana], [ DPLA], [ LOD-LAM] etc.
* Integration of constructs based on Good Relations, FOAF, Dublin Core, ...
* [ Linked Govt data]
* Software / Apps
* Health/Medicine
* Cars and Vehicles
* ''the relationships between all of these''

==Markup examples==

This group is about vocabulary (schemas) rather than specific markup syntax details. However since syntax specs are evolving in parallel, there are often discussions that need to mix syntax and vocabulary issues.

* from, some [ examples] showing RDFa 1.1 lite versions of's Microdata samples example sites - the following list give concrete examples of sites (testable with [ Google richsnippets tool]):
* TV series - ([;view= Google checker])
* Product -
* Movie -
* Music -
* Events -
* [ Recipe] -</textarea><div class='templatesUsed'>

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