talks-new.css 3.22 KB
 Additional stylings for the talk database output. I try to keep it to the strict minimum, 
 and rely on the common w3c style files instead
 Ivan Herman, W3C
 $Date: 2010/08/29 21:09:49 $

/* This may become unnecessary if the generic styles include something for forms */ {
	padding-bottom: 	1em;
	background-color:	#EAEBEE;
	font-size: 90%;

/* When the listing is generated on a search form, an additional info is put
up on the constraints. A specific styling for that may be used...

p.constraint_notice_title    { margin-bottom:0px !important }
ul.constraint_notice_list    { margin-top:0px !important; padding-top:0px !important }
ul.constraint_notice_list li { padding-left: 1em !important; }

.w3c_events_talks ul.vevent_list .info-wrap p.source a {color: #9A1724 !important;}
.w3c_events_talks h2 {margin-bottom: 0.5em}
.w3c_events_talks .misc {text-align:left; padding:0 5px;margin-left:0}
/* .w3c_events_talks { background: white } */

/* These are necessary because browsers, sometimes, create italic characters for asian 
fonts which is bogus...

cite span:lang(ja), cite:lang(ja)           { font-style:normal }
cite span:lang(zh-hant), cite:lang(zh-hant) { font-style:normal }
cite span:lang(zh-hans), cite:lang(zh-hans) { font-style:normal }
cite span:lang(ko), cite:lang(ko)           { font-style:normal }
cite span:lang(ar), cite:lang(ar)           { font-style:normal }
cite span:lang(hi), cite:lang(hi)           { font-style:normal }

@media print {
	span.details { display: none }

/* These were used for internal pages for team only. Not sure whether this branch is still 
of interest after changing to the new environment on the W3C web site
span.talkComment { display:none; }
.notification    { display:none; }

/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* These are the styles controlling the pop ups for the abstracts */

/* This is the old system, may be obsolete... */
.abstractCaption     { background: #005a9c; }
.captionText         { font-weight: bold; color:white}
.captionCloseText    { font-weight: bold; color:white; text-align: right; padding-right:0.5em;}
.captionCloseText a  { font-weight: bold; color:white; }
.captionText a:hover { color: red }
.closeText           { font-weight: bold; color:white; }
.abstractText        { color: black; }
/* until here.... */

.abstract_link { text-align:left; padding:0 5px;margin-left:0; }
.abstract {
		z-index:    1000;	
		height:     auto;
		font-style: italic;
		background: #FFFFCC;
.abstractTitle {
		background-repeat:   no-repeat;
		background-position: 99% 3px;
		background-image:    none;
		width:               100%;
		color:               black;
		font-weight:         bold;
		display:             inline;
.abstractContent {
		display: inline;
.abstractClick {
		color:        teal;
		cursor:       pointer;
		display:      none;
div.abstract button {
		display: block;
		font-size: 80%;
		height: 2.5em;
		float: right;
		cursor: pointer;
.constraint_notice_title, .constraint_notice_list {
	color: #333333;
	font-size: 80%;

/* Control of the search form page, try to reduce the space among divs */
.search_div         { margin-left:1.5em; margin-top:1em }
.talk_search_form   { margin-bottom: 0px !important }