local.css 8.24 KB
/* $Id: local.css,v 1.1 2008/01/15 02:09:24 eric Exp $ */
/* In-progress working draft artifacts - to be removed eventually */
  .issue	{ background-color: #fdd;
                  font-size: 88% ; }
  .add		{ background-color: #7fff7f }
  .remove	{ background-color: #ff7f7f }
ul.issue	{}
  .issueBlock	{ margin: 1em 4em 1em 2.5em ; /* Top Right Bottom Left */
                  padding: 1ex;
	          /*overflow: auto;*/
                  page-break-inside: avoid ; }
  .issueTopic	{ font-weight: bold ; }

 .todo		{ font-size: 80% ; color: #444 ; }
p.todo		{}

.box     { border: thin solid #888888;
           page-break-inside: avoid ;
           background-color: #F8F8F8 ; padding:1em ;
           margin-left:0 ; margin-right: 2ex; 
           margin-top: 0.1ex ; margin-bottom: 0.1ex ;

/* Misc WD stuff */
span.cvs-id     {color: gray; font-size:80%; display: block; }

/* == General Tag Treatment == */
pre		 { margin: 1em 4em 1em 2.5em ; /* Top Right Bottom Left */
                   padding: 1ex;
                   font-size: 88% ;
	           /*overflow: auto;*/
                   page-break-inside: avoid ; }

/* Tables */
table, td	{ text-align: left; }
table, td, th	{ border-style: solid;
                  border-width: 1px;
                  border-color: black;
                  border-bottom-color: gray;
                  border-right-color: gray; }
table.plain	{ border-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px ; border-collapse: collapse ; }
                  /* cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" style="border-collapse: collapse */

th.major	{ background-color: #005a9c;
                  color: white; }
.subHeading	{ text-align: left;
                  background-color: #CCCCCC; }
th, td		{ padding: 3px; }
td		{ font-size: 85%; }
th a:link	{ text-decoration: none; }
th a:hover	{ background-color:#FFFF99;
                  text-decoration: underline; }

/* == Prototypes == */
pre.prototype	{ background-color:#f7f8ff;
                  border:thin solid #8888aa;
                  margin: 1em 4em 1em 0em ; }
.return, .type	{ color: #177 }

/* == Notes ==  */
 .note		{ margin-left: 2.5em; margin-right: 4ex ; font-size: 85% ; font-style: italic ; }
p.note		{}       /* Makes it appear in FrontPage style list */

/* Definitions */
.defn		{ margin-left:0 ; margin-right: 2ex; 
                  margin-top: 0.1ex ; margin-bottom: 0.1ex ;
                  /*border: double 1px #888888; *//* Buggy */
                  border: thin solid #888888;
                  padding: 1ex 2ex 0.5ex 2ex ; /* top, right, bottom, left */
                  page-break-inside: avoid ;
                  background-color: #F0F8F8 ; }
div.defn p	{ margin-top: 1ex ; margin-bottom: 1.5ex ;}
div.defn ul	{ margin-top: 1ex ; margin-bottom: 1.5ex ; }
@media print	{ .defn { margin: 1em 1em 1em 1em ; } }
span.definedTerm	{font-weight: bold;}

                { border: thin solid #888888;
                  padding: 1ex 2ex 1ex 2ex ; /* top, right, bottom, left */
                  margin: 1em 6em 1em 2em ; 
                  page-break-inside: avoid ;
                  background-color: #F8F8F8 ; }

pre.codeBlock  { font-family:monospace ; page-break-inside: avoid ; 
                 margin: 0 ;
	         margin-right: 2ex ;
                 border: thin solid #888888; }

/* Examples */
pre.data	{ border: thin solid #88AA88;
                  background-color: #E8F0E8;
                  margin: 1em 4em 1em 0em ; }

pre.dataExcerpt	{ border: thin solid #88AA88;
                  background-color: #E8F0E8;
                  margin: 1em 4em 1em 0em ; }
/* Example Queries */
.query          { background-color:#f7f8ff; }
.queryExcerpt   { background-color:#f7f8ff; }
pre.query	{ border:thin solid #8888aa;
                  margin: 1em 4em 1em 0em ; }
/* Example Results */
.result		{ border: thin solid  #888888 ;
                  background-color: #F0F0F0 ; }
pre.resultGraph	{  margin: 0em 0em 0em 0em ; /* Top Right Bottom Left */
                   padding: 0ex;
                   font-size: 100% ;
                   page-break-inside: avoid ; }
pre.resultSet	{  margin: 0em 0em 0em 0em ; /* Top Right Bottom Left */
                   padding: 0ex;
                   font-size: 100% ;
                   page-break-inside: avoid ; }
pre.resultAsk	{  margin: 0em 0em 0em 0em ; /* Top Right Bottom Left */
                   padding: 0ex;
                   font-size: 100% ;
                   page-break-inside: avoid ; }
pre.resultTurtle{  margin: 0em 0em 0em 0em ; /* Top Right Bottom Left */
                   padding: 0ex;
                   font-size: 100% ;
                   page-break-inside: avoid ; }

pre.result	{ margin: 1em 4em 1em 0em ; }

div.result	{ font-family: monospace;
                  margin:  1em 4em 1em 0em ;
                  padding: 1ex ;
                  font-size: 88% ; }
.result table	{ border-collapse: collapse; }
.result table td{ border-width: 1px ;
                  border-color : black ; 
                  font-family: monospace ; font-size: 88% ;
                  empty-cells: show;
                  padding-left: 1ex ; padding-right: 1ex ;
                  text-align: left ; } 
/*  spacing: 0 ;*/
.result table th{ border-width: 1px ;
                  font-family: monospace ; font-size: 88% ;
                  border-color: black ;
                  empty-cells: show;
                  padding-left: 1ex ; padding-right: 1ex ;
                  text-align:center; } 

/* Examples : Algebra */
div.algExample {  border: thin solid #888888;
                  page-break-inside: avoid ;
                  padding:0.5em ; margin:0.5em ;
                  margin-left: 2em ; margin-right: 2em ;
                  font-family:monospace ; }

div.algExample1 { padding:0.5em ; background-color: #F0F0FF ; font-size:88% ; }
div.algExample2 { padding:0.5em ; margin-top: 0.5em ; background-color: #F0FFF0 ; font-size:88% ; }

/* Grammar Mark-up */
.operator	{ color: #3f3f5f;
                  font-size: 88%;
                  text-transform: uppercase; }
.function	{ color: #3f3f5f;
                  font-size: 88%; }

/* Tuned to cope with different browsers behaviours */
div.grammarTable table	{ border-style: solid ;
			  border-width: 1px ;
			  border-color: #AAA ;
			  border-spacing: 0px ; 
			  border-collapse: collapse ; }

div.grammarTable table * { border-left-width: 0px ;
			   border-right-width: 0px ;
			   border-color: #AAA ; } 

div.grammarTable table * tr   { border-top-style: solid ;
			  border-top-width: 1px ;
			  border-top-color: #AAA ; } 

.grammar	{ text-align: left ;
                  vertical-align: top ; }
.token		{ color: #3f3f5f; }
table.FAndOTable .token		{ color: #00c; }
table.FAndOTable .token:visited		{ color: #a0c; }
.gRuleHead	{ font-style: italic ;
                  font-family: monospace ; }
.gRuleBody	{ font-family: monospace ; }
.gRuleLabel	{ font-family: monospace ; }

.code		{ font-family: monospace; font-size: 100%; }
pre.code	{ font-family: monospace; font-size: 100%; margin: 0 ; }

/* Table of Contents */
.toc		{ text-indent: 0; }
DIV.toc UL UL, DIV.toc OL OL {margin-left: 0}
DIV.toc UL UL UL, DIV.toc OL OL OL {margin-left: 1em}
DIV.toc UL UL UL UL, DIV.toc OL OL OL OL {margin-left: 0}
LI.tocline1	{ font-weight: bold}
LI.tocline2	{ font-weight: normal}
LI.tocline4	{ font-style: italic}
/* The border in the following rule crashes NN4 on fonts.html :-(
DIV.subtoc	{ padding: 1em; border: solid black thin; margin: 1em 0;
                  background: #ddd} */
DIV.toc, UL.index, DT { text-align: left; }

/* References to the Rdf Data Model */
span.rdfDM	{ color: #11d; }

/* Truth Table */
  .truth	{ font-family: monospace; }
  .error	{ color: #ff1f1f; }
  table.truthTable td	{ text-align: center; font-family: monospace; }
  table.truthTable th	{ background-color: #dfdfdf; }
  table.truthTable tbody th	{ font-weight: normal; font-family: monospace; }

/* Casting couch^h^h^htable */
table.casting	{ font-size: x-small; }

.castY	{ background-color: #7FFF7F;
                  color: black; }

.castN	{ background-color: #FF7F7F;
                  color: black; }

.castM	{ background-color: white;
                  color: black; }

span.cancast:hover { background-color: #ffa;
                     color: black; }

.SPARQLoperator	{ background-color: #FFFFbf; /* yellow */